Prof. Dr. Jens Volker Kratz †

In Memoriam: Professor Dr. Jens Volker Kratz (1944 – 2024)

Christoph E. Düllmann & Norbert Trautmann
In Memoriam: Jens Volker Kratz (1944–2024)
Radiochim. Acta 112, 289-290 (2024)

Curriculum Vitae

Scientific Career and International Experience
  • 1963-67:
    Study of Chemistry at the University of Mainz, support by the "Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes"
  • 1967:
    Diploma thesis, University of Mainz
  • 1967-71:
    Doctoral thesis, University of Mainz (summa cum laude)
  • 1972-74:
    Postdoctoral fellow, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, UC-Berkeley, USA
  • 1974-82:
    Group leader, nuclear chemistry group, GSI, Darmstadt
  • 1982:
    C4-Professor for Nuclear Chemistry, University of Mainz
  • 1994:
    Guest professor, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
Main Research Fields
  • Heavy-ion reaction mechanisms
  • Synthesis and chemical properties of the transactinide elements
  • Study of exotic nuclei in break-up reactions with radioactive beams
  • Migration and speciation of actinides in the environment
  • Laser-Resonance-Ionisation Mass Spectrometry
  • Ultra-cold neutrons at the TRIGA Mainz
  • ca. 310 publications
Service to the Community
  • 1986-1989:
    Member advisory committee “Hadronen und Kernphysik”, BMBF
  • 1976-1986:
    Member users committee, GSI
  • 1984-1994:
    Member (1992-1994 chair), Executive committee, Division of Nuclear Chemistry, GDCh
  • 1991-2001:
    Member low-energy users committee (1997-2001 chair), PSI, Switzerland
  • 1992-2001:
    Titular member, IUPAC Analytical Chemistry Division
    Commission on Radiochemistry and Nuclear Techniques
  • 1984-2009:
    Member of the Fachbereichsrat, Univ. of Mainz

    • 1991/92 co-chair, member of the senate
    • 1993/94 and 1995/96 chair
    • 1995/96 responsible for the planning and realization of the “Neubau Chemie”
  • 1999-2005:
    Member scientific council, FZ Rossendorf
  • from 1997:
    Editor Radiochimica Acta,
    Referee for several journals, DFG, BMBF, AvH foundation
  • 2001-2006:
    Director Institut für Kernchemie
  • 2006-2009:
    Member and chair of the GSI Users Group Executive Committee UEC
  • 2002-2011:
    Member of the Graduiertenkolleg GRK 826
  • from 2009:
    IUPAC fellow
  • from 2011:
    Scientific consultant of the Advanced Science Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Tokai
  • 2010-2012:
    Author of the textbook “Nuclear and Radiochemistry – Fundamentals and Applications”, 2 Vols., Wiley-VCH, ISBN 978-3-527-32901-4
  • 1972:
    Price of the University of Mainz
  • 1998:
    Otto-Hahn price
  • 2006:
    GSI Exotic Nuclei Community Membership Award
Outreach activities
  • Regular excursions with students to GSI
  • Lectures in schools and special events