
under participation by members of

  • the former Nuclear Chemistry Group at GSI
  • the Superheavy Element Chemistry Group

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M. Au, L. Nies, S. Stegemann, M. Athanasakis-Kaklamanakis, T. E. Cocolios, P. Fischer, P. F. Giesel, J. D. Johnson, U. Köster, D. Lange, M. Mougeot, J. Reilly, M. Schlaich, Ch. Schweiger, L. Schweikhard, F. Wienholtz, W. Wojtaczka, Ch. E. Düllmann & S. Rothe
Production and purification of molecular 225Ac at CERN-ISOLDE
J. Radanal. Nucl. Chem. 334, (2025) 367–379

Niemeyer, T., Mowitz, D., Berndt, S., Beyer, J., Dorrer, H., Düllmann, Ch.E., Göggelmann, A., Hasse, R., Kempf, S., Kieck, T., Kneip, N., Kossert, K., Loria Basto, A.T., Mokry, C., Müller, M., Nähle, O.J., Renisch, D., Runke, J., Studer, D., Takács, M.P., Wendt, K.
Ion implantation of the electron-capture nuclide 55Fe for measurements by means of metallic microcalorimeters
Applied Radiation and Isotopes 218, (2025) art. no. 111693

J. Khuyagbaatar, P. Mosat, J. Ballof, R. A. Cantemir, Ch. E. Düllmann, K. Hermainski, F. P. Heßberger, E. Jäger, B. Kindler, J. Krier, N. Kurz, S. Löchner, B. Lommel, B. Schausten, Y. Wei, P. Wieczorek, and A. Yakushev
Stepping into the Sea of Instability: The New Sub-μ⁢s Superheavy Nucleus 252Rf
Phys. Rev. Lett. 022501 (2025)


Warbinek, J., Rickert, E., Raeder, S., Albrecht-Schönzart, T., Andelic, B., Auler, J., Bally, B., Bender,
M., Berndt, S., Block, M., Brizard, A., Chauveau, P., Cheal, B., Chhetri, P., Claessens, A., de Roubin,
A., Devlin, C., Dorrer, H., Düllmann, C.E., Ezold, J., Ferrer, R., Gadelshin, V., Gaiser, A., Giacoppo,
F., Goriely, S., Gutiérrez, M.J., Harvey, A., Hasse, R., Heinke, R., Heßberger, F.-P., Hilaire, S., Kaja,
M., Kaleja, O., Kieck, T., Kim, E., Kneip, N., Köster, U., Kraemer, S., Laatiaoui, M., Lantis, J.,
Lecesne, N., Loria Basto, A.T., Mistry, A.K., Mokry, C., Moore, I., Murböck, T., Münzberg, D.,
Nazarewicz, W., Niemeyer, T., Nothhelfer, S., Péru, S., Raggio, A., Reinhard, P.-G., Renisch, D.,
Rey-Herme, E., Romans, J., Romero Romero, E., Runke, J., Ryssens, W., Savajols, H., Schneider,
F., Sperling, J., Stemmler, M., Studer, D., Thörle-Pospiech, P., Trautmann, N., Urquiza-González, M.,
van Beek, K., Van Cleve, S., Van Duppen, P., Vandebrouck, M., Verstraelen, E., Walther, T., Weber,
F., Wendt, K.
Smooth trends in fermium charge radii and the impact of shell effects
Nature 634, 1075–1079 (2024)

Chenmarev, S., Blaum, K., Block, M., Cakirli, R.B., Düllmann, C.E., Gutiérrez, M.J., Nagy, S.,
Renisch, D.
Masses of transuranium nuclides measured with the PI-ICR technique at TRIGA-Trap
Eur. Phys. J. A 60, art. no. 204 (2024)

A. Yakushev, J. Khuyagbaatar, Ch. E. Düllmann, M. Block, R. A. Cantemir, D. M. Cox, D. Dietzel, F. Giacoppo, Y. Hrabar, M. Iliaš, E. Jäger, J. Krier, D. Krupp, N. Kurz, L. Lens, S. Löchner, Ch. Mokry, P. Mošať, V. Pershina, S. Raeder, D. Rudolph, J. Runke, L. G. Sarmiento, B. Schausten, U. Scherer, P. Thörle-Pospiech, N. Trautmann, M. Wegrzecki and P. Wieczorek
Manifestation of relativistic effects in the chemical properties of nihonium and moscovium revealed by gas chromatography studies
Front. Chem. 12, 1474820 (2024)

Khuyagbaatar, J.
Ternary fission with the emission of long-range 𝛼 particles in fission of the heaviest nuclei
Phys. Rev. C 109, 034311 (2024)

Musiol, S., Harris, C.P., Gschwendtner, S., Burrell, A., Amar, Y., Schnautz, B., Renisch, D., Braun, S.C., Haak, S., Schloter, M., Schmidt-Weber, C.B., Zielinski, C.E., Alessandrini, F.
The impact of high-salt diet on asthma in humans and mice: Effect on specific T-cell signatures and microbiome
Eur. J. Allergy. Clinic. Imm. 79, 1844 (2024)

Arrowsmith-Kron, G., Athanasakis-Kaklamanakis, M., Au, M., Ballof, J., Berger, R., Borschevsky, A., Breier, A.A., Buchinger, F., Budker, D., Caldwell, L., Charles, C., Dattani, N., de Groote, R.P., DeMille, D., Dickel, T., Dobaczewski, J., Düllmann, Ch.E., Eliav, E., Engel, J., Fan, M., Flambaum, V., Flanagan, K.T., Gaiser, A.N., Garcia Ruiz, R.F., Gaul, K., Giesen, T.F., Ginges, J.S.M., Gottberg, A., Gwinner, G., Heinke, R., Hoekstra, S., Holt, J.D., Hutzler, N.R., Jayich, A., Karthein, J., Leach, K.G., Madison, K.W., Malbrunot-Ettenauer, S., Miyagi, T., Moore, I.D., Moroch, S., Navratil, P., Nazarewicz, W., Neyens, G., Norrgard, E.B., Nusgart, N., Pašteka, L.F., Petrov, A.N., Plaß, W.R., Ready, R.A., Pascal Reiter, M., Reponen, M., Rothe, S., Safronova, M.S., Scheidenerger, C., Shindler, A., Singh, J.T., Skripnikov, L.V., Titov, A.V., Udrescu, S.-M., Wilkins, S.G., Yang, X.
Opportunities for fundamental physics research with radioactive molecules
Rep. Prog. Phys. 87, 084301 (2024)

Lantis, J., Claessens, A., Münzberg, D., Auler, J., Block, M., Chhetri, P., Düllmann, Ch.E., Ferrer, R.,
Giacoppo, F., Gutiérrez, M.J., Ivandikov, F., Kaleja, O., Kieck, T., Kim, E., Laatiaoui, M., Lecesne, N.,
Manea, V., Nothhelfer, S., Raeder, S., Romans, J., Romero-Romero, E., De Roubin, A., Savajols, H.,
Sels, S., Stemmler, M., Van Duppen, P., Walther, T., Warbinek, J., Wendt, K., Yakushev, A.,
Zadvornaya, A.
In-gas-jet laser spectroscopy of No-254 with JetRIS
Phys. Rev. Research 6, (2024) 023318

D. Dietzel, A. Yakushev, Ch. E. Düllmann
An extended Monte Carlo simulation code for modeling gas chromatography experiments with superheavy elements and their homologs
J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 333, (2024) 3487–3496

Kaja, M., Studer, D., Berg, F., Berndt, S., Düllmann, Ch.E., Kneip, N., Reich, T., Urquiza-González, M., Wendt, K.
Resonant laser ionization of neptunium: investigation on excitation schemes and the first ionization potential
Eur. Phys. J. D 78, (2024) art. no. 50

Christoph E. Düllmann & Norbert Trautmann
In Memoriam: Jens Volker Kratz (1944–2024)
Radiochim. Acta 112, 289-290 (2024)

Schweiger, C., Braß, M., Debierre, V., Door, M., Dorrer, H., Düllmann, Ch.E., Enss, C., Filianin, P., Gastaldo, L., Harman, Z., Haverkort, M.W., Herkenhoff, J., Indelicato, P., Keitel, C.H., Kromer, K., Lange, D., Novikov, Y.N., Renisch, D., Rischka, A., Schüssler, R.X., Eliseev, S., and Blaum, K.
Penning-trap measurement of the Q-value of the electron capture in 163Ho for the determination of the electron neutrino mass
Nature Phys. 20, (2024) 921-927

Tantardini, C., Iliaš, M., Giantomassi, M., Kvashnin, A.G., Pershina, V., Gonze, X.
Generating and grading 34 optimised norm-conserving Vanderbilt pseudopotentials for actinides and super-heavy elements in the PseudoDojo
Computer Physics Communications 295, 109002 (2024)

Iliaš, M., Pershina, V.
Theoretical predictions of properties and adsorption behaviour of a superheavy element Ts and its lighter homolog At, and of their various gas-phase compounds, on hydroxylated quartz surfaces from periodic DFT calculations
Mol. Phys., art. no. e2363408 (2024)

Ryzhkov, A., Pershina, V., Iliaš, M., Shabaev, V.
Reactivity of Ts and At oxides and oxyhydrides with a gold surface from periodic DFT calculations
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 26, 9975-9983 (2024)

Iliaš, M., Pershina, V.
Theoretical predictions of properties and adsorption behaviour of group 1 and 2 elements, including elements 119 and 120, on hydroxylated quartz surfaces from periodic DFT calculations
Mol. Phys., art. no. e2293229 (2024)

Zitzer, G., Tiedau, J., Okhapkin, M.V., Zhang, K., Mokry, C., Runke, J., Düllmann, C.E., Peik, E.
Sympathetic cooling of trapped Th3+ alpha-recoil ions for laser spectroscopy
Phys. Rev. C 109, 033116 (2024)

Khuyagbaatar, J., Cantemir, R.A., Düllmann, C.E., Jäger, E., Kindler, B., Krier, J., Kurz, N., Lommel,
B., Schausten, B., Yakushev, A.
Decay properties of the neutron-deficient isotope 242Es
Phys. Rev. C 109, 034311 (2024)

Smits, O.R., Düllmann, C.E., Indelicato, P., Nazarewicz, W., Schwerdtfeger, P.
The quest for superheavy elements and the limit of the periodic table
Nature Rev. Phys. 6, 86–98 (2024)

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Isaak, J., Savran, D., Pietralla, N., Tsoneva, N., Zilges, A., Eberhardt, K., Geppert, C., Gorges, C., Lenske, H., Renisch, D.
Direct demonstration of the two-phonon structure of the Jπ= 14742 keV- state of Sr-88
Phys. Rev. C 108, L051301 (2023)

Meyer, C.-C., Artes, E., Bender, M., Brötz, J., Düllmann, C.E., Haese, C., Jäger, E., Kindler, B., Lommel, B., Major, M., Rapps, M., Renisch, D., Trautmann, C., Yakushev, A.
Fabrication, swift heavy ion irradiation, and damage analysis of lanthanide targets
Radiochim. Acta 111, 801-815 (2023)

S. Rothe, M. Au, J. Ballof, M. Bissell, M. Bovigny, K. Chrysalidis, B. Crepieux, J. Cruikshank, E. Fadakis, R. Heinke, F. Josa, L. Le, A. Koliatos, E. Piselli, E. Reis,c, V. Samothrakis, M. Schuett, L. Lambert, D. Leimbach, S. Marzari, M. Owen, S. Stegemann, Y. N. Vila Gracia
Targets and ion sources at CERN-ISOLDE — Facilities and developments
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 542, 38-44 (2023)

Au, M., Athanasakis-Kaklamanakis, M., Nies, L., Ballof, J., Berger, R., Chrysalidis, K., Fischer, P., Heinke, R., Johnson, J., Köster, U., Leimbach, D., Marsh, B., Mougeot, M., Reich, B., Reilly, J., Reis, E., Schlaich, M., Schweiger, C., Schweikhard, L., Stegemann, S., Wessolek, J., Wienholtz, F., Wilkins, S.G., Wojtaczka, W., Düllmann, C.E., Rothe, S.
In-source and in-trap formation of molecular ions in the actinide mass range at CERN-ISOLDE
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 541, 375-379 (2023)

Raeder, S., Anđelić, B., Auler, J., Block, M., Chauveau, P., Chhetri, P., Claessens, A., de Roubin, A., Düllmann, C.E., Ferrer, R., Giacoppo, F., Gutiérrez, M.J., Heßberger, F.-P., Ivandikov, F., Kaja, M., Kaleja, O., Kieck, T., Kim, E., Kraemer, S., Laatiaoui, M., Lantis, J., Lecesne, N., Moore, I.D., Mistry, A., Münzberg, D., Nothhelfer, S., Raggio, A., Rey-Herme, E., Rickert, E., Romans, J., Romero-Romero, E., Stemmler, M., Vandebrouck, M., Van Duppen, P., Walther, T., Warbinek, J., Wendt, K.
Opportunities and limitations of in-gas-cell laser spectroscopy of the heaviest elements with RADRIS
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 541, 370-374 (2023)

Au, M., Bernerd, C., Gracia, Y.N.V., Athanasakis-Kaklamanakis, M., Ballof, J., Bissell, M., Chrysalidis, K., Heinke, R., Le, L., Mancheva, R., Marsh, B., Rolewska, J., Schuett, M., Venenciano, T., Wilkins, S.G., Düllmann, C.E., Rothe, S.
Developments at CERN-ISOLDE's OFFLINE 2 mass separator facility for studies of molecular ion beams
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 541, 144-147 (2023)

Claessens, A., Ivandikov, F., Bara, S., Chhetri, P., Dragoun, A., Düllmann, C.E., Elskens, Y., Ferrer, R., Kraemer, S., Kudryavtsev, Y., Renisch, D., Romans, J., Rosecker, V., de Roubin, A., Schumm, T., Van den Bergh, P., Van Duppen, P.
Laser ionization scheme development for in-gas-jet spectroscopy studies of Th+
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 540, 224-226 (2023)

Au, M., Athanasakis-Kaklamanakis, M., Nies, L., Heinke, R., Chrysalidis, K., Köster, U., Kunz, P., Marsh, B., Mougeot, M., Schweikhard, L., Stegemann, S., Vila Gracia, Y., Düllmann, C.E., Rothe, S.
Production of neptunium and plutonium nuclides from uranium carbide using 1.4-GeV protons
Phys. Rev. C 107, (2023) 064604

Ch. E. Düllmann, E. Artes, A. Dragoun, R. Haas, E. Jäger, B. Kindler, B. Lommel, K.-M. Mangold, C.-C. Meyer, C. Mokry, F. Munnik, M. Rapps, D. Renisch, J. Runke, A. Seibert, M. Stöckl, P. Thörle-Pospiech, C. Trautmann, N. Trautmann & A. Yakushev
Advancements in the fabrication and characterization of actinide targets for superheavy element production
J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 332 (2023) 1505-1514

Weber, F., Albrecht-Schönzart, T.E., Allehabi, S.O., Berndt, S., Block, M., Dorrer, H., Düllmann, C.E., Dzuba, V.A., Ezold, J.G., Flambaum, V.V., Gadelshin, V., Goriely, S., Harvey, A., Heinke, R., Hilaire, S., Kaja, M., Kieck, T., Kneip, N., Köster, U., Lantis, J., Mokry, C., Münzberg, D., Nothhelfer, S., Oberstedt, S., Péru, S., Raeder, S., Runke, J., Sonnenschein, V., Stemmler, M., Studer, D., Thörle-Pospiech, P., Tomita, H., Trautmann, N., Van Cleve, S., Warbinek, J., Wendt, K.
Nuclear moments and isotope shifts of the actinide isotopes Cf 249-253 probed by laser spectroscopy
Phys. Rev. C 107, 034313 (2023)

Chenmarev, S., Nagy, S., van de Laar, J.J.W., Blaum, K., Block, M., Düllmann, C.E.
First application of the phase-imaging ion-cyclotron resonance technique at TRIGA-Trap
Eur. Phys. J. A 59, 29 (2023)

Adamczak, A., Antognini, A., Berger, N., Cocolios, T.E., Deokar, N., Düllmann, C.E., Eggenberger, A., Eichler, R., Heines, M., Hess, H., Indelicato, P., Kirch, K., Knecht, A., Krauth, J.J., Nuber, J., Ouf, A., Papa, A., Pohl, R., Rapisarda, E., Reiter, P., Ritjoho, N., Roccia, S., Seidlitz, M., Severijns, N., von Schoeler, K., Skawran, A., Vogiatzi, S.M., Warr, N., Wauters, F.
Muonic atom spectroscopy with microgram target material
Eur. Phys. J. A 59, 15 (2023)
Part of a collection (see below B. Lommel et al., Eur. Phys. J. A 59, 14 (2023))

Lommel, B., Düllmann, C.E., Kindler, B., Renisch, D.
Status and developments of target production for research on heavy and superheavy nuclei and elements
Eur. Phys. J. A 59, 14 (2023)

Såmark-Roth, A., Cox, D.M., Rudolph, D., Sarmiento, L.G., Albertsson, M., Carlsson, B.G., Egido, J.L., Golubev, P., Heery, J., Yakushev, A., Åberg, S., Albers, H.M., Block, M., Brand, H., Calverley, T., Cantemir, R., Clark, R.M., Düllmann, C.E., Eberth, J., Fahlander, C., Forsberg, U., Gates, J.M., Giacoppo, F., Götz, M., Götz, S., Herzberg, R.-D., Hrabar, Y., Jäger, E., Judson, D., Khuyagbaatar, J., Kindler, B., Kojouharov, I., Kratz, J.V., Krier, J., Kurz, N., Lens, L., Ljungberg, J., Lommel, B., Louko, J., Meyer, C.-C., Mistry, A., Mokry, C., Papadakis, P., Parr, E., Pore, J.L., Ragnarsson, I., Runke, J., Schädel, M., Schaffner, H., Schausten, B., Shaughnessy, D.A., Thörle-Pospiech, P., Trautmann, N., Uusitalo, J.
Spectroscopy along flerovium decay chains. III. Details on experiment, analysis, Cn 282, and
spontaneous fission branches
Phys. Rev. C 107, 024301 (2023)

D. M. Cox, A. Såmark-Roth, D. Rudolph, L. G. Sarmiento, R. M. Clark, J. L. Egido, P. Golubev, J. Heery, A. Yakushev, S. Åberg, H. M. Albers, M. Albertsson, M. Block, H. Brand, T. Calverley, R. Cantemir, B. G. Carlsson, Ch. E. Düllmann, J. Eberth, C. Fahlander, U. Forsberg, J. M. Gates, F. Giacoppo, M. Götz, S. Götz, R.-D. Herzberg, Y. Hrabar, E. Jäger, D. Judson, J. Khuyagbaatar, B. Kindler, I. Kojouharov, J. V. Kratz, J. Krier, N. Kurz, L. Lens, J. Ljungberg, B. Lommel, J. Louko, C.-C. Meyer, A. Mistry, C. Mokry, P. Papadakis, E. Parr, J. L. Pore, I. Ragnarsson, J. Runke, M. Schädel, H. Schaffner, B. Schausten, D. A. Shaughnessy, P. Thörle-Pospiech, N. Trautmann, and J. Uusitalo
Spectroscopy along flerovium decay chains. II. Fine structure in odd-A 289Fl
Phys. Rev. C 107, L021301 (2023)

Romero, J., Auranen, K., Block, M., Briscoe, A.D., Eronen, T., Gins, W., Grahn, T., Greenlees, P.T., Illana, A., Julin, R., Joukainen, H., Jutila, H., Khuyagbaatar, J., Krier, J., Leino, M., Louko, J., Luoma, M., Moore, I.D., Mosat, P., Ojala, J., Ortiz-Cortés, A., Pakarinen, J., Papadakis, P., Plaza, A.M., Rahkila, P., Raggio, A., Ruotsalainen, P., Sarén, J., Sandzelius, M., Tolosa-Delgado, A., Uusitalo, J., Zimba, G.
Nuclear Reaction Studies and Prospects for the New MARA-LEB Facility
Acta Phys. Polonica B 16, 4-A12 (2023)

D.Y. Jeung, D.J. Hinde, M. Dasgupta, C. Simenel, E.C. Simpson, K.J. Cook, H.M. Albers, J. Buete, I.P. Carter, Ch.E. Düllmann, J. Khuyagbaatar, B. Kindler, N. Lobanov, B. Lommel, C. Mokry, E. Prasad, J. Runke, C. Sengupta, J.F. Smith, P. Thörle-Pospiech, N. Trautmann, K. Vo-Phuoc, J. Walshe, E. Williams, A. Yakushev
Sequential fission and the influence of 208Pb closed shells on the dynamics of superheavy element synthesis reactions
Phys. Lett. B 837 (2023) 137641

Kotov, A.A., Kozhedub, Y.S., Glazov, D.A., Iliaš, M., Pershina, V., Shabaev, V.M.
Theoretical predictions of properties and adsorption behavior of group 1 and 2 elements, including elements 119 and 120, on the surface of gold from periodic DFT calculations
Chem. Phys. Chem., 24, art. no. e202200680 (2023)

Pershina, V., Iliaš, M.
Theoretical predictions of properties and adsorption behavior of group 1 and 2 elements, including elements 119 and 120, on the surface of gold from periodic DFT calculations
Mol. Phys., art. no. e2237614 (2023)

Ryzhkov, A., Pershina, V., Iliaš, M., Shabaev, V.
A theoretical study of the adsorption behavior of superheavy 7p-elements and their compounds on a surface of gold in comparison with their lighter homologs
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 25, 15362-15370 (2023)

D. Renisch, Ch. E. Düllmann, R. Abrosimov, K. Eberhardt, B. Kindler, B. Lommel, J. Lukacova, C. Mokry, S. Oberstedt, I. Pohjalainen, J. Runke, T. Schwab, C. Sirleaf
Actinide and lanthanide thin-layer developments using a drop-on-demand printing system
EPJ Web of Conferences 285, 04001 (2023)

E. Artes, Ch. E. Düllmann, C.-C. Meyer, D. Renisch
The process of molecular plating and the characteristics of the produced thin films – What we have learned in 60 years and what is still unknown
EPJ Web of Conferences 285, 03001 (2023)

L. Reed, D. Renisch, Ch. E. Düllmann
DICE: Apparatus for Detection of Internal Conversion Electrons
EPJ Web of Conferences 285, 01002 (2023)

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J. Khuyagbaatar
Fission-stability of high-K states in superheavy nuclei
Eur. Phys. J. A 58, 243 (2022)

O. Kaleja, B. Andelic, O. Bezrodnova, K. Blaum, M. Block, S. Chenmarev, P. Chhetri, C. Droese, Ch. E. Düllmann,  M. Eibach, S. Eliseev, J. Even, P. Filianin, F. Giacoppo, S. Götz, Yu. Gusev, M. J. Gutiérrez , F. P. Heßberger, N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki, J. J. W. van de Laar, M. Laatiaoui, S. Lohse, N. Martynova, E. Minaya Ramirez, A. K. Mistry , T. Murböck, Yu. Novikov, S. Raeder, D. Rodríguez , F. Schneider,  L. Schweikhard, P. G. Thirolf, and A. Yakushev
Direct high-precision mass spectrometry of superheavy elements with SHIPTRAP
Phys. Rev. C 106, 054325 (2022)

Felix Weber, Thomas E. Albrecht-Schönzart, Michael Block, Premaditya Chhetri, Christoph E. Düllmann, Julie G. Ezold, Vadim Gadelshin, Alyssa N. Gaiser, Francesca Giacoppo, Reinhard Heinke, Tom Kieck, Nina Kneip, Mustapha Laatiaoui, Christoph Mokry, Steven Nothhelfer, Sebastian Raeder, Jöorg Runke, Fabian Schneider, Joseph M. Sperling, Dominik Studer, Petra Thörle-Pospiech, Norbert Trautmann, and Klaus Wendt
Atomic-structure investigations of neutral einsteinium by laser resonance ionization
Phys. Rev. Research 4, 043053 (2022)

Nina Kneip, Felix Weber, Magdalena A. Kaja, Christoph E. Düllmann, Christoph Mokry, Sebastian Raeder, Jörg Runke, Dominik Studer, Norbert Trautmann & Klaus Wendt
Investigation of the atomic structure of curium and determination of its first ionization potential
Eur. Phys. J. D 76, 190 (2022)

Marvin Gajewski, Wenbing Li, Sebastian Wolf, Walter Hahn, Christoph E. Düllmann, Dmitry Budker, Giovanna Morigi, and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
Fluorescence calorimetry of an ion crystal
Phys. Rev. A 106, 033108 (2022)

Alexander Yakushev, Lotte Lens, Christoph Emanuel Düllmann, Jadambaa Khuyagbaatar, Egon Jäger, Jörg Krier, Jörg Runke, Helena M. Albers, Masato Asai, Michael Block, John Despotopulos, Antonio Di Nitto, Klaus Eberhardt, Ulrika Forsberg, Pavel Golubev, Michael Götz, Stefan Götz, Hiromitsu Haba, Laura Harkness-Brennan, Rolf Dietrich Herzberg, Fritz Peter Heßberger, David Hinde, Annett Hübner, Daniel Judson, Birgit Kindler, Y. Komori, Joonas Konki, Jens Volker Kratz, Nikolaus Kurz, Mustapha Laatiaoui, Susanta Lahiri, Bettina Lommel, Moumita Maiti, Andrew Mistry, Christph Mokry, Ken J. Moody, Yuichiro Nagame, Jon Petter Omtvedt, Philippos Papadakis, Valeria Pershina, Dirk Rudolph, Luis G. Samiento, Tetsuya K. Sato, Matthias Schädel, Paul Scharrer, Brigitta Schausten, Dawn A. Shaughnessy, Jutta Steiner, Petra Thörle-Pospiech, Norbert Trautmann, Kazuaki Tsukada, Juha Uusitalo, Kay-Obbe Voss, A. Ward, M. Wegrzecki, Norbert Wiehl, Elizabeth Williams, Vera Yakusheva and Atsushi Toyoshima
On the Adsorption and Reactivity of Element 114, Flerovium
Front. Chem. 10, 976635 (2022)

J. Khuyagbaatar, H. Brand, Ch. E. Düllmann, F. P. Heßberger, E. Jäger, B. Kindler, J. Krier, N. Kurz, B. Lommel, Yu. Nechiporenko, Yu. N. Novikov, B. Schausten, and A. Yakushev
Search for fission from a long-lived isomer in 250No and evidence of a second isomer
Phys. Rev. C 106, 024309 (2022)

Bronis, A., Heßberger, F.P., Antalic, S., Andel, B., Ackermann, D., Heinz, S., Hofmann, S., Khuyagbaatar, J., Kindler, B., Kojouharov, I., Kuusiniemi, P., Leino, M., Lommel, B., Mann, R., Nishio, K., Popeko, A.G., Streicher, B., Sulignano, B., Uusitalo, J., Venhart, M., Yeremin, A.V.
Decay studies of new isomeric states in 255No
Phys. Rev. C 106, 014602 (2022)

J. Ballof, K. Chrysalidis, Ch. E. Düllmann, V. Fedosseev, E. Granados, D. Leimbach, B. A. Marsh, J. P. Ramos, A. Ringvall-Moberg, S. Rothe, T. Stora, S. G. Wilkins & A. Yakushev
A concept for the extraction of the most refractory elements at CERN-ISOLDE as carbonyl complex ions
Eur. Phys. J. A 58(5), 94 (2022)

Jochen Ballof, Mia Au, Ermanno Barbero, Katerina Chrysalidis, Christoph E Düllmann, Valentin Fedosseev, Eduardo Granados, Reinhard Heinke, Bruce A. Marsh, Michael Owen, Sebastian Rothe, Thierry Stora and Alexander Yakushev
A cold electron-impact ion source driven by a photo-cathode – New opportunities for the delivery of radioactive molecular beams?
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2244, 012072 (2022)

Felix Weber, Christoph Emanuel Düllmann, Vadim Gadelshin, Nina Kneip, Stephan Oberstedt, Sebastian Raeder, Jörg Runke, Christoph Mokry, Petra Thörle-Pospiech, Dominik Studer, Norbert Trautmann, Klaus Wendt
Probing the Atomic Structure of Californium by Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy
Atoms 10, 51 (2022)

Christoph E. Düllmann, Michael Block, Fritz P. Heßberger, Jadambaa Khuyagbaatar, Birgit Kindler, Jens V. Kratz, Bettina Lommel, Gottfried Münzenberg, Valeria Pershina, Dennis Renisch, Matthias Schädel and Alexander Yakushev
Five decades of GSI superheavy element discoveries and chemical investigation
Radiochim. Acta 110, 417-439 (2022)

Ch. E. Düllmann, E. Artes, A. Dragoun, R. Haas, E. Jäger, B. Kindler, B. Lommel, K.-M. Mangold, C.-C. Meyer, C. Mokry, F. Munnik, M. Rapps, D. Renisch, J. Runke, A. Seibert, M. Stöckl, P. Thörle-Pospiech, C. Trautmann, N. Trautmann & A. Yakushev
Advancements in the fabrication and characterization of actinide targets for superheavy element production
J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 313 (2022)

Wenbing Li, Sebastian Wolf, Lukas Klein, Dmitry Budker, Christoph E Düllmann, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
Robust polarization gradient cooling of trapped ions
New J. Phys. 24, 043028 (2022)

Miroslav Iliaš and Valeria Pershina
Reactivity of Group 13 Elements Tl and Element 113, Nh, and of Their Hydroxides with Respect to Various Quartz Surfaces from Periodic Relativistic DFT Calculations
Inorg. Chem. 61, 15910 (2022)

Pershina, V., Iliaš, M.
Reactivity of superheavy elements Cn and Fl and of their oxides in comparison with homologous species of Hg and Pb, respectively, towards gold and hydroxylated quartz surfaces
Dalton Trans. 51, 7321-7332 (2022)

M. Griedel, F. Mantegazzini, A. Barth, E. Bruer, W. Holzmann, R. Hammann, D. Hengstler, N. Kovac, C. Velte, T. Wickenhäuser, A. Fleischmann, C. Enss, L. Gastaldo, H. Dorrer, T. Kieck, N. Kneip, Ch. E. Düllmann, K. Wendt
From ECHo‑1k to ECHo‑100k: Optimization of High‑Resolution Metallic Magnetic Calorimeters with Embedded 163Ho for Neutrino Mass Determination
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 209, (2022) 779-787

Christoph E. Düllmann
The synthetic elements at the end of the periodic table
Nature Synthesis 1, 105–106 (2022)

F.P. Heßberger, S. Antalic, F. Giacoppo, B. Andel, D. Ackermann, M. Block, S. Heinz, J. Khuyagbaatar, I. Kojouharov & M. Venhart
Alpha-gamma decay studies of 247Md
Eur. Phys. J. A 58, 11 (2022)

F.Mantegazzini, A.Barth, H.Dorrer, Ch.E.Düllmann, C.Enss, A.Fleischmann, R.Hammann, S.Kempf, T.Kieck, N.Kovac, C.Velt, M.Wegner, K.Wendt, T.Wickenhäuser, L.Gastaldo
Metallic magnetic calorimeter arrays for the first phase of the ECHo experiment
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 1030, 166406 (2022),

C.-C.Meyer, A.Dragoun, Ch.E.Düllmann, R.Haas, E.Jäger, B.Kindler, B.Lommel, A.Prosvetov, M.Rapps, D.Renisch, P.Simon, M.Tomut, C.Trautmann, A.Yakushev
Chemical conversions in lead thin films induced by heavy-ion beams at Coulomb barrier energies
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 1028, 166365 (2022) ,

S. Nothhelfer, Th. E. Albrecht-Schönzart, M. Block, P. Chhetri, Ch. E. Düllmann, J. G. Ezold, V. Gadelshin, A. Gaiser, F. Giacoppo, R. Heinke, T. Kieck, N. Kneip, M. Laatiaoui, Ch. Mokry, S. Raeder, J. Runke, F. Schneider, J. M. Sperling, D. Studer, P. Thörle-Pospiech, N. Trautmann, F. Weber, and K. Wendt
Nuclear structure investigations of 253−255Es by laser spectroscopy
Phys. Rev. C 105, L021302 (2022)

Michael Götz, Alexander Yakushev, Stefan Götz, Antonio Di Nitto, Christoph E. Düllmann, Masato Asai, Birgit Kindler, Jörg Krier, Bettina Lommel, Yuichiro Nagame, Tetsuya K. Sato, Hayato Suzuki, Tomohiro Tomitsuka, Katsuyuki Tokoi, Atsushi Toyoshima und Kazuaki Tsukada
Application of a novel gas phase synthesis approach to carbonyl complexes of accelerator-produced 5d transition metals
Radiochim. Acta 110, 75–86 (2022)

  • Erratum: Application of a novel gas phase synthesis approach to carbonyl complexes of accelerator-produced 5d transition metals
    Radiochim. Acta 111, 241 (2023)

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Leon Freitag, Alberto Baiardi, Stefan Knecht, and Leticia González
Simplified State Interaction for Matrix Product State Wave Functions
J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2021, 17, 12, 7477–7485

Dominik Wehrli, Matthieu Génévriez, Stefan Knecht, Markus Reiher, and Frédéric Merkt
Charge-Transfer-Induced Predissociation in Rydberg States of Molecular Cations: MgAr+
J. Phys. Chem. A 2021, 125, 31, 6681–6696

Alexander Yakushev, Lotte Lens, Christoph Emanuel Düllmann, Michael Block, Holger Brand, Mahananda Dasgupta, Tom Calverley, Antonio Di Nitto, Michael Götz, Stefan Götz, Hiromitsu Haba, Laura Harkness-Brennan, Rolf-Dietmar Herzberg, Fritz Peter Heßberger, David Hinde, Annett Hübner, Egon Jäger, Daniel Judson, Jadambaa Khuyagbaatar, Birgit Kindler, Yukiko Komori, Joonas Konki, Jens Volker Kratz, Jörg Krier, Nikolaus Kurz, Mustapha Laatiaoui, Bettina Lommel, Christoph Lorenz, Moumita Maiti, Andrew K. Mistry, Christoph Mokry, Yuichiro Nagame, Philippos Papadakis, Anton Såmark-Roth, Dirk Rudolph, Jörg Runke, Luis Gerardo Sarmiento, Tetsuya K. Sato, Matthias Schädel, Paul Scharrer, Brigitta Schausten, Jutta Steiner, Petra Thörle-Pospiech, Atsushi Toyoshima, Norbert Trautmann, Juha Uusitalo, Andrew Ward, Maciej Wegrzecki, Vera Yakusheva
First Study on Nihonium (Nh, Element 113) Chemistry at TASCA
Front. Chem. 9, 753738 (2021)

S. Götz, S. Raeder, M. Block, Ch.E. Düllmann, C.M. Folden III, K.J. Glennon, M. Götz, A. Hübner, E. Jäger, O. Kaleja, J. Khuyagbaatar, B. Kindler, J. Krier, L. Lens, B. Lommel, A.K. Mistry, Ch. Mokry, J. Runke, A. Såmark-Roth, E.E. Tereshatov, P. Thörle-Pospiech, M.F. Volia, A. Yakushev, V. Yakusheva
Rapid extraction of short-lived isotopes from a buffer gas cell for use in gas-phase chemistry experiments
Part II: On-line studies with short-lived accelerator-produced radionuclides
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 507, 27-35 (2021)

J. Khuyagbaatar, H. Brand, R. A. Cantemir, Ch. E. Düllmann, F. P. Heßberger, E. Jäger, B. Kindler, J. Krier, N. Kurz, B. Lommel, B. Schausten, and A. Yakushev
Spontaneous fission instability of the neutron-deficient No and Rf isotopes: The new isotope 249No
Phys. Rev. C 104, L031303 (2021)

K. Banerjee, D.J. Hinde M. Dasgupta, J. Sadhukhan, E.C. Simpson, D.Y. Jeung, C. Simenel, B.M.A. Swinton-Bland, E. Williams, L.T. Bezzina, I.P. Carter, K.J. Cook, H.M. Albers, Ch.E. Düllmann, J. Khuyagbaatar, B. Kindler, B. Lommel, C. Mokry, E. Prasad, J. Runke, N. Schunck, C. Sengupta, J.F. Smith, P. Thörle-Pospiech, N. Trautmann, K. Vo-Phuoc, J. Walshe, A. Yakushev
Sensitive search for near-symmetric and super-asymmetric fusion-fission of the superheavy element Flerovium (Z=114)
Phys. Lett. B 820 (2021) 136601

Krupp, D., Düllmann, Ch.E., Lens, L., Omtvedt, J.P., Yakushev, A., Scherer, U.W.
Speeding up liquid-phase heavy element chemistry: Development of a vacuum to liquid transfer chamber (VLTC)
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A 1011, 165486 (2021)
DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2021.165486

Valeria Pershina, Miroslav Iliaš, and Alexander Yakushev
Reactivity of the Superheavy Element 115, Mc, and Its Lighter Homologue, Bi, with Respect to Gold and Hydroxylated Quartz Surfaces from Periodic Relativistic DFT Calculations:
A Comparison with Element 113, Nh
Inorg. Chem. 60, 9796–9804 (2021)
doi: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.1c01076

Varentsov, V., Yakushev, A.
Fair-wind gas cell for the UniCell setup
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A 1010, 165487 (2021)
DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2021.165487

Khuyagbaatar, J., Brand, H., Cantemir, R.A., Düllmann, C.E., Götz, M., Götz, S., Heßberger, F.P.,
Jäger, E., Kindler, B., Krier, J., Kurz, N., Lommel, B., Schausten, B., Yakushev, A.
Isomeric states in Rf 256
Phys. Rev. C 103, 064303 (2021)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.103.064303

F. P. Heßberger, M. Block, Ch. E. Düllmann, A. Yakushev, M. Leino, and J. Uusitalo
Some Remarks on the Discovery of 244Md
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 182501 (2021)

Krupp, D., Düllmann, Ch.E., Lens, L., Scherer, U.W.
Development of a fast characterization setup for radionuclide generators demonstrated by a
227Ac-based generator
Radiochim. Acta 109, 205–214 (2021)

Götz, M., Götz, S., Kratz, J.V., Ballof J.,Düllmann, Ch.E., Eberhardt, K., Mokry, C., Renisch, D., Runke, J., Sato, T.K., Thörle-Pospiech, P., Trautmann, N., Yakushev, A.
Gas phase synthesis of 4d transition metal carbonyl complexes with thermalized fission fragments in single-atom reactions
Radiochim. Acta 109, 153–165 (2021)

Götz, S., Raeder, S., Block, M., Düllmann, Ch.E., Götz, M., Jäger, E., Kaleja, O., Krier, J., Lens, L., Mistry, A., Mokry, C., Runke, R., Thörle-Pospiech, P., Yakushev, A.
Rapid extraction of short-lived isotopes from a buffer gas cell for use in gas-phase chemistry experiments
Part I: off-line studies with 219Rn and 221Fr
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 995, 165090 (2021)

Herbst, M., Reifenberger, A., Velte, C., Dorrer, H., Düllmann, Ch.E., Enss, C., Fleisch-mann, A., Gastaldo, L., Kempf, S., Kieck, T., Köster, U., Mantegazzini, F., Wendt, K.
Specific heat of holmium in gold and silver at low temperatures
J. Low Temp. Phys. 202 (2021) 106-120

No group related article!
Kasamatsu, Y., Toyomura, K., Haba, H. et al.
Co-precipitation behaviour of single atoms of rutherfordium in basic solutions
Nat. Chem. 13, 226–230 (2021)

Group related News&Views article to the above publication:
A. Yakushev
Probing precipitation properties
Nat. Chem. 13, 213–215 (2021)
⇒ see also here

A. Såmark-Roth, D.M. Cox, D. Rudolph, L.G. Sarmiento, B.G. Carlsson, J.L. Egido, P. Golubev, J. Heery, A. Yakushev, S. Åberg, H.M. Albers, M. Albertsson, M. Block, H. Brand, T. Calverley, R. Cantemir, R.M. Clark, Ch.E. Düllmann, J. Eberth, C. Fahlander, U. Forsberg, J.M. Gates, F. Giacoppo, M. Götz, S. Götz, R.-D. Herzberg, Y. Hrabar, E. Jäger, D. Judson, J. Khuyagbaatar, B. Kindler, I. Kojouharov, J. V. Kratz, J. Krier, N. Kurz, L. Lens, J. Ljungberg, B. Lommel, J. Louko, C.-C. Meyer, A. Mistry, C. Mokry, P. Papadakis, E. Parr, J.L. Pore, I. Ragnarsson, J. Runke, M. Schädel, H. Schaffner, B. Schausten, D.A. Shaughnessy, P. Thörle-Pospiech, N. Trautmann, and J. Uusitalo
Spectroscopy Along Flerovium Decay Chains: Discovery of 280Ds and an Excited State in 282Cn
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 032503 (2021)

See also accompanying Physics Synopsis article by K. Wright on " An Octad for Darmstadtium and Excitement for Copernicium " at
K. Wright, Physics 14 (2021)

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K. Al-Khasawneh, E. Borris, B. Brückner, K. Eberhardt, P. Erbacher, S. Fiebiger, R. Gernhäuser, K. Göbel, T. Heftrich, T. Kisselbach, D. Kurtulgil, C. Langer, M. Reich, R. Reifarth, D. Renisch, B. Thomas, M. Volknandt, and M. Weigand
NICE-Neutron Induced Charged particle Emission
J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1668 (2020) 012021

Cox, D.M., Såmark-Roth, A., Rudolph, D., Sarmiento, L.G., Fahlander, C., Forsberg, U., Golubev, P., Heery, J.A.M., Yakushev, A., Albers, H.M., Block, M., Brand, H., Clark, R.M., Düllmann, Ch.E., Eberth, J., Gates, J.M., Giacoppo, F., Götz, M, Götz, S., Herzberg, R.-D., Jäger, E., Kindler, B., Khuyagbaatar, J., Kojouharov, I., Kratz, J.V., Krier, J., Kurz, N., Lens, L., Lommel, B., Mistry, A., Meyer, C.-C., Mokry, C., Papadakis, P., Pore, J.L., Runke, J., Thörle-Pospiech, P., Trautmann, N., Schaffner, H., Schausten, B., Uusitalo, J.
Spectroscopic tools applied to flerovium decay chains
J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1643 (2020) 012125

J. Khuyagbaatar, A. Yakushev, Ch.E. Düllmann, D. Ackermann, L.-L. Andersson, M. Asai, M. Block, R.A. Boll, H. Brand, D. M. Cox, M. Dasgupta, X. Derkx, A. Di Nitto, K. Eberhardt, J. Even, M. Evers, C. Fahlander, U. Forsberg, J.M. Gates, N. Gharibyan, P. Golubev, K.E. Gregorich, J.H. Hamilton, W. Hartmann, R.-D. Herzberg, F.P. Heßberger, D.J. Hinde, J. Hoffmann, R. Hollinger, A. Hübner, E. Jäger, B. Kindler, J.V. Kratz, J. Krier, N. Kurz, M. Laatiaoui, S. Lahiri, R. Lang, B. Lommel, M. Maiti, K. Miernik, S. Minami, A. K. Mistry, C. Mokry, H. Nitsche, J.P. Omtvedt, G.K. Pang, P. Papadakis, D. Renisch, J.B. Roberto, D. Rudolph, J. Runke, K.P. Rykaczewski, L.G. Sarmiento, M. Schädel, B. Schausten, A. Semchenkov, D.A. Shaughnessy, P. Steinegger, J. Steiner, E.E. Tereshatov, P. Thörle-Pospiech, K. Tinschert, T. Torres De Heidenreich, N. Trautmann, A. Türler, J. Uusitalo, M. Wegrzecki, N. Wiehl, S. M. Van Cleve, and V. Yakusheva
Search for elements 119 and 120
Phys. Rev. C 102, 064602 (2020)

Raphael Haas, Michelle Hufnagel, Roman Abrosimov, Christoph E. Düllmann, Dominik Krupp, Christoph Mokry, Dennis Renisch, Jörg Runke und Ulrich W. Scherer
Alpha spectrometric characterization of thin 233U sources for 229(m)Th production
Radiochim. Acta 108 923–941 (2020)

J. Khuyagbaatar, F. P. Heßberger, S. Hofmann, D. Ackermann, H. G. Burkhard, S. Heinz, B. Kindler, I. Kojouharov, B. Lommel, R. Mann, J. Maurer, and K. Nishio
α decay of 243Fm143 and 245Fm145, and of their daughter nuclei
Phys. Rev. C 102, 044312 (2020)

Matthew Herbst, Andreas Reifenberger, Clemens Velte, Holger Dorrer, Christoph E. Düllmann, Christian Enss, Andreas Fleischmann, Loredana Gastaldo, Sebastian Kempf, Tom Kieck, Ulli Köster, Federica Mantegazzini & Klaus Wendt
Specific Heat of Holmium in Gold and Silver at Low Temperatures
J. Low Temp. Phys. 32 (2020)

Pascal Boller, Alex Zylstra, Paul Neumayer, Lee Bernstein, Christian Brabetz, John Despotopulos, Jan Glorius, Johannes Hellmund, Eugene A. Henry, Johannes Hornung, Justin Jeet, Jadambaa Khuyagbaatar, Lotte Lens, Simon Roeder, Thomas Stoehlker, Alexander Yakushev, Yuri A. Litvinov, Dawn Shaughnessy, Vincent Bagnoud, Thomas Kuehl & Dieter H.G. Schneider
First on‑line detection of radioactive fission isotopes produced by laser‑accelerated protons
Nature Sci. Rep. 10, 17183 (2020)

Sascha Rau, Fabian Heiße, Florian Köhler-Langes, Sangeetha Sasidharan, Raphael Haas, Dennis Renisch, Christoph E. Düllmann, Wolfgang Quint, Sven Sturm & Klaus Blaum
Penning trap mass measurements of the deuteron and the HD+ molecular ion
Nature 555, 43–47 (2020)

J. Khuyagbaatar, H.M. Albers, M. Block, H. Brand, R. A. Cantemir, A. Di Nitto, Ch.E. Düllmann, M. Götz, S. Götz, F.P. Heßberger, E. Jäger, B. Kindler, J. V. Kratz, J. Krier, N. Kurz, B. Lommel, L. Lens, A. Mistry, B. Schausten, J. Uusitalo, A. Yakushev
Search for Electron-Capture Delayed Fission in the New Isotope 244Md
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 142504 (2020)

Tomas Sikorsky, Jeschua Geist, Daniel Hengstler, Sebastian Kempf, Loredana Gastaldo, Christian Enss, Christoph Mokry, Jörg Runke, Christoph E. Düllmann, Peter Wobrauschek, Kjeld Beeks, Veronika Rosecker, Johannes H. Sterba, Georgy Kazakov, Thorsten Schumm, and Andreas Fleischmann
Measurement of the 229Th Isomer Energy with a Magnetic Microcalorimeter
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 142503 (2020)

S. Lohse, J. Berroca, S. Böhland, J. van de Laar, M. Block, S. Chenmarev, Ch. E. Düllmann, Sz. Nagy, J. G. Ramírez, and D. Rodríguez
Quartz resonators for penning traps toward mass spectrometry on the heaviest ions
Review of Scientific Instruments 91, 093202 (2020)

J.Grund, M.Asai, K.Blaum, M.Block, S.Chenmarev, Ch.E.Düllmann, K.Eberhardt, S.Lohse, Y.Nagame, Sz.Nagy, P.Naubereit, J.J.W.van de Laar, F.Schneider, T.K.Sato, N.Sato, D.Simonovski, K.Tsukada, K.Wendt
First online operation of TRIGA-TRAP
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 972, 164013 (2020)

F. Kandzia, G. Belier, C. Michelagnoli, J. Aupiais, M. Barani, J. Dudouet, Ch. E. Düllmann, Ł. W. Iskra, M. Jentschel, Y. H. Kim, U. Köster, A. Turturica
Development of a liquid scintillator based active fission target for FIPPS
Eur. Phys. J. A 56, 207 (2020)

T. Banerjee, D. J. Hinde, D. Y. Jeung, K. Banerjee, M. Dasgupta, A. C. Berriman, L. T. Bezzina, H. M. Albers, Ch. E. Düllmann, J. Khuyagbaatar, B. Kindler, B. Lommel, E. C. Simpson, C. Sengupta, B. M. A. Swinton-Bland, T. Tanaka, A. Yakushev, K. Eberhardt, C. Mokry, J. Runke, P. Thörle-Pospiech, and N. Trautmann
Systematic evidence for quasifission in 9Be−, 12C−, and 16O-induced reactions forming 258,260No
Phys. Rev. C 102, 024603 (2020)

H.M. Albers, J. Khuyagbaatar, D.J. Hinde, I.P. Carter, K.J. Cook; M. Dasgupta, Ch.E. Düllmann, K. Eberhardt, D.Y. Jeung, S. Kalkal, B. Kindler, N.R. Lobanov, B. Lommel, C. Mokry, E. Prasad, D.C. Rafferty, J. Runke, K. Sekizawa, C. Sengupta, C. Simenel, E.C. Simpson, J.F. Smith, P. Thörle-Pospiech, N. Trautmann, K. Vo-Phuoc, J. Walshe, E. Williams, A. Yakushev
Zeptosecond contact times for element Z=120 synthesis
Phys. Lett. B 808 (2020) 135626

Khuyagbaatar, J.
Spontaneous fission half-lives of the heaviest nuclei: Semi-empirical predictions
Nucl. Phys. A 1002 (2020) 121958

Khuyagbaatar, J., Mistry, A., Ackermann, D., Andersson, L.-L., Block, M., Brand, H., Düllmann, Ch.E., Even, J., Hessberger, F.P., Hoffmann, J., Hübner, A., Jäger, E., Kindler, B., Krier, J., Kurz, N., Lommel, B., Schausten, B., Steiner, J., Yakushev, A., Yakusheva, V.
The identification and confirmation of isomeric states in 254Rf and 255Rf through conversion electron detection
Nucl. Phys. A 994 (2020) 121662

Ke Zhang, Dominik Studer, Felix Weber, Vadim M. Gadelshin, Nina Kneip, Sebastian Raeder, Dmitry Budker, Klaus Wendt, Tom Kieck, Sergey G. Porsev, Charles Cheung, Marianna S. Safronova, and Mikhail G. Kozlov
Detection of the Lowest-Lying Odd-Parity Atomic Levels in Actinium
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 073001 (2020)

Haas, R., Kieck, T., Budker, D., Düllmann, Ch.E., Groot-Berning, K., Li, W., Renisch, D., Schmidt-Kaler, F., Stopp, F., Viatkina, A.
Development of a recoil ion source providing slow Th ions including 229(m)Th in a broad charge state distribution
Hyp. Int. 241 (2020) 25

M. Verlinde, K. Dockx, S. Geldhof, K. König, D. Studer, T. E. Cocolios, R. P. de Groote, R. Ferrer, Yu. Kudryavtsev, T. Kieck, I. Moore, W. Nörtershäuser, S. Raeder, P. Van den Bergh, P. Van Duppen & K. Wendt
On the performance of wavelength meters: Part 1—consequences for medium-to-high-resolution laser spectroscopy
Applied Physics B 126, 84 (2020)

Nina Kneip, Christoph E. Düllmann, Vadim Gadelshin, Reinhard Heinke, Christoph Mokry, Sebastian Raeder, Jörg Runke, Dominik Studer, Norbert Trautmann, Felix Weber & Klaus Wendt
Highly selective two-step laser ionization schemes for the analysis of actinide mixture
Hyp. Int. 241 (2020) 104

Haas, R., Meyer, C.-C., Böhland, S., Düllmann, Ch.E., Mäder, J., Tinschert, K.
ODIn - a setup for Off-line Deposit Irradiations of thin layers for nuclear physics applications
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 957 (2020) 163366

R.Heinke, V.Fedosseev, T.Kieck, T.Kron, B.Marsh, S.Raeder, S.Richter, S.Rothe, K.Wendt
Atom beam emersion from hot cavity laser ion sources
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 463 (2020) 449-454

Kaleja, O., Andjelic, B., Blaum, K., Block, M., Chhetri, P., Droese, C., Düllmann, Ch.E., Eibach, M., Eliseev, S., Even, J., Götz, S., Giacoppo, F., Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N., Mistry, A., Murböck, T., Raeder, S., Schweikhard, L.
The performance of the cryogenic buffer-gas stopping cell of SHIPTRAP
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 463 (2020) 280-285

Ballof, J., Ramos, J.P., Molander, A., Johnston, K., Rothe, S., Stora, T., Düllmann, Ch.E.
The upgraded ISOLDE yield database - a new tool to predict beam intensities
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 463 (2020) 211-215

Kallunkathariyil, J.; Sulignano, B.; Greenlees, P. T.; Khuyagbaatar, J.; Theisen, Ch; Auranen, K.; Badran, H.; Bisso, F.; Brionnet, P.; Briselet, R.; Drouart, A.; Favier, Z.; Goigoux, T.; Grahn, T.; Hauschild, K.; Herzan, A.; Hessberger, F. P.; Jakobsson, U.; Julin, R.; Juutinen, S.; Konki, J.; Leino, M.; Lightfoot, A.; Pakarinen, J.; Papadakis, P.; Partanen, J.; Peura, P.; Rahkila, P.; Rezynkina, K.; Ruotsalainen, P.; Sandzelius, M.; Saren, J.; Scholey, C.; Siciliano, M.; Sorri, J.; Stolze, S.; Svirikhin, A., I; Uusitalo, J.; Vandebrouck, M.; Ward, A.; Wraith, C.; Zielinska, M.
Stability of the heaviest elements: K isomer in No-250
Phys. Rev. C 101 (2020) 011301

Ilias, M., Pershina, V.
Carbonyl compounds of Rh, Ir, and Mt: Electronic structure, bonding and volatility
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22, 18681 (2020)

Pershina, Valeria
Relativistic effects on the electronic structure of the heaviest elements. Is the Periodic Table endless?
Comptes Rendus. Chimie 23 (2020) 255

Pershina, Valeria
Relativistic Effects on the Properties of Lr: A Periodic DFT Study of the Adsorption of Lr on Surfaces of Ta in Comparison with Lu and TI
Inorg. Chem. 59 (2020) 5490

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Khuyagbaatar, J.
beta(EC) delayed fission in the heaviest nuclei
Eur. Phys. J. A, 55 (2019)

Pichon, Anne; Khuyagbaatar, Jadambaa
Weighing up superheavy elements
Nature Chemistry, 11 (2019) 1073

Chrysalidis, K., Ballof, J., Düllmann, Ch.E., Fedosseev, V.N., Granados, C., Marsh, B.A., Martinez Palenzuela, Y., Ramos, J.P., Rothe, S., Stora, T., Wendt, K.
Developments towards the delivery of selenium ion beams at ISOLDE
Eur. Phys. J. A 55 (2019) 173

Seiferle, B., v.d. Wense, L., Bilous, P.V., Amersdorffer, I., Lemell, C., Libisch, F., Stellmer, S., Schumm, T., Düllmann, Ch.E., Pálffy, A., Thirolf, P.G.
Energy of the 229Th nuclear clock transition
Nature 243 (2019) 243-246

Kieck, T., Dorrer, H., Düllmann, Ch.E., Gadelshin, V., Schneider, F., Wendt, K.
Highly efficient isotope separation and ion implantation of 163Ho for the ECHo project
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 945 (2019) 162602

Heftrich, T., Weigand, M., Düllmann, Ch.E., Eberhardt, K., Fiebiger, S., Glorius, J., Göbel, K., Guerrero, C., Haas, R., Heinitz, S., Lerendegui-Marco, J., Käppeler, F., Kaiser, J.D., Köster, U., Langer, C., Lohse, S., Ludwig, F., Reifarth, R., Renisch, D., Scheutwinkel, K., Schumann, D., Wiehl, N., Wolf, C.
Thermal (n, γ) cross section and resonance integral of 171Tm
Phys. Rev. C 99 (2019) 065810

Banerjee, K., Hinde, D.J., Dasgupta, M., Simpson, E.C., Jeung, D.Y., Simenel, C., Swinton-Bland, B.M.A., Williams, E., Carter, I.P., Cook, K.J., David, H.M., Düllmann, Ch.E., Khuyagbaatar, J., Kindler, B., Lommel, B., Prasad, E., Sengupta, C., Smith, J.F., Vo- Phuoc, K., Walshe, J., Yakushev, A.
Mechanisms suppressing superheavy element yields in cold fusion reactions
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 (2019) 232503

Kieck, T., Biebricher, S., Düllmann, Ch.E., Wendt, K.
Optimization of a laser ion source for 163Ho isotope separation
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90 (2019) 053304

Ballof, J., Seiffert, C., Düllmann, Ch.E., Delonca, M., Gai, M., Gottberg, A., Kröll, T., Lica, R., Madurga Flores, M., Martinez Palenzuela, Y., Mendonca, T., Ramos, J.P., Rothe, S., Stora, T., Tengblad, O., Wienholtz, F.
Radioactive boron beams produced by isotope online mass separation at CERN-ISOLDE
Eur. Phys. J. A 55 (2019) 65

Mistry, A.K., Khuyagbaatar, J., Heßberger, F.P., Ackermann, D., Andel, B., Antalic, S., Block, M., Chhetri, P., Dechery, F., Droese, C., Düllmann, Ch.E., Giacoppo, F., Hoffmann, J., Kaleja, O., Kurz, N., Laatiaoui, M., Lens, L., Maurer, J., Mosat, P., Piot, J., Raeder, S., Vostinar, M., Yakushev, A., Zhang, Z.
The 48Ca+181Ta reaction: cross section studies and investigation of neutron-deficient 86 ≤ Z ≥ 93 isotopes
Nucl. Phys. A 987 (2019) 337-349

Khuyagbaatar, J., Yakushev, A., Düllmann, Ch.E., Ackermann, D., Andersson, L.-L., Asai, M., Block, M., Boll, R.A., Brand, H., Cox, D.M., Dasgupta, M., Derkx, X., Di Nitto, A., Eberhardt, K., Even, J., Evers, M., Fahlander, C., Forsberg, U., Gates, J.M., Gharibyan, N., Golubev, P., Gregorich, K.E., Hamilton, J.H., Hartmann, W., Herzberg, R.-D., Heßerger, F.P., Hinde, D.J., Hoffmann, J., Hollinger, R., Hübner, A., Jäger, E., Kindler, B., Kratz, J.V., Krier, J., Kurz, N., Laatiaoui, M., Lahiri, S., Lang, R., Lommel, B., Maiti, M., Miernik, K., Minami, S., Mistry, A., Mokry, C., Nitsche, H., Omtvedt, J.P., Pang, G.K., Papadakis, P., Renisch, D., Roberto, J., Rudolph, D., Runke, J., Rykaczewski, K.P., Sarmiento, L.G., Schädel, M., Schausten, B., Semchenkov, A., Shaughnessy, D.A., Steinegger, P., Steiner, J., Tereshatov, E.E., Thörle-Pospiech, P., Tinschert, K., Torres De Heidenreich, T., Trautmann, N., Türler, A., Uusitalo, J., Ward, D.E., Wegrzecki, M., Wiehl, N., Van Cleve, S., Yakusheva, V.
The fusion reaction 48Ca+249Bk leading to formation of the element Ts (Z=117)
Phys. Rev. C. 99 (2019) 054306

Lerendegui-Marco, J., Guerrero, C., Belgya, T., Marótio, B., Eberhardt, K., Düllmann, Ch.E., Junghans, A.R., Mokry, C., Quesada, J.M., Runke, J., Thörle-Pospiech, P.
Improved 242Pu(n, γ) thermal cross section combining activation and prompt gamma analysis
Eur. Phys. J. A 55 (2019) 63

Stopp, F., Groot-Berning, K., Jacob, G., Budker, D., Haas, R., Renisch, D., Runke, J., Thörle-Pospiech, P., Düllmann, Ch.E., Schmidt-Kaler, F.
Catching, trapping and in-situ-identification of thorium ions inside Coulomb crystals of 40Ca+ ions
Hyp. Int. 240 (2019) 33

von der Wense, L.C., Seiferle, B., Schneider, C., Jeet, J., Amersdorffer, I., Arlt, N., Zacherl, F., Haas, R., Renisch, D., Mosel, Ph., Mosel, P., Kovacev, M., Morgner, U., Düllmann, Ch.E., Hudson, E.R., Thirolf, P.G.
The concept of laser-based conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy for a precise energy determination of 229mTh
Hyp. Int. 240 (2019) 23

Düllmann, Ch.E.
118 and counting… – The periodic table at its 150th anniversary
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 58 (2019) 4070-4072
118 und (k)ein Ende in Sicht? Das Periodensystem feiert 150. Geburtstag
Angew. Chem. 131 (2019) 4112-4114
(invited editorial).

Varentsov, Victor; Yakushev, Alexander
Concept of a new Universal High-Density Gas Stopping Cell Setup for study of gas-phase chemistry and nuclear properties of Super Heavy Elements (UniCell)
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A, 940 (2019) 206-214

Radiochimica Acta Special Issue:
Günter Herrmann Memorial Issue

  • Frank Rösch and Norbert Trautmann
    Radiochim. Acta 107 (2019) 531
  • Jens-Volker Kratz
    Günter Herrmann (1925–2017): A tribute to his research and organizational achievements
    Radiochim. Acta 107 (2019) 533
  • Klaus Eberhardt and Christopher Geppert
    The research reactor TRIGA Mainz – a strong and versatile neutron source for science and education
    Radiochim. Acta 107 (2019) 535
  • Karolin Wagener, Dennis Renisch, Meike Schinnerer, Matthias Worm, Yvonne Jakob, Klaus Eberhardt and Frank Rösch
    Copper-catalyzed click reactions: quantification of retained copper using 64Cu-spiked Cu(I), exemplified for CuAAC reactions on liposomes
    Radiochim. Acta 107 (2019) 547
  • Heinz W. Gäggeler, Ilya Usoltsev and Robert Eichler
    Reactions of fission products from a 252Cf source with NO and mixtures of NO and CO in an inert gas
    Radiochim. Acta 107 (2019) 555
  • Matthias Schädel and Yuichiro Nagame
    From SRAFAP to ARCA and AIDA - developments and implementation of automated aqueous-phase rapid chemistry apparatuses for heavy actinides and transactinides
    Radiochim. Acta 107, 561 (2019)
  • Christoph E. Düllmann
    Production and study of chemical properties of superheavy elements
    Radiochim. Acta 107 (2019) 587
  • Michael Block
    Precise ground state properties of the heaviest elements for studies of their atomic and nuclear structure
    Radiochim. Acta 107 (2019) 603
  • Raphael Scholze, Samer Amayri and Tobias Reich
    Modeling the sorption of Np(V) on Na-montmorillonite – effects of pH, ionic strength and CO2
    Radiochim. Acta 107 (2019) 615
  • Aleksandr N. Vasiliev, Nidhu L. Banik, Rémi Marsac, Stepan N. Kalmykov and Christian M. Marquardt
    Determination of complex formation constants of neptunium(V) with propionate and lactate in 0.5–2.6 m NaCl solutions at 22–60 °C using a solvent extraction technique
    Radiochim. Acta 107 (2019) 623
  • Klaus Lützenkirchen, Maria Wallenius, Zsolt Varga, Thierry Wiss, Alexander Knott, Adrian Nicholl and Klaus Mayer
    Nuclear forensics on uranium fuel pellets
    Radiochim. Acta 107 (2019) 635
  • Sebastian Raeder, Nina Kneip, Tobias Reich, Dominik Studer, Norbert Trautmann and Klaus Wendt
    Recent developments in resonance ionization mass spectrometry for ultra-trace analysis of actinide elements
    Radiochim. Acta 107 (2019) 645
  • Vadim Maratovich Gadelshin, Reinhard Heinke, Tom Kieck, Tobias Kron, Pascal Naubereit, Frank Rösch, Thierry Stora, Dominik Studer and Klaus Wendt
    Measurement of the laser resonance ionization efficiency for lutetium
    Radiochim. Acta 107 (2019) 653

Groot-Berning, K., Stopp, F., Jacob, G. Budker, D., Haas, R., Renisch, D., Runke, J., Thörle-Pospiech, P., Düllmann, Ch.E., Schmidt-Kaler, F.
Trapping and sympathetic cooling of single thorium ions for spectroscopy
Phys. Rev. A 99 (2019) 023420

Guerrero, C., Lerendegui-Marco, J., Eberhardt, K., Düllmann, Ch.E., Junghans, A., Lommel, B., Mokry, C., Quesada, J.M., Runke, J., Thörle-Pospiech, P.
On the use of stacks of fission-like targets for neutron capture experiments
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 925 (2019) 87-91

Kögler, T., Junghans, A.R., Beyer, R., Dietz, M., Düllmann, Ch.E., Eberhardt, K., Lorenz, Ch., Müller, S.E., Nolte, R., Reinhardt, T.P., Schmidt, K., Schwengner, R., Takacs, M., Vascon, A., Wagner, A.
Fast-neutron-induced fission cross section of 242Pu measured at nELBE
Phys. Rev. C 99 (2019) 024604

Schweiger, Ch., König, C.M., Crespo López-Urrutia, J.R., Door, M., Dorrer, H., Düllmann, Ch.E., Eliseev, S., Filianin, P., Huang, W., Kromer, K., Müller, M., Renisch, D., Rischka, A., Schüssler, R.X., Blaum, K.
Production of highly charged ions of rare species by in-trap laser-induced desorption inside an electron beam ion trap
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90 (2019) 123201

Pershina, V.
Relativity in the electronic structure of the heaviest elements and its influence on periodicities in properties
Radiochimica Acta, 107, 833 (2019)

Pershina, V. and Ilias, M.
Properties and Reactivity of Hydroxides of Group 13 Elements In, Tl, and Nh from Molecular and Periodic DFT Calculations
Inorg. Chem. 15, 9866-9873 (2019)

Skawran, A., Adamczak, A., Antognini, A., Berger, N., Cocolios, T.E., Dressler, R., Düllmann, Ch.E., Eichler, R., Indelicato, P., Jungmann, K., Kirch, K., Knecht, A., Krauth, J.J., Nuber, J., Papa, A., Pohl, R., Pospelov, M., Rapisarda, E., Renisch, D., Reiter, P., Ritjoho, N., Roccia, S., Severijns, N., Vogiatzi, S., Wauters, F., Willman, L.
Towards nuclear structure with radioactive muonic atoms – The nuclear charge radius of radioactive isotopes from measurements of muonic X-rays
Nuovo Cim. 42 C (2019) 125

Velte, C., Ahrens, F., Barth, A., Blaum, K., Braß, Door, M., Dorrer, H., Düllmann, Ch.E., Eliseev, S., Enss, C., Filianin, P., Fleischmann, A., Gastaldo, L., Goeggelmann, A., Day Goodacre, T., Haverkort, M.W., Hengstler, D., Jochum, J., Johnston, K., Keller, M., Kempf, S., Kieck, T., König, C.M., Köster, U., Kromer, K., Mantegazzini, F., Marsh, B., Novikov, Yu.N., Piquemal, F., Riccio, C., Richter, D., Rischka, A., Rothe, S., Schüssler, R.X., Schweiger, Ch., Stora, T., Wegner, M., Wendt, K., Zampaolo, M., Zuber, K.
High-resolution and low-background 163Ho spectrum: interpretation of the resonance tails
Eur. Phys. J. C 79 (2019) 1026

J. Matthias, J. Maul, R. Noster, H. Meinl, Y.-Y. Chao, H. Gerstenberg, F. Jeschke, G. Gasparoni, A. Welle, J. Walter, K. Nordström, K. Eberhardt, D. Renisch, S. Donakonda, P. Knolle, D. Soll, S. Grabbe, N. Garzorz-Stark, K. Eyerich, T. Biedermann, D. Baumjohann, Ch. E. Zielinski
Sodium chloride is an ionic checkpoint for human TH2 cells and shapes the atopic skin microenvironment
Science Translational Medicine 11 (2019) eaau0683

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Lotte Lens, Alexander Yakushev, Christoph Emanuel Düllmann, Masato Asai, Jochen Ballof, Michael Block, Helena May David, John Despotopulos, Antonio Di Nitto, Klaus Eberhardt, Julia Even, Michael Götz, Stefan Götz, Hiromitsu Haba, Laura Harkness-Brennan, Fritz Peter Heßberger, Rodi D. Herzberg, Jan Hoffmann, Annett Hübner, Egon Jäger, Daniel Judson, Jadambaa Khuyagbaatar, Birgit Kindler, Yukiko Komori, Joonas Konki, Jens Volker Kratz, Jörg Krier, Nikolaus Kurz, Mustapha Laatiaoui, Susanta Lahiri, Bettina Lommel, Moumita Maiti, Andrew K. Mistry, Christoph Mokry, Ken Moody, Yuichiro Nagame, Jon Petter Omtvedt, Philippos Papadakis, Valeria Pershina, Jörg Runke, Matthias Schädel, Paul Scharrer, Tetsuya Sato, Dawn Shaughnessy, Brigitta Schausten, Petra Thörle-Pospiech, Norbert Trautmann, Kazuaki Tsukada, Juha Uusitalo, Andrew Ward, Maciej Wegrzecki, Norbert Wiehl, Vera Yakusheva
Online chemical adsorption studies of Hg, Tl, and Pb on SiO2 and Au surfaces in preparation for chemical investigations on Cn, Nh, and Fl at TASCA
Radiochim. Acta 106, 949 (2018)

Sato, T., Asai, M., Borschevsky, A., Beerwerth, R., Kaneya, Y., Makii, H., Mitsukai, A., Nagame, Y., Osa, A., Toyoshima, A., Tsukada, K., Sakama, M., Takeda, S., Ooe, K., Sato, D., Shigekawa, Y., Ichikawa, S., Düllmann, Ch.E., Grund, J., Renisch, D., Kratz, J.V., Schädel, M., Eliav, E., Kaldor, U., Fritzsche, S., Stora, T.
First ionization potentials of Fm, Md, No, and Lr: verification of filling-up of 5f electrons and confirmation of the actinide series
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 140 (2018) 14609-14613

Såmark-Roth, A., Sarmiento, L.G., Rudolph, D., Ljungberg, J., Carlsson, B.G., Fahlander, C., Forsberg, U., Golubev, P., Ragnarsson, I., Ackermann, D., Andersson, L.-L., Block, M., Brand, H., Cox, D.M., Di Nitto, A., Düllmann, Ch.E., Eberhardt, K., Even, J., Gates, J.M., Gerl, J., Gregorich, K.E., Gross, C.J., Herzberg, R.-D., Heßberger, F.P., Jäger, E., Khuyagbaatar, J., Kindler, B., Kojouharov, I., Kratz, J.V., Krier, J., Kurz, N., Lommel, B., Mistry, A., Mokry, C., Omtvedt, J.P., Papadakis, P., Runke, J., Rykaczewski, K., Schädel, M., Schaffner, H., Schausten, B., Thörle-Pospiech, P., Trautmann, N., Torres, T., Türler, A., Ward, A., Wiehl, N., Yakushev, A
Low-lying states in 219Ra and 215Rn: sampling microsecond α-decaying nuclei
Phys. Rev. C 98 (2018) 044307.

Di Nitto, A., Khuyagbaatar, J., Ackermann, D., Andersson, L.-L., Badura, E., Block, M., Brand, H., Conrad, I., Cox, D.M., Düllmann, Ch.E., Dvorak, J., Eberhardt, K., Ellison, P.A., Esker, N.E., Even, J., Fahlander, C., Forsberg, U., Gates, J.M., Golubev, P., Gothe, O, Gregorich, K.E., Hartmann, W., Herzberg, R.-D., Heßberger, F.P., Hoffmann, J., Hollinger, R., Hübner, A., Jäger, E., Kindler, B., Klein, S., Kojouharov, I., Kratz, J.V., Krier, J., Kurz, N., Lahiri, S., Lommel, B., Maiti, M., Mändl, R., Merchán, E., Minami, S., Mistry, A.K., Mokry, C., Nitsche, H., Omtvedt, J.P., Pang, G.K., Renisch, D., Rudolph, D., Runke, J., Sarmiento, L.G., Schädel, M., Schaffner, H., Schausten, B., Semchenkov, A., Steiner, J., Thörle-Pospiech, T., Trautmann, N., Türler, A., Uusitalo, J., Ward, D., Wegrzecki, M., Wieczorek, P., Wiehl, N., Yakushev, A., Yakusheva, V.
Study of non-fusion products in the 50Ti + 249Cf reaction
Phys. Lett. B 784 (2018) 199-205

Dorrer, H., Chrysalidis, K., Day Goodacre, T., Düllmann, Ch.E., Eberhardt, K., Enss, C., Gastaldo, L., Haas, R., Harding, J., Hassel, C., Johnston, K., Kieck, T., Köster, U., Marsh, B., Mokry, C., Rothe, S., Runke, J., Schneider, F., Stora, T:, Türler, A., Wendt, K.
Production, isolation, and characterization of radiochemically pure 163Ho samples for the ECHo-project
Radiochim. Acta 106 (2018) 535-547

Chhetri, P., Ackermann, D., Backe, H., Block, M., Cheal, B., Droese, C., Düllmann, Ch.E., Even, J., Ferrer, R., Giacoppo, F., Götz, S., Heßberger, F.P., Huyse, M., Kaleja, O., Khuyagbaatar, J., Kunz, P., Laatiaoui, M., Lautenschläger, F., Lauth, W., Lecesne, N., Lens, L., Minaya Ramirez, E., Mistry, A.K., Raeder, S., Van Duppen, P., Walther, Th., Yakushev, A., Zhang, Z.
Precision measurement of the first ionization potential of nobelium
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120 (2018) 263003

Khuyagbaatar, J., David, H.M., Hinde, D.J., Carter, I.P., Cook, K.J., Dasgupta, M., Düllmann, Ch.E., Jeung, D.Y., Kindler, B., Lommel, B., Luong, D.H., Prasad, E., Rafferty, D.C., Sengupta, C., Simenel, C., Simpson, E.C., Smith, J.F., Vo-Phuoc, K., Walshe, J., Wakhle, A., Williams, E., Yakushev, A.
Nuclear structure dependence of fusion hindrance in heavy element synthesis
Phys. Rev. C 97 (2018) 064618

Raeder, S., Ackermann, D., Backe, H., Beerwerth, R., Berengut, J.C., Block, M., Borschevsky, A., Cheal, B., Chhetri, P., Düllmann, Ch.E., Dzuba, V.A., Eliav, E., Even, J., Ferrer, R., Flambaum, V.V., Fritzsche, S., Giacoppo, F., Götz, S., Heßberger, F.P., Huyse, M., Kaldor, U., Kaleja, O., Khuyagbaatar, J., Kunz, P., Laatiaoui, M., Lautenschläger, F., Lauth, W., Mistry, A.K., Minaya Ramirez, E., Nazarewicz, W., Porsev, S.G., Safronova, M.S., Safronova, U.I., Schuetrumpf, B., Van Duppen, P., Walther, T., Wraith, C., Yakushev, A.
Probing sizes and shapes of nobelium isotopes by laser spectroscopy
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120 (2018) 232503

Shevelko, V.P., Scharrer, P., Düllmann, Ch.E., Barth, W., Khuyagbaatar, J., Tolstikhina, I.Yu., Winckler, N., Yakushev, A.
Charge-state dynamics of 1.4- and 11-MeV/u uranium ions penetrating H2 and He gas targets
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 428 (2018) 56-64

Thielking, J., Okhapkin, M.V., Głowacki, P., Meier, D.M., von der Wense, L., Seiferle, B., Düllmann, Ch.E., Thirolf, P.G., Peik, E.
Laser spectroscopic characterization of the nuclear clock isomer 229mTh
Nature 556 (2018) 321-325

Mistry, A.K., Zhang, Z., Heßberger, F.P., Ackermann, D., Andel, B., Antalic, S., Block, M., Chhetri, P., Dechery, F., Droese, C, Düllmann, Ch.E., Giacoppo, F., Hoffmann, J., Kaleja, O., Khuyagbaatar, J., Kurz, N., Laatiaoui, M., Maurer, J., Mošat, P., Piot, J., Raeder, S., Vostinar, M., Yakushev, A
Decay spectroscopy of heavy isotopes at SHIP using the COMPASS focal plane detection set-up
Acta Phys. Pol. B 49 (2018) 613-620

Weigand, M., Heftrich, T., Düllmann, Ch.E., Eberhardt, K., Fiebiger, S., Glorius, J., Göbel, K., Haas, R., Langer, C., Lohse, S., Reifarth, R., Renisch, D., Wolf, C.
The 66.7 keV g-line intensity of 171Tm determined via neutron activation
Phys. Rev. C 97 (2018) 035803

Ackermann, D., Mistry, A.K., Heßberger, F.P., Andel, B., Antalic, S., Block, M., Caceres, L., Chhetri, P., Dechery, F., Droese, Ch., Düllmann, Ch.E., Giacoppo, F., Hoffmann, J., Kaleja, O., Kamalou, O., Kurz, N., Khuyagbaatar, J., Mändl, R.R., Murböck, T., Laatiaoui, M., Maurer, J., Mosat, P., Piot, J., Raeder, S., Savajols, H., Sorlin, O., Stodel, Ch., Thomas, J.C., Vostinar, M., Wieczorek, P., Yakushev, Y., Zhang, Z.
COMPASS - a COMPAct decay Spectroscopy Set-up
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 907 (2018) 81-89

Pershina, V., Ilias, M.
Electronic structure and properties of MAu and MOH, where M = Tl and Nh: New data
Chem. Phys. Lett. 694, 107-111 (2018)

Pershina, V.
Reactivity of Superheavy Elements Cn, Nh, and Fl and Their Lighter Homologues Hg, Tl, and Pb, Respectively, with a Gold Surface from Periodic DFT Calculations
Inorg. Chem. 57, 3948-3955 (2018)

Pershina, V., Ilias, M.
Carbonyl compounds of Tc, Re and Bh: Electronic structure, bonding and volatility
J. Chem. Phys. 149, 204306 (2018)

Ch.E. Düllmann
Superheavy emitter reply
Scientific American 319, 6 - 7 (2018)

Ch.E. Düllmann & M. Block
Island of Heavyweights
Scientific American 318, 46 (2018)

J. Konki, B. Sulignano, P. T. Greenlees, Ch. Theisen, K. Auranen, H. Badran, R. Briselet, D. M. Cox, F. Defranchi Bisso, J. Dobaczewski, T. Grahn, A. Herzán, R.-D. Herzberg, R. Julin, S. Juutinen, J. Khuyagbaatar, M. Leino, A. Lightfoot, J. Pakarinen, P. Papadakis, J. Partanen, P. Rahkila, M. Sandzelius, J. Sarén, C. Scholey, Y. Shi, M. Smolen, J. Sorri, S. Stolze, and J. Uusitalo
In-beam spectroscopic study of Cf-244
Phys. Rev. C 98, 024306 (2018)

Holger Dorrer / Katerina Chrysalidis / Thomas Day Goodacre / Christoph E. Düllmann / Klaus Eberhardt / Christian Enss / Loredana Gastaldo / Raphael Haas / Jonathan Harding / Clemens Hassel / Karl Johnston / Tom Kieck / Ulli Köster / Bruce Marsh / Christoph Mokry / Sebastian Rothe / Jörg Runke / Fabian Schneider / Thierry Stora / Andreas Türler / Klaus Wendt
Production, isolation and characterization of radiochemically pure 163Ho samples for the ECHo-project
Radiochim. Acta, 106 (2018) 535–54

K. Eberhardt, Ch. E. Düllmann, R. Haas, Ch. Mokry, J. Runke, P. Thörle-Pospiech, and N. Trautmann
Actinide Targets for Fundamental Research in Nuclear Physics
AIP Conference Proceedings 1962, 030009 (2018)

Annett Hübner, Birgit Kindler, Bettina Lommel, Jutta Steiner, Vera Yakusheva, J. Khuyagbaatar, David J. Hinde, and Mahananda Dasgupta
Investigation of different C-backings for targets
AIP Conference Proceedings 1962, 030001 (2018)

A. Di Nitto, E. Vardaci, G. La Rana, P.N. Nadtochy, G. Prete
Evaporation channel as a tool to study fission dynamics
Nuclear Physics A 971, 21- 34 (2018)

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Hinde, D.J., Dasgupta, M., Jeung, D.Y., Mohanto, G., Prasad, E., Simenel, C., Williams, E., Carter, I.P., Cook, K.J., Kalkal, S., Rafferty, D.C., Simpson, E.C., David, H.M., Düllmann, Ch.E., Khuyagbaatar, J.
Quasifission dynamics in the formation of superheavy elements
EPJ Web. Conf. 163 (2017) 00023.

Düllmann, Ch.E.
How elements up to 118 were reached and how to go beyond
EPJ Web. Conf. 163 (2017) 00015

Haas, R., Lohse, S., Düllmann, Ch.E., Eberhardt, K., Mokry, C., Runke, J.
Development and characterization of a Drop-on-Demand inkjet printing system for nuclear target fabrication
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 874 (2017) 43-49

Chhetri, P., Ackermann, D., Backe, H., Block, M., Cheal, B., Düllmann, Ch.E., Even, J., Ferrer, R., Giacoppo, F., Götz, S., Heßerger, F.P., Kaleja, O., Khuyagbaatar, J., Kunz, P., Laatiaoui, M., Lautenschläger, F., Lauth, W., Minaya Ramirez, E., Mistry, A.K., Raeder, S., Wraith, C., Walther, Th., Yakushev, A.
Impact of buffer gas quenching on the 1S01P1 ground-state atomic transition in nobelium
Eur. Phys. J. D 71 (2017) 195

Gastaldo, L., Blaum, K., Chrysalidis, K., Day Goodacre, T., Domula, A., Door, M., Dorrer, H., Düllmann, Ch.E., Eberhardt, K., Eliseev, S., Enss, C., Faessler, A., Filianin, P., Fleischmann, A., Fonnesu, D., Gamer, L., Haas, R., Hassel, C., Hengstler, D., Jochum, J., Johnston, K., Kebschull, U., Kempf, S., Kieck, T., Köster, U., Lahiri, S., Maiti, M., Mantegazzini, F., Marsh, B., Neroutsos, P., Novikov, Yu.N., Ranitzsch, P.C.-O., Rothe, S., Rischka, A., Saenz, A., Schneider, F., Scholl, S., Schüssler, R.X., Schweiger, Ch., Simkovic, F., Stora, T., Szücs, Z., Türler, A., Veinhard, M., Wegner, M., Wendt, K., Zuber, K.
The Electron Capture in 163Ho Experiment - ECHo
Eur. Phys. J. ST 226 (2017) 1623-1694

Scharrer, P., Barth, W., Bevcic, M., Düllmann, Ch.E., Gerhard, P., Groening, L., Horn, K.P., Jäger, E., Khuyagbaatar, J., Krier, J., Vormann, H., Yakushev, A.
Applications of the pulsed gas stripper technique at the GSI UNILAC
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 863 (2017) 20-25.

Barth, W., Adonin, A., Düllmann, Ch.E., Heilmann, M., Hollinger, R., Jäger, E., Kester, O., Khuyagbaatar, J., Krier, J., Plechov, E., Scharrer, P., Vinzenz, W., Vormann, H., Yakushev, A., Yaramyshev, S.
High brilliance uranium beams for FAIR
Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 20 (2017) 050101

Giacoppo, F., Blaum, K., Block, M., Chhetri, P., Düllmann, Ch.E., Droese, C., Eliseev, S., Filianin, P., Götz, S., Gusev, Y., Herfurth, F., Hessberger, F.P., Kaleja, O., Khuyagbaatar, J., Laatiaoui, M., Lautenschläger, F., Lorenz, C., Marx, G., Minaya Ramirez, E., Mistry, A., Novikov, Yu.N., Plass, W.R., Raeder, S., Rodríguez, D., Rudolph, D., Sarmiento, L.G., Scheidenberger, C., Schweikhard, L., Thirolf, P., Yakushev, A.
Recent upgrades of the SHIPTRAP setup: on the finish line towards direct mass spectroscopy of superheavy elements
Acta Phys. Pol. B 48 (2017) 423-429

Scharrer, P., Düllmann, Ch.E., Barth, W., Khuyagbaatar, J., Yakushev, A., Bevcic, M., Gerhard, P., Groening, L., Horn, K.P., Jäger, E., Krier, J., Vormann, H.
Measurements of charge state distributions of 0.74 MeV/u and 1.4 MeV/u heavy ions passing through dilute gases
Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 20 (2017) 043503

Gamer, L., Düllmann, Ch.E., Enss, C., Fleischmann, A., Gastaldo, L., Hassel, C., Kempf, S., Kieck, T., Wendt, T.
Simulation and optimization of the implantation of holmium atoms into metallic magnetic microcalorimeters for neutrino mass determination experiments
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 854 (2017) 139-148

Götz, M., Götz, S., Kratz, J.V., Düllmann, Ch.E., Mokry, Ch., Runke, J., Thörle-Pospiech, P., Wiehl, N., Schädel, M., Ballof, J., Dorrer, H., Grund, J., Huber, D., Jäger, E., Keller, O., Krier, J., Khuyagbaatar, J., Lens, L., Lommel, B., Mendel, M., Moody, K.J., Scharrer, P., Schausten, B., Shaughnessy, D., Schmitt, M., Steiner, J., Trautmann, N., Yakushev, A., Yakusheva, V.
Radiochemical study of the kinematics of multi-nucleon transfer reactions in 48Ca + 248Cm collisions 10% above the Coulomb barrier
Nucl. Phys. A 961 (2017) 1-21

Konki, J., Khuyagbaatar, J., Uusitalo, J., Greenlees, P.T., Auranen, K., Badran, H., Block, M., Briselet, R., Cox, D.M., Dasgupta, M., Di Nitto, A., Düllmann, Ch.E., Grahn, T., Hauschild, K., Herzán, A., Herzberg, R.-D., Heßberger, F.P., Hinde, D.J., Julin, R., Juutinen, S., Jäger, E., Kindler, B., Krier, J., Leino, M., Lommel, B., Lopez-Martens, A., Luong, D.H., Mallaburn, M., Nishio, K., Pakarinen, J., Papadakis, P., Partanen, J., Peura, P., Rahkila, P., Rezynkina, K., Ruotsalainen, P., Sandzelius, M., Sarén, J., Scholey, C., Sorri, J., Stolze, S., Sulignano, B., Theisen, Ch., Ward, A., Yakushev, A., Yakusheva, V.
Towards saturation of the electron-capture delayed fission probability: the new isotopes 240Es and 236Bk
Phys. Lett. B 764 (2017) 265-270

Pershina, V.
Relativistic Quantum Chemistry for Chemical Identification of the Superheavy Elements
In: Handbook of Relativistic Quantum Chemistry, Ed. W. Liu
Springer, (2017) pp. 857-899

Pershina, V. and Ilias, M.
Penta- and tetracarbonyls of Ru, Os, and Hs: Electronic structure, bonding, and volatility
J. Chem. Phys. 146 (2017) 184306.

Ilias, M., Pershina, V.
Hexacarbonyls of Mo, W, and Sg: Metal-CO Bonding Revisited
Inorg. Chem. 56 (2017) 1638

Lorenz, Ch.; Sarmiento, L. G.; Rudolph, D.; Ward, D. E.; Block, M.; Hessberger, F. P.; Ackermann, D.; Andersson, L. -L.; Cortes, M. L.; Droese, C.; Dworschak, M.; Eibach, M.; Forsberg, U.; Golubev, P.; Hoischen, R.; Kojouharov, I.; Khuyagbaatar, J.; Nesterenko, D.; Ragnarsson, I.; Schaffner, H.; Schweikhard, L.; Stolze, S.; Wenzl, J.
Quantum-state-selective decay spectroscopy of Ra-213
Phys. Rev. C, 96, 034315 (2017)

Adhikari, R., Agostini, M., Anh Ky, N., Araki, T., Archidiacono, M., Bahr, M., Baur, J., Behrens, J., Bezrukov, F., Bhupal Dev, P.S., Borah, D., Boyarsky, A., de Gouvea, A., de S. Pires, C.A., de Vega, H.J., Dias, A.G., Di Bari, P., Djurcic, Z., Dolde, K., Dorrer, H., Durero, M., Dragoun, O., Drewes, O., Drexlin, G., Düllmann, Ch.E., Eberhardt, K., Eliseev, S., Enss, C., Evans, N.W., Faessler, A., Filianin, P., Fischer, V., Fleischmann, A., Formaggio, J.A., Franse, J., Fraenkle, F.M., Frenk, C.S., Fuller, G., Gastaldo, L., Garzilli, A., Giunti, C., Glück, F., Goodman, M.C., Gonzalez- Garcia, M.C., Gorbunov, D., Hamann, J., Hannen, V., Hannestad, S., Hansen, S.H., Hassel, C., Heeck, J., Hofmann, F., Houdy, T., Huber, A., Iakubovskyi, D., Ianni, A., Ibarra, A., Jacobsson, R., Jeltema, T., Jochum, J., Kempf, S., Kieck, T., Korzeczek, M., Kornoukhov, V., Lachenmaier, T., Laine, M., Langacker, P., Lasserre, T., Lesgourgues, J., Lhuillier, D., Li, Y., F., Liao, W., Long, A.W., Maltoni, M., Mangano, G., Mavromatos, N.E., Menci, N., Merle, A., Mertens, S., Mirizzi, A., Monreal, B., Nozik, A., Neronov, A., Niro, V., Novikov, Y., Oberauer, L., Otten, E., Palanque- Delabrouille, N., Pallavicini, M., Pantuev, V.S., Papastergis, E., Parke, S., Pascoli, S., Pastor, S., Patwardhan, A., Pilaftsis, A., Radford, D.C., Ranitzsch, P.C.-O., Rest, O., Robinson, D.J., Rodrigues da Silva, P.S., Ruchayskiy, O., Sanchez, N.G., Sasaki, M., Saviano, N., Schneider, A., Schneider, F., Schwetz, T., Schnert, S., Scholl, S., Shankar, F., Shrock, R., Steinbrink, N., Strigari, L., Suekane, F., Suerfu, B., Takahashi, R., Thi Hong Van, N., Tkachev, I., Totzauer, M., Tsai, Y., Tully, C.G., Valerius, K., Valle, J.W.F., Venos, D., Viel, M., Vivier, M., Wang, M.Y., Weinheimer, C., Wendt, K., Winslow, L., Wolf, J., Wurm, M., Xing, Z., Zhou, S., Zuber, K.
A white paper on keV sterile neutrino dark matter
JCAP 01 (2017) 025

Gastaldo, L., Blaum, K., Chrysalidis, K., Day Goodacre, T., Domula, A., Door, M., Dorrer, H., Düllmann, Ch.E., Eberhardt, K., Eliseev, S., Enss, C., Faessler, A., Filianin, P., Fleischmann, A., Fonnesu, D., Gamer, L., Haas, R., Hassel, C., Hengstler, D., Jochum, J., Johnston, K., Kebschull, U., Kempf, S., Kieck, T., Köster, U., Lahiri, S., Maiti, M., Mantegazzini, F., Marsh, B., Neroutsos, P., Novikov, Yu.N., Ranitzsch, P.C.-O., Rothe, S., Rischka, A., Saenz, A., Schneider, F., Scholl, S., Schüssler, R.X., Schweiger, Ch., Simkovic, F., Stora, T., Szücs, Z., Türler, A., Veinhard, M., Wegner, M., Wendt, K., Zuber, K.
The Electron Capture in 163Ho Experiment - ECHo
Eur. Phys. J. ST 226 (2017) 1623-1694

Konki, J., Khuyagbaatar, J., Uusitalo, J., Greenlees, P.T., Auranen, K., Badran, H., Block, M., Briselet, R., Cox, D.M., Dasgupta, M., Di Nitto, A., Düllmann, Ch.E., Grahn, T., Hauschild, K., Herzán, A., Herzberg, R.-D., Heßberger, F.P., Hinde, D.J., Julin, R., Juutinen, S., Jäger, E., Kindler, B., Krier, J., Leino, M., Lommel, B., Lopez-Martens, A., Luong, D.H., Mallaburn, M., Nishio, K., Pakarinen, J., Papadakis, P., Partanen, J., Peura, P., Rahkila, P., Rezynkina, K., Ruotsalainen, P., Sandzelius, M., Sarén, J., Scholey, C., Sorri, J., Stolze, S., Sulignano, B., Theisen, Ch., Ward, A., Yakushev, A., Yakusheva, V.
Towards saturation of the electron-capture delayed fission probability: the new isotopes 240Es and 236Bk.
Phys. Lett. B 764 (2017) 265-270

Thirolf, P.G., Seiferle, B., Von der Wense, L., Neumayr, J.B., Maier, H.J., Wirth, H.F., Laatiaoui, M., Mokry, C., Eberhardt, K., Düllmann, Ch.E., Runke, J., Trautmann, N.G.
Direct detection of the elusive (229)Thorium isomer: milestone towards a nuclear clock. Joint Conference of the European-Frequency-and-Time-Forum
IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (EFTF/IFCS), July 09-13, 2017, Besancon, France, Joint European Frequency and Time Forum and International Frequency Control Symposium (2017) 1-3.

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Düllmann, Ch.E.
On the search for elements beyond Z=118. An outlook based on lessons from the heaviest known elements
EPJ Web. Conf. 131 (2016) 08004

Eichler, R., Asai, M., Brand, H., Chiera, N.M., Di Nitto, A., Dressler, R., Düllmann, Ch.E., Even, J., Fangli, F., Goetz, M., Haba, H., Hartmann, W., Jäger, E., Kaji, D., Kanaya, J., Kaneya, Y., Khuyagbaatar, J., Kindler, B., Komori, Y., Kraus, B., Kratz, J.V., Krier, J., Kudou, Y., Kurz, N., Miyashita, S., Morimoto, K., Morita, K., Murakami, M., Nagame, Y., Ooe, K., Piguet, D., Sato, N., Sato, T.K., Steiner, J., Steinegger, P., Sumita, T., Takeyama, M., Tanaka, K., Tomitsuka, T., Toyoshima, A., Tsukada, K., Türler, A., Usoltsev, I., Wakabayashi, Y., Wang, Y., Wiehl, N., Wittwer, Y., Yakushev, A., Yamaki, S., Yano, S., Yamaki, S., Qin, Z.
Complex chemistry with complex compounds
EPJ Web. Conf. 131 (2016) 07005

Khuyagbaatar, J., Yakushev, A., Düllmann, Ch.E., Ackermann, D., Anderson, L.-L., Block, M., Brand, H., Even, J., Forsberg, U., Hartmann, W., Herzberg, R.-D., Heßberger, F.P., Hoffmann, J., Hübner, A., Jäger, E., Jeppsson, J., Kindler, B., Kratz, J.V., Krier, J., Kurz, N., Lommel, B., Maiti, M., Minami, S., Rudolph, D., Runke, J., Sarmiento, L.G., Schädel, M., Schausten, B., Steiner, J., Torres De Heidenreich, T., Uusitalo, J., Wiehl, N., Yakusheva, V.
Fission in the landscape of heaviest elements: Some recent examples
EPJ Web. Conf. 131 (2016) 03003

Sato, T.K., Asai, M., Borschevsky, A., Stora, T., Sato, N., Kaneya, Y., Tsukada, K., Düllmann, Ch.E., Eberhardt, K., Eliav, E., Ichikawa, S., Kaldor, U., Kratz, J.V., Miyashita, S., Nagame, Y., Ooe, K., Osa, A., Renisch, D., Runke, J., Schädel, M., Thörle-Pospiech, P., Toyoshima, A., Trautmann, N.
First ionization potential of the heaviest actinide lawrencium, element 103
EPJ Web. Conf. 131 (2016) 05001

Forsberg, U., Rudolph, D., Fahlander, C., Golubev, P., Sarmiento, L.G., Åberg, S., Block, M., Düllmann, Ch.E., Heßberger, J.V., Yakushev, A.
A new assessment of the alleged link between element 115 and element 117 decay chains
Phys. Lett. B 760 (2016) 293-296

Yakushev, A. and Eichler, R.
Gas-phase chemistry of element 114, flerovium

EPJ Web. Conf. 131 (2016) 07003

Laatiaoui, M., Lauth, W., Backe, H., Block, M., Ackermann, D., Cheal, B., Chhetri, P., Düllmann, Ch.E., van Duppen, P., Even, J., Ferrer, R., Giacoppo, F., Götz, S., Heßberger, F.P., Huyse, M., Kaleja, O., Khuyagbaatar, J., Kunz, P., Lautenschläger, F., Mistry, A.K., Raeder, S., Minaya Ramirez, E., Walther, T., Wraith, C., Yakushev, A.
Atom-at-a-time laser resonance ionization spectroscopy of nobelium
Nature 538 (2016) 495-498

Schneider, F., Chrysalidis, K., Dorrrer, H., Düllmann, Ch.E., Eberhardt, K., Haas, R., Kieck, T., Mokry, C., Naubereit, P., Schmidt, S., Wendt, K.
Resonance ionization of holmium for implantation into microcalorimeters
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 376 (2016) 388-392

Grund, J., Düllmann, Ch.E., Eberhardt, K., Nagy, Sz., van de Laar, J., Renisch, D., Schneider, F.
Implementation of an aerodynamic lens to boost the gas-jet efficiency at TRIGA-SPEC
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 376 (2016) 225-228

von der Wense, L., Seiferle, B., Laatiaoui, M., Neumayr, J.B., Maier, H.-J., Wirth, H.-F., Mokry, C., Runke, J., Eberhardt, K., Düllmann, Ch.E., Trautmann, N.G., Thirolf, P.G.
Direct detection of the thorium-229 nuclear clock-transition
Nature 533 (2016) 47-51

Usoltsev, I., Eichler, R., Wang, Y., Even, J., Yakushev, A., Haba, H., Asai, M., Brand, H., Di Nitto, A., Düllmann, Ch.E., Fangli, F., Hartmann, W., Huang, M., Jäger, E., Kaji, D., Kanaya, J., Kaneya, Y., Khuyagbaatar, J., Kindler, B., Kratz, J.V., Krier, J., Kudou, Y., Kurz, N., Lommel, B., Miyashita, S., Morimoto, K., Morita, K., Murakami, M., Nagame, Y., Nitsche, H., Ooe, K., Sato, T.K., Schädel, M., Steiner, J., Steinegger, P., Sumita, T., Takeyama, M., Tanaka, K., Toyoshima, A., Tsukada, K., Türler, A., Wakabayashi, Y., Wiehl, N., Yamaki, S., Qin, Z.
Decomposition studies of group 6 hexacarbonyl complexes. Part 1: production and decomposition of Mo(CO)6 and W(CO)6
Radiochim. Acta 104 (2016) 141-151

Adonin, A., Barth, W., Heymach, F., Hollinger, R., Vormann, H., and Yakushev, A.
Production of high current proton beams using complex H-rich molecules at GSI
Scientific Instruments 87 (2016) 02B709

Prasad, E., Hinde, D.J., Williams, E., Dasgupta, M., Carter, I.P., Cook, K.J., Jeung, D.Y., Luong, D.H., McNeil, S., Palshetkar, C.S., Rafferty, D.C., Simenel, C., Wakhle, A., Ramachandran, K., Khuyagbaatar, J., Düllmann, Ch.E., Lommel, B., Kindler, B.
Mass-asymmetric fission in the 40Ca+142Nd reaction
EPJ Web of Conferences 123 (2016) 03006

U. Forsberg, D. Rudolph, L.-L. Andersson, A. Di Nitto, Ch.E. Düllmann, C. Fahlander, J.M. Gates, P. Golubev, K.E. Gregorich, C.J. Gross, R.-D. Herzberg, F.P. Heßberger, J. Khuyagbaatar, J.V. Kratz, K. Rykaczewski, L.G. Sarmiento, M. Schädel, A. Yakushev, S. Åberg, D. Ackermann, M. Block, H. Brand, B.G. Carlsson, D. Cox, X. Derkx, J. Dobaczewski, K. Eberhardt, J. Even, J. Gerl, E. Jäger, B. Kindler, J. Krier, I. Kojouharov, N. Kurz, B. Lommel, A. Mistry, C. Mokry, W. Nazarewicz, H. Nitsche, J.P. Omtvedt, P. Papadakis, I. Ragnarsson, J. Runke, H. Schaffner, B. Schausten, Yue Shi, P. Thörle-Pospiech, T. Torres, T. Traut, N. Trautmann, A. Türler, A. Ward, D.E. Ward, N. Wiehl
Recoil-α-fission and recoil-α–α-fission events observed in the reaction 48Ca + 243Am
Nucl. Phys. A 953 (2016) 117–138

Steinegger, P., Asai, M., Dressler, R., Eichler, R., Kaneya, Y., Mitsukai, A., Nagame, Y., Piguet, D., Sato, T.K., Schädel, M., Takeda, S., Toyoshima, A., Tsukada, K., Türler, A., Vascon, A.
Vacuum Chromatography of Tl on SiO2 at the Single-Atom Level
J. Phys. Chem. C 120, 13, 7122-7132 (2016)

Hinde, D.J., Dasgupta, M., Jeung, D.Y., Mohanto, G., Prasad, E., Simenel, C., Walshe, J., Wahkle, A., Williams, E., Carter, I.P., Cook, K.J., Kalkal, S., Rafferty, D.C., du Rietz, R., Simpson, E.C., David, H.M., Düllmann, Ch.E., Khuyagbaatar, J.
Quasifission in heavy and superheavy element formation reactions
EPJ Web. Conf. 131 (2016) 04004

Hassel, C., Blaum, K., Day Goodacre, T., Dorrer, H., Düllmann, Ch.E., Eberhardt, K., Eliseev, S., Enss, C., Filianin, P., Faessler, A., Fleischmann, A., Gastaldo, L., Goncharov, M., Hengstler, D., Jochum, J., Johnston, K., Keller, M., Kempf, S., Kieck, T., Köster, U., Krantz, M., Marsh, B., Mokry, C., Novikov, Yu.N., Ranitzsch, P.C.O., Rothe, S., Rischka, A., Runke, J., Saenz, A., Schneider, F., Scholl, S., Schüssler, R., Simkovic, F., Stora, T., Thörle-Pospiech, P., Türler, A., Veinhard, M., Wegner, M., Wendt, K., Zuber, K.
Recent results for the ECHo experiment
J. Low Temp. Phys. 184 (2016) 910-921

Pershina, V.
Electronic structure and properties of superheavy elements
Nucl. Phys. A, 944, 578-613 (2016)

Pershina, V.
A Theoretical Study on the Adsorption Behavior of Element 113 and Its Homologue Tl on a Quartz Surface: Relativistic Periodic DFT Calculations
J. Phys. Chem. 120 (2016) 20232

Pershina, V.
A relativistic periodic DFT study on interaction of superheavy elements 112 (Cn) and 114 (Fl) and their homologs Hg and Pb, respectively, with a quartz surface
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 18 (2016) 17750

Pershina, V.
Theoretical chemistry of superheavy elements: Support for experiment
EPJ Web. Conf. 131 (2016) 07002

Lautenschlaeger, F.; Chhetri, P.; Ackermann, D.; Backe, H.; Block, M.; Cheal, B.; Clark, A.; Droese, C.; Ferrer, R.; Giacoppo, F.; Goetz, S.; Hessberger, F. P.; Kaleja, O.; Khuyagbaatar, J.; Kunz, P.; Mistry, A. K.; Laatiaoui, M.; Lauth, W.; Raeder, S.; Walther, Th.; Wraith, C.
Developments for resonance ionization laser spectroscopy of the heaviest elements at SHIP
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 383 (2016) 115

Matthias Schädel
Prospects of heavy and superheavy element production via inelastic nucleus-nucleus collisions – from 238U+238U to18O+254Es
EPJ Web. Conf. 131 (2016) 04001

Yuichiro Nagame, Jens Volker Kratz and Matthias Schädel
Chemical properties of rutherfordium (Rf) and dubnium (Db) in the aqueous phase
EPJ Web. Conf. 131 (2016) 07007

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Christoph E. Düllmann, Rolf-Dietmar Herzberg, Witold Nazarewicz, Yuri Oganessian
Nuclear Physics A - Special Issue on Superheavy Elements - Foreword
Nuclear Physics A, 944, 1 (2015)

Düllmann, Ch. E.
Seaborgium's complex studies
Nature Chem. 7, 760 (2015)

Düllmann, C. E.
Noch lange hoher Bedarf: Ungeachtet der Bedeutung der Kernchemie haben sich in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten Stellen und Ausbildungsangebote signifikant verringert
Physik-Journal 14, 3 (2015)

Sato, T.K., Asai, M., Borschevsky, A., Stora, T., Sato, N., Kaneya, Y., Tsukada, K., Düllmann, Ch.E., Eberhardt, K., Eliav, E., Ichikawa, S., Kaldor, U., Kratz, J.V., Miyashita, S., Nagame, Y., Ooe, K., Osa, A., Renisch, D., Runke, J., Schädel, M., Thörle-Pospiech, P., Toyoshima, A., Trautmann, N.
Measurement of the first ionization potential of lawrencium (element 103)
Nature 520 (2015) 209-211
see accompanying News&Views article by Andreas Türler on "Lawrencium bridges a knowledge gap" at A. Türler, Nature 520 (2015) 166-167

Türler, A. ; Eichler, R. ; Yakushev, A.
Chemical studies of elements with Z ≥ 104 in gas phase
Nuclear Physics A 944, 640 (2015)

Nagame, Y. ; Kratz, J. V. ; Schädel, M.
Chemical studies of elements with Z ≥ 104 in liquid phase
Nuclear Physics A 944, 614 (2015)

A. Toyoshima , K. Ooe, S. Miyashita, M. Asai, M. F. Attallah, N. Goto, N. S. Gupta, H. Haba, M. Huang, J. Kanaya, Y. Kaneya, Y. Kasamatsu, Y. Kitatsuji, Y. Kitayama, K. Koga, Y. Komori, T. Koyama, J. V. Kratz, H. V. Lerum, Y. Oshimi, V. Pershina, D. Sato, T. K. Sato, Y. Shigekawa, A. Shinohara, A. Tanaka, K. Tsukada, S. Tsuto, T. Yokokita, A. Yokoyama, J. P. Omtvedt, Y. Nagame, M. Schädel
Chemical studies of Mo and W in preparation of a seaborgium (Sg) reduction experiment using MDG, FEC, and SISAK
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 303, 1169-1172 (2015)

M. Schädel
Chemistry of superheavy elements
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 373 20140191 (2015)

Gates, J.M., Gregorich, K.E., Gothe, O.R., Uribe, E.C., Pang, G.K., Bleuel, D.L., Block, M., Clark, R.M., Campbell, C.M., Crawford, H.L., Cromaz, M., Di Nitto, A., Düllmann, Ch.E., Esker, N.E., Fahlander, C., Fallon, P., Farjadi, R.M., Forsberg, U., Khuyagbaatar, J., Loveland, W., Macchiavelli, A.O., May, E.M., Mudder, P.R., Olive, D.T., Rice, A.C., Rissanen, J., Rudolph, D., Sarmiento, L.G., Shusterman, J.A., Stoyer, M.A., Wiens, A., Yakushev, A., Nitsche, H.
Decay spectroscopy of element 115 daughters: 280Rg→276Mt and 276Mt→272Bh
Phys. Rev. C 92 (2015) 021301(R)

D. Rudolph, U. Forsberg, P. Golubev, L. G. Sarmiento, A. Yakushev, L.-L. Andersson, A. Di Nitto, Ch. E. Düllmann, J. M. Gates, K. E. Gregorich, C. J. Gross, R.-D. Herzberg, F. P. Heßberger, J. Khuyagbaatar, J. V. Kratz, K. Rykaczewski, M. Schädel, S. Aberg, D. Ackermann, M. Block, H. Brand, B. G. Carlsson, D. Cox, X. Derkx, K. Eberhardt, J. Even, C. Fahlander, J. Gerl, E. Jäger, B. Kindler, J. Krier, I. Kojouharov, N. Kurz, B. Lommel, A. Mistry, C. Mokry, H. Nitsche, J. P. Omtvedt, P. Papadakis, I. Ragnarsson, J. Runke, H. Schaffner, B. Schausten, P. Thörle-Pospiech, T. Torres, T. Traut, N. Trautmann, A. Türler, A. Ward, D. E. Ward, N. Wiehl
Selected spectroscopic results on element 115 decay chains
J. Radiochem. Nucl. Sci. 303 (2015) 1185-1190

Barth, W. ; Adonin, A. ; Düllmann, C. E. ; Heilmann, M. ; Hollinger, R. ; Jäger, E. ; Khuyagbaatar, J. ; Krier, J. ; Scharrer, P. ; Vormann, H. ; Yakushev, A.
U28+-intensity record applying a H2-gas stripper cell
Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 18, 040101 (2015)

Paul Scharrer , Egon Jäger, Winfried Barth, Mario Bevcic, Christoph E. Düllmann, Lars Groening, Klaus-Peter Horn, Jadambaa Khuyagbaatar, Jörg Krier, Alexander Yakushev
Electron stripping of Bi ions using a modified 1.4 MeV/u gas stripper with pulsed gas injection
Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry 305, 837 - 842 (2015)

A. Vascon , N. Wiehl, J. Runke, J. Drebert, T. Reich, N. Trautmann, B. Cremer, T. Kögler, R. Beyer , A. R. Junghans, K. Eberhardt, Ch. E. Düllmann
Improving material properties and performance of nuclear targets for transmutation-relevant experiments
Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry 305, 913 - 919 (2015)

K. Ooe , M. F. Attallah, M. Asai, N. Goto, N. S. Gupta, H. Haba, M. Huang, J. Kanaya, Y. Kaneya, Y. Kasamatsu, Y. Kitatsuji, Y. Kitayama, K. Koga, Y. Komori, T. Koyama, J. V. Kratz, H. V. Lerum, S. Miyashita, Y. Oshimi, V. Pershina, D. Sato, T. K. Sato, Y. Shigekawa, A. Shinohara, A. Tanaka, A. Toyoshima, K. Tsukada, S. Tsuto, T. Yokokita, A. Yokoyama, J. P. Omtvedt, Y. Nagame, M. Schädel
Development of a new continuous dissolution apparatus with a hydrophobic membrane for superheavy element chemistry
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 303, 1317-1320 (2015)

A. Toyoshima , K. Ooe, S. Miyashita, M. Asai, M. F. Attallah, N. Goto, N. S. Gupta, H. Haba, M. Huang, J. Kanaya, Y. Kaneya, Y. Kasamatsu, Y. Kitatsuji, Y. Kitayama, K. Koga, Y. Komori, T. Koyama, J. V. Kratz, H. V. Lerum, Y. Oshimi, V. Pershina, D. Sato, T. K. Sato, Y. Shigekawa, A. Shinohara, A. Tanaka, K. Tsukada, S. Tsuto, T. Yokokita, A. Yokoyama, J. P. Omtvedt, Y. Nagame, M. Schädel
Chemical studies of Mo and W in preparation of a seaborgium (Sg) reduction experiment using MDG, FEC, and SISAK
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 303, 1169-1172 (2015)

Sato, T.K., Asai, M., Sato, N., Tsukada, K., Toyoshima, A., Ooe, K., Miyashita, S., Kaneya, Y., Osa, A., Schädel, M., Nagame, Y., Ichikawa, S., Stora, T., Kratz, J.V.
Development of a He/CdI2 gas-jet system coupled to a surface-ionization type ion-source in JAEA-ISOL: towards determination of the first ionization potential of Lr (Z = 103)
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 303, 1253-1257 (2015)

Sato, T.K., Asai, M., Borschevsky, A., Stora, T., Sato, N., Kaneya, Y., Tsukada, K., Düllmann, Ch.E., Eberhardt, K., Eliav, E., Ichikawa, S., Kaldor, U., Kratz, J.V., Miyashita, S., Nagame, Y., Ooe, K., Osa, A., Renisch, D., Runke, J., Schädel, M., Thörle-Pospiech, P., Toyoshima, A., Trautmann, N.
Measurement of the first ionization potential of lawrencium (element 103)
Nature 520 (2015) 209-211
see accompanying News&Views article by Andreas Türler on "Lawrencium bridges a knowledge gap" at A. Türler, Nature 520 (2015) 166-167

Julia Even, Dieter Ackermann, Masato Asai, Michael Block, Holger Brand, Antonio Di Nitto, Christoph E. Düllmann, Robert Eichler, Fangli Fan, Hiromitsu Haba, Willi Hartmann, Annett Hübner, Fritz P. Heßberger, Minqhiu Huang, Egon Jäger, Daiya Kaji, Jumpei Kanaya, Yusuke Kaneya, Jadambaa Khuyagbaatar, Birgit Kindler, Jens V. Kratz, Jörg Krier, Yuki Kudou, Nikolaus Kurz, Mustapha Laatiaoui, Bettina Lommel, Joachim Maurer, Sunao Miyashita, Kouji Morimoto, Kosuke Morita, Masashi Murakami, Yuichiro Nagame, Heino Nitsche, Kazuhiro Ooe, Zhi Qin, Tetsuya K. Sato, Matthias Schädel, Jutta Steiner, Takayuki Sumita, Mirei Takeyama, Kengo Tanaka, Atsushi Toyoshima, Kazuaki Tsukada, Andreas Türler, Ilya Usoltsev, Yasuo Wakabayashi, Yang Wang, Norbert Wiehl, Alexander Yakushev, Sayaka Yamaki
In situ synthesis of volatile carbonyl complexes with short-lived nuclides
J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 303 (2015) 2457-2466

Vascon, A., Runke, J., Trautmann, N., Cremer, B., Eberhardt, K., Düllmann, Ch.E.
Quantitative molecular plating of large-area 242Pu targets with improved layer properties.
App. Rad. Isot. 95 (2015) 36

Winfried Barth, Aleksey Adonin, Christoph E. Düllmann, Manuel Heilmann, Ralph Hollinger, Egon Jäger, Jadambaa Khuyagbaatar, Joerg Krier, Paul Scharrer, Hartmut Vormann, and Alexander Yakushev
U28+-intensity record applying a H2-gas stripper cell
Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 18, 040101 (2015)

Kaufmann, S. ; Beyer, T. ; Blaum, K. ; Block, M. ; Düllmann, C. E. ; Eberhardt, K. ; Eibach, M. ; Geppert, C. ; Gorges, C. ; Grund, J. ; Hammen, M. ; Krämer, J. ; Nagy, S. ; Nörtershäuser, W. ; Renisch, D. ; Schneider, F. ; Wendt, K.
TRIGA-SPEC: the prototype of MATS and LaSpec
Journal of physics / Conference Series 599, 012033 (2015)

J. Khuyagbaatar, A. Yakushev, Ch.E. Düllmann, D. Ackermann, L.-L. Andersson, M. Block, H. Brand, D.M. Cox, J. Even, U. Forsberg, P. Golubev, W. Hartmann, R.-D. Herzberg, F.P. Heßberger, J. Hoffmann, A. Hübner, E. Jäger, J. Jeppsson, B. Kindler, J.V. Kratz, J. Krier, N. Kurz, B. Lommel, M. Maiti, S. Minami, A.K. Mistry, Ch.M. Mrosek, I. Pysmenetska, D. Rudolph, L.G. Sarmiento, H. Schaffner, M. Schädel, B. Schausten, J. Steiner, T. Torres De Heidenreich, J. Uusitalo, M. Wegrzecki, N. Wiehl, and V. Yakusheva
New Short-Lived Isotope 221U and the Mass Surface Near N=126
Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 242502 (2015)

J. Khuyagbaatar, D. J. Hinde, I. P. Carter, M. Dasgupta, Ch. E. Düllmann, M. Evers, D. H. Luong, R. du Rietz, A. Wakhle, E. Williams, and A. Yakushev
Experimental study of the quasifission, fusion-fission, and de-excitation of Cf compound nuclei
Physical review C 91, 054608 (2015)

E. Prasad, D. J. Hinde, K. Ramachandran, E. Williams, M. Dasgupta, I. P. Carter, K. J. Cook, D. Y. Jeung, D. H. Luong, S. McNeil, C. S. Palshetkar, D. C. Rafferty, C. Simenel, A. Wakhle, J. Khuyagbaatar, Ch. E. Düllmann, B. Lommel, and B. Kindler
Observation of mass-asymmetric fission of mercury nuclei in heavy ion fusion
Physical review C 91, 064605 (2015)

Nishio, K. ; Andreyev, A. N. ; Chapman, R. ; Derkx, X. ; Düllmann, C. E.; Ghys, L. ; Hessberger, F.-P.; Hirose, K. ; Ikezoe, H. ; Jadambaa, K.; Kindler, B.; Lommel, B.; Makii, H. ; Nishinaka, I. ; Ohtsuki, T. ; Pain, S. D. ; Sagaidak, R. ; Tsekhanovich, I. ; Venhart, M. ; Wakabayashi, Y. ; Yan, S.
Excitation energy dependence of fragment-mass distributions from fission of 180,190Hg formed in fusion reactions of 36Ar + 144,154Sm
Physics letters B 748, 89 - 94 (2015)

Gates, J.M., Gregorich, K.E., Gothe, O.R., Uribe, E.C., Pang, G.K., Bleuel, D.L., Block, M., Clark, R.M., Campbell, C.M., Crawford, H.L., Cromaz, M., Di Nitto, A., Düllmann, Ch.E., Esker, N.E., Fahlander, C., Fallon, P., Farjadi, R.M., Forsberg, U., Khuyagbaatar, J., Loveland, W., Macchiavelli, A.O., May, E.M., Mudder, P.R., Olive, D.T., Rice, A.C., Rissanen, J., Rudolph, D., Sarmiento, L.G., Shusterman, J.A., Stoyer, M.A., Wiens, A., Yakushev, A., Nitsche, H.
Decay spectroscopy of element 115 daughters: 280Rg→276Mt and 276Mt→272Bh
Phys. Rev. C 92 (2015) 021301(R)

S. Eliseev, K. Blaum, M. Block, S. Chenmarev, H. Dorrer, Ch. E. Düllmann, C. Enss, P. E. Filianin, L. Gastaldo, M. Goncharov, U. Köster, F. Lautenschläger, Yu. N. Novikov, A. Rischka, R. X. Schüssler, L. Schweikhard, and A. Türler
Direct Measurement of the Mass Difference of 163Ho and 163Dy Solves the Q-Value Puzzle for the Neutrino Mass Determination
Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 062501 (2015)

F. Schneider , T. Beyer, K. Blaum, M. Block, S. Chenmarev, H. Dorrer, Ch. E. Düllmann, K. Eberhardt, M. Eibach, S. Eliseev, J. Grund, U. Köster, Sz. Nagy, Yu. N. Novikov, D. Renisch, A. Türler, K. Wendt
Preparatory studies for a high-precision Penning-trap measurement of the 163Ho electron capture Q-value
The European physical journal A 51, 89 (2015)

Pershina, V.
Electronic structure and properties of superheavy elements
Nuclear Physics A 944, 578 (2015)

A. Borschevsky, L. F. Pašteka, V. Pershina, E. Eliav, and U. Kaldor
Ionization potentials and electron affinities of the superheavy elements 115–117 and their sixth-row homologues Bi, Po, and At
Phys. Rev. A 91, 020501(R) (2015)

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J. Even, A. Yakushev, Ch. E. Düllmann, H. Haba, M. Asai, T. K. Sato, H. Brand, A. Di Nitto, R. Eichler, F. L. Fan, W. Hartmann, M. Huang, E. Jäger, D. Kaji, J. Kanaya, Y. Kaneya, J. Khuyagbaatar, B. Kindler, J. V. Kratz, J. Krier, Y. Kudou, N. Kurz, B. Lommel, S. Miyashita, K. Morimoto, K. Morita, M. Murakami, Y. Nagame, H. Nitsche, K. Ooe, Z. Qin, M. Schädel, J. Steiner, T. Sumita, M. Takeyama, K. Tanaka, A. Toyoshima, K. Tsukada, A. Türler, I. Usoltsev, Y. Wakabayashi, Y. Wang, N. Wiehl, S. Yamaki
Synthesis and detection of a seaborgium carbonyl complex
Science 345, 1491 (2014)
Full text

Alexander Yakushev, Jacklyn M. Gates, Andreas Türler, Matthias Schädel, Christoph E. Düllmann, Dieter Ackermann, Lise-Lotte Andersson, Michael Block, Willy Brüchle, Jan Dvorak, Klaus Eberhardt, Hans G. Essel, Julia Even, Ulrika Forsberg, Alexander Gorshkov, Reimar Graeger, Kenneth E. Gregorich, Willi Hartmann, Rolf-Dietmar Herzberg, Fritz P. Heßberger, Daniel Hild, Annett Hübner, Egon Jäger, Jadambaa Khuyagbaatar, Birgit Kindler, Jens V. Kratz, Jörg Krier, Nikolaus Kurz, Bettina Lommel, Lorenz J. Niewisch, Heino Nitsche, Jon Petter Omtvedt, Edward Parr, Zhi Qin, Dirk Rudolph, Jörg Runke, Brigitta Schausten, Erwin Schimpf, Andrey Semchenkov, Jutta Steiner, Petra Thörle-Pospiech, Juha Uusitalo, Maciej Wegrzecki, and Norbert Wiehl
Superheavy Element Flerovium (Element 114) Is a Volatile Metal
Inorg. Chem., 53 (3), 1624–1629 (2014)

Forsberg, U., Rudolph, D., Golubev, P., Sarmiento, L.G., Yakushev, A., Andersson, L.-L., Di Nitto, A., Düllmann, Ch.E., Gates, J.M., Gregorich, K.E., Gross, C.J., Heßberger, F.P., Herzberg, R.-D., Khuyagbaatar, J., Kratz, J.V., Rykaczewski, K., Schädel, M., Åberg, S., Ackermann, D., Block, M., Brand, H., Carlsson, B.G., Cox, D., Derkx, X., Eberhardt, K., Even, J., Fahlander, C., Gerl, J., Jäger, E., Kindler, B., Krier, J., Kojouharov, I., Kurz, N., Lommel, B., Mistry, A., Mokry, C., Nitsche, H., Omtvedt, J.P., Papadakis, P., Ragnarsson, I., Runke, J., Schaffner, H., Schausten, B., Thörle-Pospiech, P., Torres, T., Traut, T., Trautmann, N., Türler, A., Ward, A., Ward, D.E., Wiehl, N.
Spectroscopic Tools Applied to Element Z = 115 Decay Chains
EPJ Web Conf. 66 (2014) 02036

D. Rudolph, U. Forsberg, P. Golubev, L.G. Sarmiento, A. Yakushev, L.-L. Andersson, A. Di Nitto, Ch.E. Düllmann, J.M. Gates, K.E. Gregorich, C.J. Gross, R.-D. Herzberg, F.P. Heßberger, J. Khuyagbaatar, J.V. Kratz, K. Rykaczewski, M. Schädel, S. Åberg, D. Ackermann, M. Block, H. Brand, B.G. Carlsson, D. Cox, X. Derkx, K. Eberhardt, J. Even, C. Fahlander, J. Gerl, E. Jäger, B. Kindler, J. Krier, I. Kojouharov, N. Kurz, B. Lommel, A. Mistry, C. Mokry, H. Nitsche, J.P. Omtvedt, P. Papadakis, I. Ragnarsson, J. Runke, H. Schaffner, B. Schausten, P. Thörle-Pospiech, T. Torres, T. Traut, N. Trautmann, A. Türler, A. Ward, D.E. Ward, N. Wiehl
Alpha-Photon Coincidence Spectroscopy Along Element 115 Decay Chains
Acta Phys. Pol. B 45 (2014) 263-272

J. Khuyagbaatar, A. Yakushev, Ch.E. Düllmann, D. Ackermann, L.-L. Andersson, M. Asai, M. Block, R.A. Boll, H. Brand, D.M. Cox, M. Dasgupta, X. Derkx, A. Di Nitto, K. Eberhardt, J. Even, M. Evers, C. Fahlander, U. Forsberg, J.M. Gates, N. Gharibyan, P. Golubev, K.E. Gregorich, J.H. Hamilton, W. Hartmann, R.-D. Herzberg, F.P. Hessberger, D.J. Hinde, J. Homann, R. Hollinger, A. Hübner, E. Jäger, B. Kindler, J.V. Kratz, J. Krier, N. Kurz, M. Laatiaoui, S. Lahiri, R. Lang, B. Lommel, M. Maiti, K. Miernik, S. Minami, A. Mistry, C. Mokry, H. Nitsche, J.P. Omtvedt, G.K. Pang, P. Papadakis, D. Renisch, J. Roberto, D. Rudolph, J. Runke, K. Rykaczewski, L.G. Sarmiento, M. Schädel, B. Schausten, A. Semchenkov, D.A. Shaughnessy, P. Steinegger, J. Steiner, E.E. Tereshatov, P. Thörle-Pospiech, K. Tinschert, T. Torres De Heidenreich, N. Trautmann, A. Türler, J. Uusitalo, D.E. Ward, M. Wegrzecki, N. Wiehl, S.M. Van Cleve, and V. Yakusheva
Study of the 48Ca+249Bk Fusion Reaction Leading to Element Z=117: Long-Lived α-decaying 270Db and Discovery of 266Lr
Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 172501 (2014)

Julia Even, Alexander Yakushev, Christoph Emanuel Düllmann, Jan Dvorak, Robert Eichler, Oliver Gothe, Willy Hartmann, Daniel Hild, Egon Jäger, Jadambaa Khuyagbaatar, Birgit Kindler, Jens Volker Kratz, Jörg Krier, Bettina Lommel, Lorenz Niewisch, Heino Nitsche, Inna Pysmenetska, Matthias Schädel, Brigitta Schausten, Andreas Türler, Norbert Wiehl, and David Wittwer
In-situ formation, thermal decomposition, and adsorption studies of transition metal carbonyl complexes with short-lived radioisotopes
Radiochim. Acta 102, 1093 (2014)

E. Jäger, H. Brand, Ch.E. Düllmann, J. Khuyagbaatar, J. Krier, M. Schädel, T. Torres, A. Yakushev
High intensity target wheel at TASCA: target wheel control system and target monitoring
J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 299 (2014) 1073–1079

J. Runke, Ch.E. Düllmann, K. Eberhardt, P.A. Ellison, K.E. Gregorich, S. Hofmann, E. Jäger, B. Kindler, J.V. Kratz, J. Krier, B. Lommel, C. Mokry, H. Nitsche, J.B. Roberto, K.P. Rykaczewski, M. Schädel, P. Thörle-Pospiech, N. Trautmann, A. Yakushev
Preparation of actinide targets for the synthesis of the heaviest elements
J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 299 (2014) 1081-1084

No group related article!
E. Scerri
Risse im Periodensytem
Spektrum der Wissenschaften / 18 Juli 2014

A. Vascon, S. Santi, A.A. Isse, T. Reich, J. Drebert, H. Christ, K. Eberhardt, Ch.E. Düllmann
Fundamental aspects of molecular plating and production of smooth crack-free Nd targets
J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 299 (2014) 1085-1091

T. Beyer, K. Blaum, M. Block, Ch. E. Düllmann, et al.
An RFQ cooler and buncher for the TRIGA-SPEC experiment
Appl. Phys. B 114, 129 (2014)

Nishio, K., Ikezoe, H., Hofmann, S., Ackermann, D., Aritomo, Y., Comas, V.F., Düllmann, Ch.E., Heinz, S., Heredia, J.A., Heßberger, F.P., Hirose, K., Khuyagbaatar, J., Kindler, B., Kojouharov, I., Lommel, B., Makii, M., Mann, R., Mitsuoka, S., Nishinaka, I., Ohtsuki, T., Saro, S., Schädel, M., Popeko, A.G., Türler, A., Wakabayashi, Y., Watanabe, Y., Yakushev, A., Yeremin, A.
Study of heavy-ion induced fission for heavy element synthesis
Nucl. Data Sheets 119 (2014) 299-302

Nishio, K., Ikezoe, H., Hofmann, S., Heßberger, F.P., Ackermann, D., Antalic, S., Aritomo, Y., Comas, V.F., Düllman, Ch.E., Gorshkov, A., Graeger, R., Heinz, S., Heredia, J.A., Hirose, K., Khuyagbaatar, J., Kindler, B., Kojouharov, I., Lommel, B., Makii, H., Mann, R., Mitsuoka, S., Nagame, Y, Nishinaka, I., Ohtsuki, T., Popeko, A.G., Saro, S., Schädel, M., Türler, A., Wakabayashi, Y., Watanabe, Y., Yakushev A., and Yeremin, A.V.
Study of heavy-ion induced fission for heavy-element synthesis
EPJ Web Conf. 66 (2014) 03065

N. Sato, T. K. Sato, M. Asai, A. Toyoshima, K. Tsukada, Z. J. Li, K. Nishio, Y. Nagame, M. Schädel, H. Haba, S. Ichikawa, and H. Kikunaga
Production of 256Lr in the 249,250,251Cf + 11B, 243Am + 18O, and 248Cm + 14N reactions
Radiochim. Acta 102, 211 (2014)

D. Rudolph, U. Forsberg, P. Golubev, L. G. Sarmiento, A. Yakushev, L.-L. Andersson, A. Di Nitto, Ch. E. Düllmann, J. M. Gates, K. E. Gregorich, C. J. Gross, R.-D. Herzberg, F. P. Heßberger, J. Khuyagbaatar, J. V. Kratz, K. Rykaczewski, M. Schädel, S. Aberg, D. Ackermann, M. Block, H. Brand, B. G. Carlsson, D. Cox, X. Derkx, K. Eberhardt, J. Even, C. Fahlander, J. Gerl, E. Jäger, B. Kindler, J. Krier, I. Kojouharov, N. Kurz, B. Lommel, A. Mistry, C. Mokry, H. Nitsche, J. P. Omtvedt, P. Papadakis, I. Ragnarsson, J. Runke, H. Schaffner, B. Schausten, P. Thörle-Pospiech, T. Torres, T. Traut, N. Trautmann, A. Türler, A. Ward, D. E. Ward, N. Wiehl
Selected spectroscopic results on element 115 decay chains
J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 2014 (online)

Gastaldo, L., Blaum, K., Doerr, A., Düllmann, Ch.E., Eberhardt, K., Eliseev, S., Enss, C., Fäßler, A., Fleischmann, A., Kempf, S., Kri voruchenko, M., Lahiri, S., Maiti, M., Novikov, Yu.N., Ranitzsch, P.C.-O., Šimkovic, F., Szusc, Z., Wegner, M.
The Electron Capture 163Ho experiment ECHo.
J. Low Temp. Phys. 176 (2014) 876-884.

A. N. Andreyev, S. Antalic, D. Ackermann, T. E. Cocolios, J. Elseviers, S. Franchoo, S. Heinz, F. P. Heßberger, S. Hofmann, M. Huyse, J. Khuyagbaatar, B. Kindler, B. Lommel, R. Mann, R. D. Page, P. Van Duppen, and M. Venhart
α decay of 176Au
Phys. Rev. C 90, 044312 (2014)

M. Eibach, T. Beyer, K. Blaum, M. Block, Ch.E.Düllmann, K. Eberhardt, J. Grund, Sz. Nagy, H. Nitsche, W. Nortershauser, D. Renisch, K. P. Rykaczewski, F. Schneider, C. Smorra, J. Vieten, M. Wang, and K. Wendt
Direct high-precision mass measurements on Am-241,Am-243, Pu-244, and Cf-249 (pdf)
Phys. Rev. C 89, 064318 (2014)

Michael Wormit, Małgorzata Olejniczak, Anna-Lena Deppenmeier, Anastasia Borschevsky, Trond Saue and Peter Schwerdtfeger
Strong enhancement of parity violation effects in chiral uranium compounds
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 16, 17043-17051 (2014)

Michael Wormit, Małgorzata Olejniczak, Anna-Lena Deppenmeier, Anastasia Borschevsky, Trond Saue and Peter Schwerdtfeger
Correction: Strong enhancement of parity violation effects in chiral uranium compounds
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 16, 25650-25650 (2014)

A. Borschevsky, V. Pershina, E. Eliav, U. Kaldor
Relativistic coupled cluster study of diatomic compounds of Hg, Cn, and Fl
J. Chem. Phys. 141, 084301 (2014)

V. Pershina, A. Borschevsky, M. Iliaš, and A. Türler
Theoretical predictions of properties and volatility of chlorides and oxychlorides of group-4 elements. II. Adsorption of tetrachlorides and oxydichlorides of Zr, Hf, and Rf on neutral and modified surfaces
J. Chem. Phys. 141, 064315 (2014)

V. Pershina, A. Borschevsky, M. Iliaš, and A. Türler
Theoretical predictions of properties and volatility of chlorides and oxychlorides of group-4 elements. I. Electronic structures and properties of MCl4 and MOCl2 (M = Ti, Zr, Hf, and Rf)
J. Chem. Phys. 141, 064314 (2014)

Nagame, Y., Toyoshima, A., Tsukada, K., Asai, M., Sato, T.K., Schädel, M.
Radiochemical studies of the heaviest elements at JAEA
J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 300, 77-88 (2014)

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Andreas Türler and Valeria Pershina
Advances in the Production and Chemistry of the Heaviest Elements
Chem. Rev. 113, 1237−1312 (2013)

No group related article!
R. Van Noorden
Bohr's model: Extreme atoms
Physicists are stretching, stripping and contorting atoms to new and bizarre limits.
Nature 498, 22 (2013)

Atsushi Toyoshima, Zijie Li, Masato Asai, Nozomi Sato, Tetsuya K. Sato, Takahiro Kikuchi, Yusuke Kaneya, Yoshihiro Kitatsuji, Kazuaki Tsukada, Yuichiro Nagame, Matthias Schädel, Kazuhiro Ooe, Yoshitaka Kasamatsu, Atsushi Shinohara, Hiromitsu Haba, and Julia Even
Measurement of the Md3+/Md2+ Reduction Potential Studied with Flow Electrolytic Chromatography
Inorg. Chem. 52 12311–12313 (2013)

D. Rudolph, U. Forsberg, P. Golubev, L. G. Sarmiento, A. Yakushev, L.-L. Andersson, A. Di Nitto, Ch. E. Düllmann, J. M. Gates, K. E. Gregorich, C. J. Gross, F. P. Heßberger, R.-D. Herzberg, J. Khuyagbaatar, J. V. Kratz, K. Rykaczewski, M. Schädel, S. Åberg, D. Ackermann, M. Block, H. Brand, B. G. Carlsson, D. Cox, X. Derkx, K. Eberhardt, J. Even, C. Fahlander, J. Gerl, E. Jäger, B. Kindler, J. Krier, I. Kojouharov, N. Kurz, B. Lommel, A. Mistry, C. Mokry, H. Nitsche, J. P. Omtvedt, P. Papadakis, I. Ragnarsson, J. Runke, H. Schaffner, B. Schausten, P. Thörle-Pospiech, T. Torres, T. Traut, N. Trautmann, A. Türler, A. Ward, D. E. Ward, and N. Wiehl
Spectroscopy of Element 115 Decay Chains
Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 112502 (2013)

J.M. Cornejo, A. Lorenzo, D. Renisch, M. Block, Ch.E. Düllmann, D. Rodríguez
Status of the project TRAPSENSOR: Performance of the laser-desorption ion source
Nucl. Inst. Meth. B. 317 (2013) 522

Rothe, S., A. Andreyev, A.N., Antalic, S., Borschevsky, A., Capponi, L., Cocolios, T.E., De Witte, H., Eliav, E., Fedorov, D.V., Fedosseev, V.N., Fink, D.A., Fritzsche, S., Ghys, L., Huyse, M., Imai, N., Kaldor, U., Kudryavtsev, Y., Köster, U., Lane, J.F.W., Lassen, J., Liberati, V., Lynch, K.M., Marsh, B.A., Nishio, K.,, Pauwels, D., Pershina, V., Popescu, L., Procter, T.J., Radulov, D., Raeder, S., Rajabali, M.M., Rapisarda, E., Rossel, R.E., Sandhu, K., Seliverstov, M.D., Sjödin, A.M., Van den Bergh, P., Van Duppen, P., Venhart, Wakabayashi & Wendt, K.D.A.
Measurement of the first ionization potential of astatine by laser ionization spectroscopy
Nature Communications 4 (2013) 1835

E. Minaya Ramirez, D. Ackermann, K. Blaum, M. Block, C. Droese, Ch. E. Düllmann, M. Eibach, S. Eliseev, E. Haettner, F. Herfurth, F.P. Heßberger, S. Hofmann, G. Marx, D. Nesterenko, Yu.N. Novikov, W.R. Plaß, D. Rodríguez, C. Scheidenberger, L. Schweikhard, P.G. Thirolf, C. Weber, et al.
Recent developments for high-precision mass measurements of the heaviest elements at SHIPTRAP
Nucl. Inst. Meth. B. 317 (2013) 501-50

Vascon, A., Wiehl, N., Reich, T., Drebert, J., Eberhardt, K., Düllmann, Ch.E.
The performance of thin layers produced by molecular plating as α-particle sources.

Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 721 (2013) 35-44

Vascon, A., Santi, S., Isse, A.A., Kühnle, A., Reich, T., Drebert, J., Eberhardt, K., Düllmann, Ch.E.
Smooth crack-free targets for nuclear applications produced by molecular plating.

Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 714 (2013) 163-175

J. Khuyagbaatar, D.J. Hinde, R. du Rietz, I. P. Carter, M. Dasgupta, Ch.E. Düllmann, M. Evers, A. Wakhle, E. Williams and A. Yakushev
Study of fusion reactions forming Cf nuclei
EPJ Web of Conferences, 63, 02015 (2013)

J.V. Kratz, M. Schädel, and H.W. Gäggeler
Reexamining the heavy-ion reactions 238U + 238U and 238U + 248Cm and actinide production close to the barrier
Phys. Rev. C 88 (2013) 054615

Nishio, K., Ikezoe, H., Hofmann, S., Ackermann, D., Aritomo, Y., Comas, V.F., Düllmann, Ch.E., Heinz, S., Heredia, J.A., Heßberger, F.P., Hirose, K., Khuyagbaatar, J., Kindler, B., Kojouharov, I., Lommel, B., Makii, M., Mann, R., Mitsuoka, S., Nishinaka, I., Ohtsuki, T., Saro, S., Schädel, M., Popeko, A.G., Türler, A., Wakabayashi, Y., Watanabe, Y., Yakushev, A., Yeremin, A.
In-beam fissio study at JAEA for heavy element synthesis
AIP Conference Proceedings, 1524, 68-72 (2013)

Sato, T.K., Sato, N., Asai, M., Tsukada, K., Toyoshima, A., Ooe, K., Miyashita, S., Schädel, M., Kaneya, Y., Nagame, Y., Osa, A., Ichikawa, S.-I., Stora, T., Kratz, J.V.
First successful ionization of Lr (Z = 103) by a surface-ionization technique
Review of Scientific Instruments, 84 (2), 023304, (2013)

V. Pershina
Predictions of redox potentials of Sg in acid solutions as a function of pH
Radiochim. Acta, 101, 749-752 (2013)

V. Pershina and J. Anton
Theoretical predictions of properties and gas-phase chromatography behaviour of carbonyl complexes of group-6 elements Cr, Mo, W, and element 106, Sg
J. Chem. Phys. 138, 174301 (2013) (full text)

J. Khuyagbaatar, V. P. Shevelko, A. Borschevsky, Ch. E. Düllmann, I. Yu. Tolstikhina, and A. Yakushev
Average charge states of heavy and superheavy ions passing through a rarified gas: Theory and experiment
Phys. Rev. A 88, 042703 (2013)

Borschevsky, A.; Pershina, V.; Eliav, E.; et al.
Ab initio predictions of atomic properties of element 120 and its lighter group-2 homologues
Phys. Rev. A 87, 022502 (2013)

Borschevsky, A.; Pershina, V.; Eliav, E.; et al.
Ab initio studies of atomic properties and experimental behavior of element 119 and its lighter homologs
J. Chem. Phys. 138, 124302 (2013)

J. Khuyagbaatar, V. P. Shevelko, A. Borschevsky, Ch. E. Düllmann, I. Yu. Tolstikhina, and A. Yakushev
Average charge states of heavy and superheavy ions passing through a rarified gas: Theory and experiment
Phys. Rev. A 88, 042703 (2013)

Block, M., Ackermann, D., Blaum, K., Droese, C., Düllmann, Ch.E., Eibach, M., Eliseev, S., Haettner, E., Herfurth, F., Heßberger, F.P., Hofmann, S., Marx, G., Ramirez Minaya, E., Nesterenko, D., Novikov, Y.N. Plaß, W.R., Rodríguez, D., Scheidenberger, C., Schweikhard, L., Thirolf, P.G., Weber, C.
Extending Penning trap mass measurements with SHIPTRAP to the heaviest elements
Proc. NON-NEUTRAL PLASMA PHYSICS VIII: 10th International Workshop on Non-Neutral Plasmas, August 27-30, 2012, Greifswald, Germany, Sarasola, X, Schweikhard, L., Pedersen, T.S., (Eds.),
AIP Conf. Proc. 1521 (2013) 191-199

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M. Schädel
Chemistry of superheavy elements
Radiochim. Acta 100, 579 (2012)

Khuyagbaatar, J., Ackermann, D., Andersson, L.-L., Ballof, J., Brüchle, W., Düllmann, C.E., Dvorak, J., Eberhardt, K., Even, J., Gorshkov, A., Graeger, R., Heßberger, F.-P., Hild, D., Hoischen, R., Jäger, E., Kindler, B., Kratz, J.V., Lahiri, S., Lommel, B., Maiti, M., Merchan, E., Rudolph, D., Schädel, M., Schaffner, H., Schausten, B., Schimpf, E., Semchenkov, A., Serov, A., Türler, A., Yakushev, A.
Study of the average charge states of 188Pb and 252,252No ions at the gas-filled separator TASCA
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 689 (2012) 40-46

Ch. E. Düllmann
Superheavy elements at GSI: a broad research program with element 114 in the focus of physics and chemistry

Radiochim. Acta 100, 67-74 (2012)

Z. J. Li, A. Toyoshima, M.Asai, K. Tsukada, T. K. Sato, N. Sato, T. Kikuchi, Y.Nagame, M. Schädel, V. Pershina, X.H. Liang, Y. Kasamatsu, Y. Komori, K.Ooe, A. Shinohara, S.Goto, H. Murayama, M.Murakami, H. Kudo, H.Haba, Y. Takeda, M. Nishikawa, A. Yokoyama, S. Ikarashi, K. Sueki, K. Akiyama and J. V. Kratz
Sulfate complexation of element 104, Rf, in H2SO4/HNO3 mixed solution
Radiochim. Acta 100, 157-164 (2012)

Ch. E. Düllmann
Superheavy elements at GSI: a broad research program with element 114 in the focus of physics and chemistry

Radiochim. Acta 100, 67-74 (2012)

U. Forsberg, P. Golubev, L.G. Sarmiento, J. Jeppsson, D. Rudolph, L.-L. Andersson, D. Ackermann, M. Asai, M. Block, K. Eberhardt, J. Even, Ch.E. Düllmann, J. Dvorak, J.M. Gates, K.E. Gregorich, R.-D. Herzberg, F.P. Heßberger, E. Jäger, J. Khuyagbaatar, I. Kojouharov, J.V. Kratz, J. Krier, N. Kurz, S. Lahiri, B. Lommel, M. Maiti, E. Merchán, J.P. Omtvedt, E. Parr, J. Runke, H. Schaffner, M. Schädel, A. Yakushev
First Experiment at TASCA Towards X-Ray Fingerprinting of Element 115 Decay Chains
Acta Phys. Polonica 43, 305 (2012)

Grieser, M., Litvinov, Yu.A., Raabe, R., Blaum, K., Blumenfeld, Y., Butler, P.A., Wenander, F., Woods, P.J., Aliotta, M., Andreyev, A., Artemyev, A., Atanasov, D., Aumann, T., Balabanski, D., Barzakh, A., Batist, L., Bernardes, A.-P., Bernhardt, D., Billowes, J., Bishop, S., Borge, M., Borzov, I., Bosch, F., Boston, A.J., Brandau, C., Catford, W., Catherall, R., Cederkäll, J., Cullen, D., Davinson, T., Dillmann, I., Dimopoulou, C., Dracoulis, G., Düllmann, Ch.E., Egelhof, P., Estrade, A., Fischer, D., Flanagan, K., Fraile, L., Fraser, M.A., Freeman, S.J., Geissel, H., Gerl, J., Greenlees, P., Grisenti, R.E., Habs, D., von Hahn, R., Hagmann, S., Hausmann, M., He, J.J., Heil, M., Huyse, M., Jenkins, D., Jokinen, A., Jonson, B., Joss, D.T., Kadi, Y., Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N., Kay, B.P., Kiselev, O., Kluge, H.-J., Kowalska, M., Kozhuharov, C., Kreim, S., Kröll, T., Kurcewicz, J., Labiche, M., Lemmon, R.C., Lestinsky, M., Lotay, G., Ma, X.W., Marta, M., Meng, J., Mücher, D., Mukha, I., Müller, A., Murphy, A.St.J., Neyens, G., Nilsson, T., Nociforo, C., Nörtershäuser, W., Page, R.D., Pasini, M., Petridis, N., Pietralla, N., Pfützner, M., Podolyák, Z., Regan, P., Reed, M.W., Reifarth, R., Reiter, P., Repnow, R., Riisager, K., Rubio, B., Sanjari, M.S., Savin, D.W., Scheidenberger, C., Schippers, S., Schneider, D., Schuch, R., Schwalm, D., Schweikhard, L., Shubina, D., Siesling, E., Simon, H., Simpson, J., Smith, J., Sonnabend, K., Steck, M., Stora, T., Stöhlker, T., Sun, B., Surzhykov, A., Suzaki, F., Tarasov, O., Trotsenko, S., Tu, X.L., Van Duppen, P., Volpe, C., Voulot, D., Walker, P.M., Wildner, E., Winckler, N., Winters, D.F.A., Wolf, A., Xu, H.S., Yakushev, A., Yamaguchi, T., Yuan, Y.J., Zhang, Y.H., Zuber, K.
Storage ring at HIE-ISOLDE – Technical Design Report
Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 207 (2012) 1-117

A. Vascon, S. Santi, A.A. Isse, T. Reich, J. Drebert, H. Christ, Ch.E. Düllmann, K. Eberhardt
Elucidation of constant current density molecular plating
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 696 (2012) 1-192

Even, J., Yakushev, A., Düllmann, Ch.E., Dvorak, J., Eichler, R., Gothe, O., Hild, D., Jäger, E., Khuyagbaatar, J., Kratz, J.V., Krier, J., Niewisch, L., Nitsche, H., Pysmenetska, I., Schädel, M., Schausten, B., Türler, A., Wiehl, N., Wittwer, D.
Rapid Synthesis of Radioactive Transition-Metal Carbonyl Complexes at Ambient Conditions.
Inorg. Chem. 51, 6431–6433 (2012)

Renisch, D.; Beyer, T.; Blaum, K.; Block, M.; Düllmann, Ch. E.; Eberhardt, K.; Eibach, M.; Nagy, Sz.; Neidherr, C. Nörtershäuser, W.; Smorra, C.
Targets on superhydrophobic surfaces for laser ablation ion sources.
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 676 (2012) 84-89

Smorra, C., Rodríguez, T.R. Beyer, T., Blaum, K., Block, M., Düllmann, Ch.E., Eberhardt, K., Eibach, M., Eliseev, S., Langanke, K., Martínez-Pinedo, G., Nagy, Sz., Nörtershäuser, W., Renisch, D., Shabaev, V.M., Tupitsyn, I.I., Zubova, N.A.
Q value and half-life of double-electron capture in 184Os
Phys. Rev. C 86 (2012) 044604

Minaya Ramirez, E., Ackermann, D., Blaum, K., Block, M., Droese, C., Düllmann, Ch.E., Dworschak, M., Eibach, M., Eliseev, S., Haettner, E., Herfurth, F., Heßberger, F.P., Hofmann, S., Ketelaer, J., Marx, G., Mazzocco, M., Nesterenko, D., Novikov, Yu.N., Plaß, W.R., Rodríguez, D., Scheidenberger, C., Schweikhard, L., Thirolf, P.G., Weber, C.
Direct mapping of shell effects in the heaviest elements
Science 337 (2012) 1207-1210

Smorra, C., Beyer, T., Blaum, K., Block, M., Düllmann, Ch.E., Eberhardt, K., Eibach, M., Eliseev, S., Nagy, Sz., Nörtershäuser, W., Renisch, D.
Direct mass measurements of cadmium and palladium isotopes and their double-beta transition Q-values
Phys. Rev. C 85 (2012) 027601

V. Pershina, A. Borschevsky, and J. Anton
Theoretical predictions of properties of group-2 elements including element 120 and their adsorption on noble metal surfaces
J. Chem. Phys. 136, 134317 (2012)

V. Pershina, A. Borschevsky, J. Anton
Fully relativistic study of intermetallic dimers of group-1 elements K through element 119 and prediction of their adsorption on noble metal surfaces
Chem. Phys. 395, (2012) 87–94

V. Pershina, J. Anton
Theoretical predictions of properties and gas-phase chromatography behaviour of bromides of group-5 elements Nb, Ta, and element 105, Db (Erratum)
J. Chem. Phys. 136, 069901 (2012)

V. Pershina, J. Anton
Theoretical predictions of properties and gas-phase chromatography behaviour of bromides of group-5 elements Nb, Ta, and element 105, Db
J. Chem. Phys. 136, 034308 (2012)

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Düllmann, Ch. E.
Superheavy element studies with preseparated isotopes
Radiochim. Acta 99, 515 (2011)

Gates, J.M., Düllmann, Ch.E., Schädel, M., Yakushev, A., Türler, A., Eberhardt, K., Kratz, J.V., Ackermann, D., Andersson, L.-L., Block, M., Brüchle, W., Dvorak, J., Essel, H.G., Ellison, P.A., Even, J., Forsberg, U., Gellanki, J., Gorshkov, A., Graeger, R., Gregorich, K.E., Hartmann, W., Herzberg, R.D., Heßberger, F.P., Hild, D., Hübner, A., Jäger, E., Khuyagbaatar, J., Kindler, B., Krier, J., Kurz, N., Lahiri, S., Liebe, D., Lommel, B., Maiti, M., Nitsche, H., Omtvedt, J.P., Parr, E., Rudolph, D., Runke, J., Schaffner, H., Schausten, B. Schimpf, E., Semchenkov, A., Steiner, J., Thörle-Pospiech, P., Uusitalo, J., Wegrzecki, M., Wiehl, N.
First superheavy element experiments at the GSI recoil separator TASCA: the production and decay of element 114 in the 244Pu(48 Ca,3-4n) reaction.
Phys. Rev. C 83, 054618 (2011)

Vascon, A., Düllmann, Ch.E., Eberhardt, K., Kindler, B., Lommel, B., Runke, J.
Towards large-area targets for "TRAKULA"
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 655 (2011) 76-83

Even, J., Ballof, J., Brüchle, W., Buda, R.A., Düllmann, Ch.E., Eberhardt, K., Gorshkov, A., Gromm, E., Hild, D., Jäger, E., Khuyagbaatar, J., Kratz, J.V., Krier, J., Liebe, D., Mendel, M., Nayak, D., Opel, K., Omtvedt, J.P., Reichert, P., Runke, J., Sabelnikov, A., Samadani, F., Schädel, M., Schausten, B., Scheid, N., Schimpf, E., Semchenkov, A., Thörle-Pospiech, P., Toyoshima, A., Türler, A., Vicente Vilas, V., Wiehl, N., Wunderlich, T., Yakushev, A.
The Recoil Transfer Chamber – an interface to connect the physical preseparator TASCA with chemistry and counting setups.
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 638, 157-164 (2011)

Nishio, K., Ikezoe, H., Hofmann, S., Ackermann, D., Antalic, S., Aritomo, Y., Comas, V.F., Düllmann, Ch.E., Gorshkov, A., Graeger, R., Hagino, K., Heinz, S., Heredia, J.A., Hirose, K., Khuyagbaatar, J., Kindler, B., Kojouharov, I., Lommel, B., Makii, H., Mann, R., Mitsuoka, S., Nagame, Y., Nishinaka, I., Ohtsuki, T., Popeko, A.G., Saro, S., Schädel, M., Türler, A., Wakabayashi, Y., Watanabe, Y., Yakushev, A., Yeremin, A.V.
Investigation of fission properties and evaporation residue measurement in the reactions using 238U target nucleus
EPJ Conf. 17 (2011) 09005

Ishii, Y., Toyoshima, A., Tsukada, K., Asai, M., Li, Z., Nagame, Y., Miyashita, S., Mori, T., Suganuma, H., Haba, H., Goto, S.-I., Kudo, H., Akiyama, K., Oura, Y., Shinohara, A., Schädel, M., Pershina, V., Kratz, J.V.
Fluorido complex formation of element 104, Rutherfordium (Rf)
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 84 (9), 903-911 (2011)

V. Pershina
Relativistic electronic structure studies on the heaviest elements
Radiochim. Acta 99, 459-476 (2011)

Dvorak, J., Block, M., Düllmann, Ch.E., Heinz, S., Herzberg, R.-D., Schädel, M.
IRiS - Exploring new frontiers in neutron-rich isotopes of the heaviest elements with a new Inelastic Reaction Isotope Separator.
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 652, 687–691 (2011)

Ch.E. Düllmann
Heavy element research at the recoil separator TASCA at GSI
241st National Meeting and Exposition of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS), Anaheim, CA, March 27-31, 2011
Abst. of Papers of the ACS 241, 2011

Nishio, K., Ikezoe, H., Hofmann, S., Ackermann, D., Antalic, S., Aritomo, Y., Comas, V.F., Düllmann, Ch.E., Gorshkov, A., Graeger, R., Hagino, K., Heinz, S., Heredia, J.A., Hirose, K., Khuyagbaatar, J., Kindler, B., Kojouharov, I., Lommel, B., Makii, H., Mann, R., Mitsuoka, S., Nagame, Y., Nishinaka, I., Ohtsuki, T., Popeko, A.G., Saro, S., Schädel, M., Türler, A., Wakabayashi, Y., Watanabe, Y., Yakushev, A., Yeremin, A.V.
Investigation of fission properties and evaporation residue measurement in the reactions using 238U target nucleus
5th International Conference FUSION11, Saint-Malo, France, May 02-06, 2011
EPJ Conf. 17 (2011) 09005

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Matthias Schädel
Falsch gefeiert? - Wer hat 107 wann entdeckt?
Nachrichten aus der Chemie, 49, 515 (2010)

R. Graeger, D. Ackermann, M. Chelnokov, V. Chepigin, Ch. E. Düllmann, J. Dvorak, J. Even, A. Gorshkov, F. P. Heßberger, D. Hild, A. Hübner, E. Jäger, J. Khuyagbaatar, B. Kindler, J. V. Kratz, J. Krier, A. Kuznetsov, B. Lommel, K. Nishio, H. Nitsche, J. P. Omtvedt, O. Petrushkin, D. Rudolph, J. Runke, F. Samadani, M. Schädel, B. Schausten, A. Türler, A. Yakushev, and Q. Zhi
Experimental study of the 238U(36S,3–5n)269–271Hs reaction leading to the observation of 270Hs
Phys. Rev. C 81, 061601 (2010)

Ch. E. Düllmann, M. Schädel, A. Yakushev, A. Türler, K. Eberhardt, J.V. Kratz, D. Ackermann, L.-L. Andersson, M. Block, W. Brüchle, J. Dvorak, H. G. Essel, P. A. Ellison, J. Even, J. M. Gates, A. Gorshkov, R. Graeger, K. E. Gregorich, W. Hartmann, R.-D. Herzberg, F. P. Heßberger, D. Hild, A. Hübner, E. Jäger, J. Khuyagbaatar, B. Kindler, J. Krier, N. Kurz, S. Lahiri, D. Liebe, B. Lommel, M. Maiti, H. Nitsche, J. P. Omtvedt, E. Parr, D. Rudolph, J. Runke, B. Schausten, E. Schimpf, A. Semchenkov, J. Steiner, P. Thörle-Pospiech, J. Uusitalo, M. Wegrzecki, and N. Wiehl
Production and Decay of Element 114: High Cross Sections and the New Nucleus Hs-277
Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 252701 (2010)

Nishio, K., Hofmann, S., Heßberger, F.P., Ackermann, D., Antalic, S., Aritomo, Y., Comas, V.F., Düllmann, Ch.E., Gorshkov, A., Graeger, R., Hagino, K., Heinz, S., Heredia, J.A., Hirose, K., Ikezoe, H., Khuyagbaatar, J., Kindler, B., Kojouharov, I., Lommel, B., Mann, R., Mitsuoka, S., Nagame, Y., Nishinaka, I., Ohtsuki, T., Popeko, A.G., Saro, S., Schädel, M., Türler, A., Watanabe, Y., Yakushev, A., Yeremin, A.V.
Nuclear orientation in the reaction 34S + 238U and synthesis of the new isotope 268Hs
Phys. Rev. C 82 (2010) 024611

Pershina, V., Borschevsky, A., Anton, J., Jacob, T.
Theoretical predictions of trends in spectroscopic properties of homonuclear dimers and volatility of the 7p elements
J. Chem. Phys. 132, 194314 (2010)

L.-L. Andersson, D. Rudolph, P. Golubev, R.-D. Herzberg, R. Hoischen, E. Merchán, D. Ackermann,
Ch.E. Düllmann, K. Eberhardt, J. Even, J. Gerl, F.P. Heßberger, E. Jäger, J. Khuyagbaatar, I. Kojouharov, J.V. Kratz, J. Krier, N. Kurz, W. Prokopowicz, M. Schädel, H. Schaffner, B. Schausten, E. Schimpf, A. Semchenkov, A. Türler, H.-J.Wollersheim, A. Yakushev, P. Thörle-Pospiech, W. Hartmann, A. Hübner, B. Lommel, B. Kindler, and J. Steiner
TASISpec: A Highly Efficient Multi-coincidence Spectrometer for Nuclear Structure Investigations of the Heaviest Nuclei
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A, 622, 164 (2010)

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M. Schädel & A. Türler
Ein Platz für Schwergewichte
Physik Journal 8, 35 (2009)

Y. Kasamatsu, A. Toyoshima, M. Asai, K. Tsukada, Z. Li, Y. Ishii, H. Toume, T.K. Sato, T. Kikuchi, I. Nishinaka, Y. Nagame, H. Haba, H. Kikunaga, Y. Kudou, Y. Oura, K. Akiyama, W. Sato, K. Ooe, H.Fujisawa, A. Shinohara, S. Goto, T. Hasegawa, H. Kudo, T. Nanri, M. Araki, N. Kinoshita, A. Yokoyama, F. Fan, Z. Qin, C.E. Düllmann, M. Schädel, and J.V. Kratz
Anionic Fluoro Complex of Element 105, Db
Chemistry Letters 38, 1084 (2009)

K. Tsukada, H. Haba, M. Asai, A. Toyoshima, K. Akiyama3 Y. Kasamatsu, I. Nishinaka, S. Ichikawa, K. Yasuda, Y.Miyamoto, K.Hashimoto, Y. Nagame, S.Goto, H. Kudo, W. Sato, A. Shinohara, Y.Oura, K. Sueki, H. Kikunaga, N. Kinoshita , A. Yokoyama, M. Schädel, W.Brüchle and J. V. Kratz
Adsorption of Db and its homologues Nb and Ta, and the pseudo-homologue Pa on anion-exchange resin in HF solution
Radiochim. Acta 97, 83–89 (2009)

I. Dragojević, K. E. Gregorich, Ch. E. Düllmann, J. Dvorak, P.A. Ellison, J.M. Gates, S.L. Nelson, L. Stavsetra and H. Nitsche
New isotope 263Hs
Phys. Rev. C 79, 011602(R) (2009)

Ch.E. Düllmann, K.E. Gregorich, G.K. Pang, I. Dragojevic, R. Eichler, C.M. Folden III, M.A. Garcia, J.M. Gates, D.C. Hoffman, S.L. Nelson, R. Sudowe and H. Nitsche
Gas chemical investigation of hafnium and zirconium complexes with hexafluoroacetylacetone using preseparated short-lived radioisotopes
Radiochim. Acta 97, 403—418 (2009)

J. Dvorak, W. Brüchle, Ch. E. Düllmann, Z. Dvorakova, K. Eberhardt, R. Eichler, E. Jäger, Y. Nagame, Z. Qin, M. Schädel, B. Schausten, E. Schimpf, R. Schuber, A. Semchenkov, P. Thörle, A. Türler, M. Wegrzecki and A. Yakushev
Cross section limits for the 248Cm(25Mg, 4n–5n)268,269Hs reactions
Phys. Rev. C 79, 037602 (2009)

Pershina, V., Anton, J., Jacob, T.
Electronic structures and properties of MAu and MOH, where M = Tl and element 113
Chem. Phys. Lett. 480, 157-160 (2009)

Borschevsky, A., Pershina, V., Eliav, E., Kaldor, U.
Electron affinity of element 114, with comparison to Sn and Pb
Chem. Phys. Lett. 480, 49-51 (2009)

Pershina, V., Anton, J., Jacob, T.
Theoretical predictions of adsorption behavior of elements 112 and 114 and their homologs Hg and Pb
J. Chem. Phys. 131, 084713 (2009)

Pershina, V., Borschevsky, A., Eliav, E., Kaldor, U.
Adsorption of inert gases including element 118 on noble metal and inert surfaces from ab initio Dirac-Coulomb atomic calculations
J. Chem. Phys. 130, 199902 (2009)

V. Pershina
Electronic structure and chemical properties of superheavy elements
 Russ. Chem. Rev. 78, 1153-1171 (2009)

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Ch.E. Düllmann
Physical separators for the heaviest elements
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. in Phys. Research B 266, 4123 (2008)

Z. Qin, W.Brüchle, D. Ackermann, K. Eberhardt, F. P. Heßberger, E. Jäger, J. V. Kratz, P. Kuusiniemi, D. Liebe, G. Münzenberg, D. Nayak, Yu. N. Novikov, M. Schädel, B. Schausten, E. Schimpf, A. Semchenkov, B. Sulignano, P. Thörle and X. L. Wu
Search for the “missing” α-decay branch in 239Cm
Radiochim. Acta 96, 455 (2008)

J. M. Gates, M. A. Garcia, K. E. Gregorich, Ch. E. Düllmann, I. Dragojević, J. Dvorak, R. Eichler, C. M. Folden III, W. Loveland, S. L. Nelson, G. K. Pang, L. Stavsetra, R. Sudowe, A. Türler, and H. Nitsche
Synthesis of rutherfordium isotopes in the 238U(26Mg, xn)264-xRf reaction and study of their decay properties
Phys. Rev. C 77, 034603 (2008)

A. Toyoshima, H. Haba, K. Tsukada, M. Asai, K. Akiyama, S. Goto, Y. Ishii, I. Nishinaka, T. K. Sato, Yuichi Nagame, Wataru Sato, Yuuki Tani, H. Hasegawa, K. Matsuo, D. Saika, Y. Kitamoto, A. Shinohara, M. Ito, J. Saito, H. Kudo, A. Yokoyama, M. Sakama, K. Sueki, Y. Oura, H. Nakahara, M. Schädel, W. Brüchle and J. V. Kratz
Hexafluoro complex of rutherfordium in mixed HF/HNO3 solutions
Radiochim. Acta 96, 125 (2008)

Yasuo Ishii, Atsushi Toyoshima, Kazuaki Tsukada, Masato Asai, Hayato Toume, Ichiro Nishinaka, Yuichiro Nagame, Sunao Miyashita, Tomotaka Mori, Hideo Suganuma, Hiromitsu Haba, Masami Sakamaki, Shin-ichi Goto, Hisaaki Kudo, Kazuhiko Akiyama, Yasuji Oura, Hiromichi Nakahara, Yuki Tashiro, Atsushi Shinohara, Matthias Schädel, Willy Brüchle, Valeria Pershina and Jens V. Kratz
Fluoride Complexation of Element 104, Rutherfordium (Rf), Investigated by Cation-exchange Chromatography
Chem. Letters 37, 288 (2008)

J. Dvorak, W. Brüchle, M. Chelnokov, Ch. E. Düllmann, Z. Dvorakova, K. Eberhardt, E. Jäger, R. Krücken, A. Kuznetsov, Y. Nagame, F. Nebel, K. Nishio, R. Perego, Z. Qin, M. Schädel, B. Schausten, E. Schimpf, R. Schuber, A. Semchenkov, P. Thörle, A. Türler, M. Wegrzecki, B. Wierczinski, A. Yakushev, and A. Yeremin
Observation of the 3n Evaporation Channel in the Complete Hot-Fusion Reaction 26Mg + 248Cm Leading to the New Superheavy Nuclide 271Hs
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 132503 (2008)

A. Semchenkov, W. Brüchle, E. Jäger, E. Schimpf, M. Schädel, C. Mühle, F. Klos, A. Türler, A. Yakushev, A. Belov, T. Belyakova, M. Kaparkova, V. Kukhtin, E. Lamzin, S. Sytchevsky
The TransActinide Separator and Chemistry Apparatus (TASCA) at GSI – Optimization of ion-optical structures and magnet designs
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. in Phys. Research B 266, 4153 (2008)

D. Liebe, K. Eberhardt, W. Hartmann, T. Häger, A. Hübner, J.V. Kratz, B. Kindler, B. Lommel, P. Thörle, M. Schädel, J. Steiner
The application of neutron activation analysis, scanning electron microscope, and radiographic imaging for the characterization of electrochemically deposited layers of lanthanide and actinide elements
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 590, 145 (2008)

Bettina Lommel, Willy Brüchle, Klaus Eberhardt, Willi Hartmann, Annett Hübner, Birgit Kindler, Jens Volker Kratz, Dirk Liebe, Matthias Schädel, Jutta Steiner
Backings and targets for chemical and nuclear studies of transactinides with TASCA
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 590, 141 (2008)

Eberhardt, K.; Brüchle, W.; Düllmann, Ch.E.; Gregorich, K.E.; Hartmann, W.; Hübner, A.; Jäger, E.; Kindler, B.; Kratz, J.V.; Liebe, D.; Lommel, B.; Maier, H.-J.; Schädel, M.; Schausten, B.; Schimpf, E.; Semchenkov, A.; Steiner, J.; Szerypo, J.; Thörle, P.; Türler, A.; Yakushev, A.
Preparation of targets for the gas-filled recoil separator TASCA by electrochemical deposition and design of the TASCA target wheel assembly
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 590, 134 (2008)

H. Hummrich, N. L. Banik, M. Breckheimer, W. Brüchle, R. Buda, F. Feist, E. Jäger, J. V. Kratz, B. Kuczewski, D. Liebe, L. Niewisch, M. Schädel, B. Schausten, E. Schimpf, N. Wiehl
Electrodeposition methods in superheavy element chemistry
Radiochim. Acta 96, 73—83 (2008)

Nelson, S.L.; Folden, C.M., III; Gregorich, K.E.; Dragojević, I.; Düllmann, Ch.E.; Eichler, R.; Garcia, M.A.; Gates, J.M.; Sudowe, R.; Nitsche, H.
Comparison of complementary reactions for the production of 262,261Bh.
Phys. Rev. C 78 (2008) 024606

Dragojević, I.; Gregorich, K.E.; Düllmann, Ch.E.; Garcia, M.A.; Gates, J.M.; Nelson, S.L.; Stavsetra, L.; Sudowe, R.; Nitsche, H.
The influence of projectile neutron number in the 208Pb(48Ti, n)255Rf and 208Pb(50Ti, n)257Rf reactions.
Phys. Rev. C 78 (2008) 024605

Düllmann, Ch. E. and Türler, A.
248Cm(22Ne,xn)270-xSg reaction and the decay properties of 265Sg reexamined
Phys. Rev. C 77, (2008) 064320
See also Erratum: Phys. Rev. C 78 (2008) 029901(E)

V. Pershina, A. Borschevsky, E. Eliav and U. Kaldor
Atomic Properties of Element 113 and Its Adsorption on Inert Surfaces from ab Initio Dirac-Coulomb Calculations
J. Phys. Chem. A 112, 13712 (2008)

Yasuo Ishii, Atsushi Toyoshima, Kazuaki Tsukada, Masato Asai, Hayato Toume, Ichiro Nishinaka, Yuichiro Nagame, Sunao Miyashita, Tomotaka Mori, Hideo Suganuma, Hiromitsu Haba, Masami Sakamaki, Shin-ichi Goto, Hisaaki Kudo, Kazuhiko Akiyama, Yasuji Oura, Hiromichi Nakahara, Yuki Tashiro, Atsushi Shinohara, Matthias Schädel, Willy Brüchle, Valeria Pershina and Jens V. Kratz
Fluoride Complexation of Element 104, Rutherfordium (Rf), Investigated by Cation-exchange Chromatography
Chem. Letters 37, 288 (2008)

V. Pershina,  A. Borschevsky, E. Eliav, and U. Kaldor
Adsorption of inert gases including element 118 on noble metal and inert surfaces from ab initio Dirac–Coulomb atomic calculations
J. Chem. Phys. 129, 144106 (2008)

V. Pershina, J. Anton, T. Jacob
Fully relativistic density-functional-theory calculations of the electronic structures of MO4 (M=Ru, Os, and element 108, Hs) and prediction of physisorption
Phys. Rev. A 78, 032518 (2008)

V. Pershina, A. Borschevsky, E. Eliav, and U. Kaldor
Prediction of the adsorption behavior of elements 112 and 114 on inert surfaces from ab initio Dirac-Coulomb atomic calculations
J. Chem. Phys. 128, 024707 (2008)

A. Semchenkov, W. Brüchle, E. Jäger, E. Schimpf, M. Schädel, C. Mühle, F. Klos, A. Türler, A. Yakushev, A. Belov, T. Belyakova, M. Kaparkova, V. Kukhtin, E. Lamzin, S. Sytchevsky
The TransActinide Separator and Chemistry Apparatus (TASCA) at GSI – Optimization of ion-optical structures and magnet designs
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. in Phys. Research B 266, 4153 (2008)

Bettina Lommel, Willy Brüchle, Klaus Eberhardt, Willi Hartmann, Annett Hübner, Birgit Kindler, Jens Volker Kratz, Dirk Liebe, Matthias Schädel, Jutta Steiner
Backings and targets for chemical and nuclear studies of transactinides with TASCA
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 590, 141 (2008)

J. Dvorak, W. Brüchle, M. Chelnokov, R. Dressler, Ch. E. Düllmann, Z. Dvorakova, K. Eberhardt, E. Jäger, R. Krücken, A. Kuznetsov, Y. Nagame, K. Nishio, Z. Qin, M. Schädel, B. Schausten, E. Schimpf, R. Schuber, A. Semchenkov, P. Thörle, A. Türler, M. Wegrzecki, B. Wierczinski, A. Yakushev, and A. Yeremin
Doubly magic nucleus Hs-270
235th American-Chemical-Society National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, April 06-10, 2008
Abst. of Papers of the ACS 235, 2008

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M. Schädel
Superheavy element chemistry at GSI — status and perspectives
Eur. Phys. J. D. 45, 67 (2007)

Düllmann, Ch.E.
Physical preseparation: a powerful new method for transactinide chemists
Eur. Phys. J. D 45, 75-80 (2007)

J.P. Omtvedt, J. Alstad, T. Bjørnstad, Ch.E. Düllmann, K.E. Gregorich, D.C. Hoffman, H. Nitsche, K. Opel, D. Polakova, F. Samadani, F. Schulz, G. Skarnemark, L. Stavsetra, R. Sudowe and L. Zheng
Chemical properties of the transactinide elements studied in liquid phase with SISAK
Eur. Phys. J. D 45, 91 (2007)

H. Haba, K. Tsukada, M.Asai, A. Toyoshima, Y. Ishii, H. Toume, T. Sato, I. Nishinaka, T. Ichikawa, S. Ichikawa, Y. Nagame, W. Sato, K.Matsuo, Y. Kitamoto, Y. Tashiro, A. Shinohara, J. Saito, M. Ito, T. Ikezawa, M. Sakamaki, S.Goto, H. Kudo, H. Kikunaga, M.Arai, S. Kamataki, A. Yokoyama, K. Akiyama, K. Sueki, Y. Oura, M. Schädel, W. Brüchle and J.V. Kratz
Extraction behavior of rutherfordium into tributylphosphate from hydrochloric acid
Radiochim. Acta 95, 1 (2007)

O. Kavatsyuk, C. Mazzocchi, Z. Janas, A. Banu, L. Batist, F. Becker, A. Blazhev, W. Brüchle, J. Döring, T. Faestermann, M. Górska, H. Grawe, A. Jungclaus, M. Karny, M. Kavatsyuk, O. Klepper, R. Kirchner, M. La Commara, M. Miernik, I. Mukha, C. Plettner, A. Płochocki, E. Roeckl, M. Romoli, K. Rykaczewski, M. Schädel, K. Schmidt, R. Schwengner and J. Zylicz
Beta-decay of 101Sn
Eur. Phys. J. A 31, 319 (2007)

V. Pershina, T. Bastug, J. Anton, B. Fricke
Theoretical chemistry for chemical identification of the heaviest elements
Nucl. Phys. A 787, 381c-387c (2007)

C. Sarpe-Tudoran, B. Fricke, J. Anton, V. Pershina
Adsorption of superheavy elements on metal surfaces
J. Chem. Phys. 126, 174702-5 (2007)

V. Pershina, J. Anton, B. Fricke
Intermetallic compounds of the heaviest elements and their homologs: the electronic structure and bonding of MM', where M = Ge, Sn, Pb and element 114; and M' = Ni, Pd, Pt, Cu, Ag, Au, Sn, Pb and element 114
J. Chem. Phys. 127, 134310-9 (2007)

V. Pershina, J. Anton, T. Bastug
Relativistic effects on atomic and molecular properties of the heaviest elements
Eur. Phys. J. D 45, 87-90 (2007)

Düllmann, Ch.E.
Chemical investigations of superheavy elements - current results and new techniques
Proc. Tours Symposium on Nuclear Physics VI, TOURS 2006, September 05-08, 2006, Tours, France, Arnould, M., Lewitowicz, M., Emling, H., Akimune, H., Ohta, M., Utsunomiya, H., Wada, T., Yamagata, T. (Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc. 891 (2007) 36-44.

M. Schädel
Superheavy Element Chemistry — Achievements and Perspectives
Proceedings of the 6th international Symposium on Advanced Science Research
JAEA, Tokai, Japan, October 26 + 27, 2006, in:
J. Nucl. Radiochem. Sci. 8, 2 (2007)

Ch.E. Düllmann
Physical preseparation: a powerful new method for transactinide chemists
Proc. International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei, EXON 2006, July 17-22, 2006, Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia, Penionzhkevich, Yu.E., Cherepanov, E.A. (Eds.),
AIP Conf. Proc. 912, 252 (2007)

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M. Schädel
Chemistry of Superheavy Elements
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 45, 368 (2006)

M. Schädel
Chemie superschwerer Elemente
Angew. Chem. 118, 378 (2006)

J. Dvorak, W. Brüchle, M. Chelnokov, R. Dressler, Ch. E. Düllmann, K. Eberhardt, V. Gorshkov, E. Jäger, R. Krücken, A. Kuznetsov, Y. Nagame, F. Nebel, Z. Novackova, Z. Qin, M. Schädel, B. Schausten, E. Schimpf, A. Semchenkov, P. Thörle, A. Türler, M. Wegrzecki, B. Wierczinski, A. Yakushev, and A. Yeremin
Doubly Magic Nucleus  270Hs (Z=108, N=162)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 242501 (2006)

R. Eichler, W. Brüchle, R. Buda, S. Bürger, R. Dressler, Ch.E. Düllmann, J. Dvorak, K. Eberhardt, B. Eichler, C.M. Folden, H.W. Gäggeler, K.E. Gregorich, F. Haenssler, D.C. Hoffman, H. Hummrich, E. Jäger, J.V. Kratz, B. Kuczewski, D. Liebe, D. Nayak, H. Nitsche, D. Piguet, Z. Qin, U. Rieth, M. Schädel, B. Schausten, E. Schimpf, A. Semchenkov, S. Soverna, R. Sudowe, N. Trautmann, P. Thörle, A. Türler, B. Wierczinski, N. Wiehl, P.A. Wilk, G. Wirth, A.B. Yakushev, A. von Zweidorf
Attempts to chemically investigate element 112
Radiochim. Acta 94, 181 (2006)

Ch.E. Düllmann
Physical preseparation for chemistry experiments
Czech. J. Phys, 56 Suppl. D, D333 (2006)

M. Karny, L. Batist, A. Banu, F. Becker, A. Blazhev, B. A. Brown, W. Brüchle, J. Döring, T. Faestermann, M. Górska, H. Grawe, Z. Janas, A. Jungclaus, M. Kavatsyuk, O. Kavatsyuk, R. Kirchner, M. La Commara, S. Mandal, C. Mazzocchi, K. Miernik, I. Mukha, S. Muralithar, C. Plettner, A. Plochocki, E. Roeckl, M. Romoli, K. Rykaczewski, M. Schädel, K. Schmidt, R. Schwengner and J. Zylicz
Beta decay of the proton-rich nuclei 102Sn and 104Sn
Eur. Phys. J. A 27, 129 (2006)

M. Kavatsyuk, L. Batist, F. Becker, A. Blazhev, W. Brüchle, J. Döring, T. Faestermann, M. Górska, H. Grawe, Z. Janas, A. Jungclaus, M. Karny, O. Kavatsyuk, R. Kirchner, M. La Commara, S. Mandal, C. Mazzocchi, I. Mukha, S. Muralithar, C. Plettner, A. Plochocki, E. Roeckl, M. Romoli, M. Schädel and J. Zylicz
Gamow-Teller beta decay of 105Sn
Eur. Phys. J. A 29, 183 (2006)

D.C. Hoffman, D.M. Lee, V. Pershina
Transactinide elements and future elements
In: “Actinides”, 3rd Edition, Eds. L. Morss, etc., 2006

M. Schädel
Superheavy Element Chemistry — Achievements and Perspectives
Proceedings of the International Conference of Computational Methods in Science and Engineering (ICCMSE 2006), Chania, Greece, October 2006, in:
Lecture Series on Computer & Comp. Science, 7, 957 (2006)

V. Pershina
Theoretical Predictions of Experimental Behaviour of the Superheavy Elements and Relativistic Effects
Proceedings of the International Conference of Computational Methods in Science and Engineering (ICCMSE 2006), Chania, Greece, October 2006,
in: Lecture Series on Computer & Comp. Science, 7, 943 (2006)

W. Brüchle
Simulation of Elution Curves for Chromatography Columns with a Low Number of Theoretical Plates
Proceedings of the ACS Symposium "Applied Modeling and Computations in Nuclear Science"
Washington, DC, 2006, p. 269-279; Ed. by T.Semkow, S. Jerome, S. Pommé and D.J. Strom

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Y. Nagame, K. Tsukada, M. Asai, A. Toyoshima, K. Akiyama, Y. Ishii, T. Kaneko-Sato, M. Hirata, I. Nishinaka, S. Ichikawa, H. Haba, S. Enomoto, K. Matsuo, D. Saika, Y. Kitamoto, H. Hasegawa, Y. Tani, W. Sato, A. Shinohara, M. Ito, J. Saito, S. Goto, H. Kudo, H. Kikunaga, N. Kinoshita, A. Yokoyama, K. Sueki, Y. Oura, H. Nakahara, M. Sakama, M. Schädel, W. Brüchle, J.V. Kratz
Chemical studies on rutherfordium (Rf) at JAERI
Radiochim. Acta 93, 519 (2005)

O. Kavatsyuk, M. Kavatsyuk, L. Batist, A. Banu, F. Becker, A. Blazhev, W. Brüchle, T. Faestermann, M. Górska, H. Grawe, Z. Janas, A. Jungclaus, M. Karny, R. Kirchner, M. La Commara, S. Mandal, C. Mazzocchi, I. Mukha, S. Muralithar, C. Plettner, A. Płochocki, E. Roeckl, M. Romoli, M. Schädel, R. Schwengner and J. Zylicz
Beta-decay of 103Sn
Eur. Phys. J. A 25, 211 (2005)

M. Kavatsyuk, O. Kavatsyuk, L. Batist, A. Banu, F. Becker, A. Blazhev, W. Brüchle, K. Burkard, J. Döring, T. Faestermann, M. Górska, H. Grawe, Z. Janas, A. Jungclaus, M. Karny, R. Kirchner, M. La Commara, S. Mandal, C. Mazzocchi, I. Mukha, S. Muralithar, C. Plettner, A. Płochocki, E. Roeckl, M. Romoli, M. Schädel, R. Schwengner and J. Żylicz
Beta-decay spectroscopy of 103,105Sn
Eur. Phys. J. A 25, 139 (2005)

M. Karny, L. Batist, A. Banu, F. Becker, A. Blazhev, K. Burkard, W. Brüchle, J. Döring, T. Faestermann, M. Górska, H. Grawe, Z. Janas, A. Jungclaus, M. Kavatsyuk, O. Kavatsyuk, R. Kirchner, M. La Commara, S. Mandal, C. Mazzocchi, K. Miernik, I. Mukha, S. Muralithar, C. Plettner, A. Płochocki, E. Roeckl, M. Romoli, K. Rykaczewski, M. Schädel, K. Schmidt, R. Schwengner, J. Żylicz
Beta-decay studies near 100Sn
Eur. Phys. J. A 25, 135 (2005)

V. Pershina
Theoretical investigations of the reactivity of MO4 and the electronic structure of Na2[MO4(OH)2], where M=Ru, Os, and Hs (element 108)
Radiochim. Acta 93, 373 (2005)

V. Pershina
Predictions of adsorption behaviour of the heaviest elements in a comparative study from the electronic structure calculations
Radiochim. Acta 93, 125 (2005)

V. Pershina, T. Bastug, B. Fricke
Relativistic effects on the electronic structure and volatility of group-8 tetroxides MO4, where M=Ru, Os, and element 108, Hs
J. of Chem. Phys. 122, 124301 (2005)

V. Pershina, T. Bastug
Relativistic effects on experimentally studied gas-phase properties of the heaviest elements
Chem. Phys. 311, 139 (2005)

Omtvedt, J.P., Alstad, J., Bjørnstad, T., Düllmann, Ch.E., Folden, C.M., III, Gregorich, K.E., Hoffman, D.C., Nitsche, H., Polakova, D., Samadani, F., Skarnemark, G., Stavsetra, L., Sudowe, R., Zheng, L.
SISAK liquid-liquid extraction studies of rutherfordium and future plans to study heavier transactinides
Proc. 8th Conf. Actinide Conf., Actinides 2005, July 04-08, 2005, Manchester, UK; in Recent Advances in Actinide Science, May, I., Alvares, R., Bryan, N. (Eds.); RSC Publishing: Cambridge, UK, 2006; pp 278-280.

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S. Hofmann, G. Münzenberg, M. Schädel
On the Discovery of Superheavy Elements
Nuclear Physics News, 14, 5 (2004)

A. Kronenberg, K. Eberhardt, J.V. Kratz, P.K. Mohapatra, A. Nähler, P. Thörle, W. Brüchle, M. Schädel, A. Türler
On-line anion exchange of rutherfordium in HF/HNO3 and HF solutions
Radiochim. Acta 92, 379 (2004)

H. Haba, K. Tsukada, M. Asai, A. Toyoshima, K. Akiyama, I. Nishinaka, M. Hirata, T. Yaita, S. Ichikawa, Y. Nagame, K. Yasuda, Y. Miyamoto, T. Kaneko, S. Goto, S. Ono, T. Hirai, H. Kudo, M. Shigekawa, A. Shinohara, Y. Oura, H. Nakahara, K. Sueki, H. Kikunaga, N. Kinoshita, N. Tsuruga, A. Yokoyama, M. Sakama, S. Enomoto, M. Schädel, W. Brüchle, and J.V. Kratz
Fluoride Complexation of Element 104, Rutherfordium
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 126 (16), 5219 (2004)

A. Kronenberg, P.K. Mohapatra, J.V. Kratz, G. Pfrepper, R. Pfrepper
Anion-exchange behavior of Mo and W as homologs of Sg (element 106) in HCl and HNO3 as well as in mixed HCl-HF and HNO3-HF solutions
Radiochim. Acta 92, 395 (2004)

H.W. Gäggeler, W. Brüchle, Ch.E. Düllmann, R. Dressler, K. Eberhardt, B. Eichler, R. Eichler, C.M. Folden, T.N. Ginter, F. Glaus, K.E. Gregorich, F. Haenssler, D.C. Hoffman, E. Jäger, D.T. Jost, U.W. Kirbach, J.V. Kratz, H. Nitsche, J.B. Patin, V. Pershina, D. Piguet, Z. Qin, U.Rieth, M. Schadel, E. Schimpf, B. Schausten, S. Soverna, R. Sudowe, P. Thorle, N. Trautmann, A. Türler, A. Vahle, P.A. Wilk, G. Wirth, A.B. Yakushev, A. von Zweidorf
Chemical and nuclear studies of hassium and element 112
Nucl. Phys. A, 734, 208 (2004)

A. von Zweidorf, R. Angert, W. Brüchle, S. Bürger, K. Eberhardt, R. Eichler, H. Hummrich, E. Jäger, H.O. Kling, J.V. Kratz, B. Kuczewski, G. Langrock, M. Mendel, U. Rieth, M. Schädel, B. Schausten, E. Schimpf, P. Thörle, N. Trautmann, K. Tsukada, N. Wiehl, G. Wirth
Evidence for the formation of sodium hassate(VIII)
Radiochim. Acta 92, 855 (2004)

K. Eberhardt, M. Schädel, E. Schimpf, P. Thörle, N. Trautmann
Preparation of targets by electrodeposition for heavy element studies
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. in Phys. Research A 521, 208 (2004)

I. Mukha, L. Bat ist, F. Becker, A. Blazhev, W. Brüchle, J. Döring, M. Górska, H. Grawe, T. Faestermann, C. Hoffman, Z. Janas, A. Jungclaus, M. Karny, M. Kavatsyuk, O. Kavatsyuk, R. Kirchner, M. La Commara, C. Mazzocchi, C. Plettner, A. Płochocki, E. Roeckl, M. Romoli, M. Schädel, R. Schwengner, S.L. Tabor, M. Wiedeking and GSI ISOL Collaboration
Studies of β-delayed proton decays of NZ nuclei around 100Sn at the GSI-ISOL facility
Nuc. Phys. A, 746, 66 (2004)

Yu. Talanov, H. Adrian, M. Basset, G. Jakob and G. Wirth
Shift of the surface-barrier part of the irreversibility line due to columnar defects in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 thin films
Physica C 402, 114 (2004)

V. Pershina
The chemistry of superheavy elements and relativistic effects
In: Relativistic electronic structure theory, Part 2: Applications, Schwerdtfeger, Peter (Ed.)
Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2004

V. Pershina
Theoretical treatment of the complexation of element 106, Sg, in HF solutions
Radiochim. Acta 92, 455 (2004)

V. Pershina, T. Bastug, C. Sarpe-Tudoran, J. Anton, B. Fricke
Predictions of adsorption behaviour of the superheavy element 112
Nuc. Phys. A, 734, 200 (2004)

Sudowe, R., Düllmann, Ch.E., Farina, L.M., Folden, C.M., III, Gregorich, K.E., Gallaher, S.E.H., Hoffman, D.C., Phillips, D.C., Schwantes, J.M., Wilson, R.E., Zielinksi, P.M., Nitsche, H.
Zirconium and hafnium extraction using crown ethers - a model system for the study of rutherfordium
Proc. 6th International Conference on Nuclear and Radiochemistry, NRC 6, August 29 - September 3, 2004, Aachen, Germany; in Advances in Nuclear and Radiochemistry, General and Interdisciplinary; Qaim, S.M. and Coenen, H.H. (Eds.); Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH: Jülich, Germany, 2004; Vol. 3., pp 144-146.

Düllmann, Ch.E., Pang, G.K., Folden, C.M., III, Gregorich, K.E., Hoffman, D.C., Nitsche, H., Sudowe, R., Zielinksi, P.M.
Toward volatile metal complexes of rutherfordium - results of test experiments with Zr and Hf
Proc. 6th International Conference on Nuclear and Radiochemistry, NRC 6, August 29 - September 3, 2004, Aachen, Germany; in Advances in Nuclear and Radiochemistry, General and Interdisciplinary; Qaim, S.M. and Coenen, H.H. (Eds.); Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH: Jülich, Germany, 2004; Vol. 3., pp 147-149.

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M. Schädel
The Chemistry of Superheavy Elements
Acta Phys. Polonica 34, 1701 (2003)

J.V. Kratz, A. Nähler, U. Rieth, A. Kronenberg, B. Kuczewski, E. Strub, W. Brüchle, M. Schädel, B. Schausten, A. Türler, H.W. Gäggeler, D.T. Jost, K.E. Gregorich, H. Nitsche, C. Laue, R. Sudowe, P.A. Wilk
An EC-branch in the decay of 27-s 263Db: Evidence for the isotope 263Rf
Radiochim. Acta 91, 59 (2003)

A. Türler, Ch.E. Düllmann, H.W. Gäggeler, U.W. Kirbach, A.B. Yakushev, M. Schädel, W. Brüchle, R. Dressler, K. Eberhardt, B. Eichler, R. Eichler, T.N. Ginter, F. Glaus, K.E. Gregorich, D.C. Hoffman, E. Jäger, D.T. Jost, D.M. Lee, H. Nitsche, J.B. Patin, V. Pershina, D. Piguet, Z. Qin, B. Schausten, E. Schimpf , H.-J. Schött, S. Soverna, R. Sudowe, P. Thörle, S.N. Timokhin, N. Trautmann, A. Vahle, G. Wirth, P.M. Zielinski
On the decay properties of H269Hs and indications for the new nuclide 270Hs
Eur. Phys. J. A 17, 505–508 (2003)

Ch.E. Düllmann, R. Dressler, B. Eichler, H.W. Gäggeler, F. Glaus, D.T. Jost, D. Piguet, S. Soverna, A. Türler, W. Brüchle, R. Eichler, E. Jäger, V. Pershina, M. Schädel, B. Schausten, E. Schimpf, H.-J. Schött, G. Wirth, K. Eberhardt, P. Thörle, N. Trautmann, T.N. Ginter, K.E. Gregorich, D.C. Hoffman, U.W. Kirbach, D.M. Lee, H. Nitsche, J.B. Patin, R. Sudowe, P. Zielinski, S.N. Timokhin, A.B. Yakushev, Z. Qin, A. Vahle
First chemical investigation of hassium (Hs, Z=108)
Czech. J. Phys. 53, A291 (2003)

R. Eichler and S. Soverna for a PSI - University Bern - GSI - TU Munich - FLNR - University Mainz - IMP - Collaboration
Perspective for the Determination of Chemical Properties of Element 112
Physics of Atomic Nuclei, 66, 1146 (2003)

Y. Nagame, H. Haba, K. Tsukada, M. Asai, K. Akiyama, M. Hirata, I. Nishinaka, S. Ichikawa, H. Nakahara, S. Goto, T. Kaneko, H. Kudo, A. Toyoshima, A. Shinohara, M. Schädel, J.V. Kratz, H.W. Gäggeler, A. Türler
Transactinide nuclear chemistry at JAERI
Czech. J. Phys. 53, A299 (2003)

W. Brüchle
Confidence intervals for experiments with background and small numbers of events
Radiochim. Acta 91, 71 (2003) and
GSI Preprint-2002-21, July 2002

J. Anton, M. Hirata, B. Fricke, V. Pershina
Improved density functional calculations including magnetic effects for RfCl4 and its homologues
Chem. Phys. Letters 380, 95 (2003)

V. Pershina
Theoretical Chemistry of the Heaviest Elements
In: The Chemistry of Superheavy Elements; Ed. by M. Schädel
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2003, p. 31

J. V. Kratz and V. Pershina
Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Chemistry of the Heaviest Elements
In: Relativistic Effects in Heavy-Element Chemistry and Physics; Ed. by B.A. Hess
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., England, 2003, p. 219

C. Sarpe-Tudoran, V. Pershina, B. Fricke, J. Anton, W.-D. Sepp, T. Jacob
Adsorption of superheavy elements on metal surfaces
Eur. Phys. J. D, 24, 65 (2003)

V. Pershina and D.C. Hoffman
The Chemistry of the Heaviest Elements
In: Theoretical Chemistry of Heavy and Superheavy Elements; Ed. U. Kaldor and S. Wilson
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2003, p. 55

Janas, Z., Batist, L., Blazhev, A., Brüchle, W., Döring, J., Gierlik, M., Górska, M., Grawe, H., Faestermann, T., Harissopulos, S., Jungclaus, A., Karny, M., Kavatsyuk, M., Kavatsyuk, O., Krichner, R., La Commara, M., Mazzochi, C., Mukha, I., P lochocki, A., Roeckl, E., Romoli, M., Schädel, M., Schwengner, R., Zylicz, J.
Recent results from β-decay studies in the 100Sn region
Arnould, M., Lewitowicz, M., Münzeberg, G., Akimune, H., Ohta, M., Utsunaomiya, H., Wada, T., Yamagata, T. (Eds.):
Tours Symposium on Nuclear Physics, Tours 2003
AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 704, Melville/New York: AIP, 2004, p. 176-184

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M. Schädel
The Chemistry of Transactinide Elements -- Experimental Achievements and Perspectives
J. Nucl. Radiochem. Sci. 3, 113 (2002)

No group related article
K. Powell
Heavy elements: A very brief encounter
Nature 418, 815 (2002)

H. Haba, K. Tsukada, M. Asai, S. Goto, A. Toyoshima, I. Nishinaka, K. Akiyama, M. Hirata, S. Ichikawa, Y. Nagame, Y. Shoji, M. Shigekawa, T. Koike, M. Iwasaki, A. Shinohara, T. Kaneko, T. Maruyama, S. Ono, H. Kudo, Y. Oura, K. Sueki, H. Nakahara, M. Sakama, A. Yokoyama, J.V. Kratz, M. Schädel, and W. Brüchle
Anion­exchange Behavior of Rf in HCl and HNO3 Solutions
J. Nucl. Radiochem. Sci. 3, 143 (2002)

Ch.E. Düllmann, W. Brüchle, R. Dressler, K. Eberhardt, B. Eichler, R. Eichler, H. W. Gäggeler, T.N. Ginter, F. Glaus, K.E. Gregorich, D. C. Hoffman, E. Jäger, D.T. Jost, U.W. Kirbach, D.M. Lee, H. Nitsche, J.B. Patin, V. Pershina, D. Piquet, Z. Qin, M. Schädel, B. Schausten, E. Schimpf, H.-J. Schött, S. Soverna, R. Sudowe, P. Thörle, S.N. Timokhin, N. Trautrmann, A. Türler, A. Vahle, G. Wirth, A.B. Yakushev, P.M. Zielinski
Chemical investigation of hassium (element 108)
Nature 418, 859 (2002)

R. Eichler and M. Schädel
Adsorption of Radon on Metal Surfaces: A Model Study for Chemical Investigations of Elements 112 and 114
J. Phys. Chem. B 106, 5413 (2002)

Y. Nagame, M. Asai, H. Haba, S. Goto, K. Tsukada, I. Nishinaka, K. Nishio, S. Ichikawa, A. Toyoshima, K. Akiyama, H. Nakahara, M. Sakama, M. Schädel, J.V. Kratz, H.W. Gäggeler, A. Türler
Production Cross Sections of 261Rf and 262Db in Bombardements of 248Cm with 18O and 19F Ions
J. Nucl. Radiochem. Sci. 3, 85 (2002)

V. Pershina, T. Bastug, T. Jacob, B. Fricke, S. Varga
Intermetallic compounds of the heaviest elements: the electronic structure and bonding of dimers of element 112 and its homolog Hg
Chem. Phys. Letters 365, 176 (2002)

E. Johnson, B. Fricke, J. Jacob, C. Z. Dong, S. Fritsche and V. Pershina
Ionization potentials and radii of neutral and ionized species of elements 107 and 108 from extended MCDF calculations
J. Chem. Phys. 116, 1862 (2002)

V. Pershina
Theoretical predictions of properties and chemical behavior of superheavy elements
J. Nucl. Radiochem. Sci. 3, 137 (2002)

B. Fricke and V. Pershina
Atomic and molecular structure calculations for superheavy elements
J. Nucl. Radiochem. Sci. 3, 109 (2002)

V. Pershina, D. Trubert, C. Le Naour, J. V. Kratz,
Theoretical predictions of hydrolysis and complex formation of group-4 elements Zr, Hf and Rf in HF and HCl solutions
Radiochim. Acta 90, 869 (2002)

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M. Schädel
Aqueous Chemistry of Transactinides
Radiochim. Acta, 89, 721 (2001)

S. Hübener, S. Taut, A. Vahle, R. Dressler, B. Eichler, H.W. Gäggeler, D.T. Jost, D. Piquet, A. Türler, W. Brüchle, E. Jäger, M. Schädel, E. Schimpf, U. Kirbach, N. Trautmann, A.B. Yakushev
Physico­chemical characterization of seaborgium as oxide hydoxide
Radiochim. Acta 89, 737 (2001)

Z. Li, M. Schädel, J.V. Kratz, E. Strub, E. Jäger, B. Schausten, E. Schimpf
Separation of W from Ta, Hf, Lu and Mo by BPHA-C5H11OH/HCL extraction system (model experiments for chemical study of seaborgium, the 106th element)
Nucl. Science and Techniques 12, 87 (2001)

H. Haba, K. Tsukada, M. Asai, I. Nishinaka, M. Sakama, S. Goto, M. Hirata, S.Ichikawa, Y. Nagame, T. Kaneko, H. Kudo, A. Toyoshima, Y. Shoji, A. Yokoyama, A. Shinohara, Y. Oura, K. Sueki, H. Nakahara, M. Schädel, J.V. Kratz, A. Türler, H.W. Gäggeler
Startup of transactinide chemistry in JAERI
Radiochim. Acta 89, 733 (2001)

R. Malmbeck, C. Apostolidis, R. Carlos, J.­P. Glatz, R. Molinet, A. Morgenstern, A. Nicholl, G. Pagliosa, K. Römer, M. Schädel, B. Sätmark, N. Trautmann
Separation of 248Cm from a 252Cf neutron source for production of Cm targets
Radiochim. Acta 89, 543 (2001)

G. Marx, D. Ackermann, J. Dilling, F.P. Heberger, S. Hofmann, H.­J. Kluge, R. Mann, G. Münzenberg, Z. Qamhieh, W. Quint, D. Rodriguez, M. Schädel, J. Schönfelder, G. Sikler, C. Toader, C. Weber, O. Engels, D. Habs, P. Thirolf, H. Backe, A. Dretzke, W. Lauth, W. Ludolphs. M. Sewtz
Status of the SHIPTRAP Project: A capture and Storage Facility for Heavy Radionuclides from SHIP
Hyperfine Interactions, 132, 463 (2001)

Ch. Wirtz, J.V. Kratz, W. Brüchle, M. Schädel, B. Schausten, N. Wiehl
Excitation energy division in 51V + 197Au collisons 75 MeV above the barrier
Radiochim. Acta 89, 689 (2001)

Basset, M., Jakob, G., Wirth, G., Adrian, H.
Patterned irradiation of YBa2Cu3O7-x thin films
Phys. Rev. B 64, 024525 (2001)

V. Pershina, V. T. Bastug, J.V. Kratz
Quantum Chemical Predictions of Properties and Experimental Behaviour of Elements 106, 107 and 108
Radiochim. Acta 89, 729 (2001)

V. Pershina, T. Bastug, B. Fricke, S. Varga
The Electronic Structure and Properties of Group 8 Oxides Mo4 , where M=Ru, Os and Element 108, Hs
J. Chem. Phys. 115, 792 (2001)

V. Pershina, J.V. Kratz
Solution Chemistry of Element 106: Theoretical Predictions of Hydrolysis of Group 6 Cations Mo, W, and Sg
Inorg. Chem. 40, 4, 776 (2001)

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E. Strub, J.V. Kratz, A. Kronenberg, A. Nähler, P. Thörle, S. Zauner, W. Brüchle, E. Jäger, M. Schädel, B. Schausten, E. Schimpf, Li Zongwei, U. Kirbach, D. Schumann, D. Jost, A. Türler, M. Asai, Y. Nagame, M. Sakama, K. Tsukada, H.W. Gäggeler, J.P. Glatz
Fluoride complexation of rutherfordium (Rf, element 104)
Radiochim. Acta 88, 265 (2000)

R. Eichler, W. Brüchle, R. Dressler, Ch.E. Düllmann, B. Eichler, H.W. Gäggeler, K.E. Gregorich, D.C. Hoffman, S. Hübener, D. T. Jost, U.W. Kirbach, C.A. Laue, V.M. Lavanchy, H. Nitsche, J.B. Patin, D. Piquet, M. Schädel, D.A. Shaughnessy, D.A. Strellis, S. Taut, L. Tobler, Y.S. Tsyganov, A. Türler, A. Vahle, P.A. Wilk, A.B. Yakushev
Chemical characterization of bohrium (element107)
Nature 407, 63 (2000)

Raôul R. D. Oudejans, Raymond Verheijen, Frank C. Bakker, Jeroen C. Gerrits, Marten Steinbrückner & Peter J. Beek
Errors in judging 'offside' in football
Nature 404, 33 (2000)

J. Dilling, D. Ackermann, J. Bernard, F.P. Hessberger, S. Hofmann, W. Hornung, H.J. Kluge, E. Lamour, M. Maier, R. Mann, G. Marx, R.B. Moore, G. Münzenberg, W. Quint, D. Rodriguez, M. Schädel, J. Schönfelder, G. Sikler, C. Toader, L. Vermeeren, C. Weber, G. Bollen, O. Engels, D. Habs, P. Thirolf, H. Backe, A. Drezke, W. Lauth, W. Ludolphs, M.T.S.C. Sewtz
The SHIPTRAP Project: A Capture and Storage Facility at GSI for Heavy Radionuclides from SHIP
Hyperfine Interactions 127, 491 (2000)

G. Pfrepper, A. Pfrepper, A. Kronenberg, J.V. Kratz, A. Näher, W. Brüchle, M. Schädel
Continuous On-line Chromatography of Short Lived Isotopes of Tungsten as Homolog of Seaborgium (Element 106)
Radiochm. Acta 88, 273 (2000)

C.D. Dewhurst, R.A. Doyle, G. Balakrishnan, G Wirth, D.M. Paul
Separation of enhanced and residual pinning mechanisms in single-crystal Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ irradiated with heavy ions
Phys. Rev. B 62, 14373 (2000)

F.Y. Ogrin, S.L. Lee, C. Ager, C.M. Aegerter, E.M. Forgan, S.H. Lloyd, P.G. Kealey, T. Riseman, R. Cubitt and G. Wirth
Vortex studies in heavy-ion irradiated Bi2.15Sr1.85CaCu2O8+δ probed by μSR and small-angle neutron scattering
Physica B 289, 355 (2000)

S. Kokkaliaris, A.A. Zhukov, P.A.J. de Groot, R. Gagnon, L. Taillefer, T. Wolf, G. Wirth
Transition from elastic to plastic vortex dynamics in YBa2Cu3O7−δ single crystals: the effect of columnar defects
Physica C 341-348, 1041 (2000)

S. Varga, B. Fricke, M. Hirata, T. Bastug, V. Pershina, S. Fritsche
Total Energy Calculations of RfCl4 and Homologous in the Framework of Relativistic Density-Functional Theory
J. Phys. Chem. 104, 6495 (2000)

V. Pershina, T. Bastug
The Electronic Structure and Properties of Group 7 Oxychlorides, Mo3Cl, where M=Tc, Re, and Element 107, Bh
J.  Chem. Phys. 113, 1441 (2000)

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R. Dressler, B. Eichler, D.T. Jost, D. Piguet, A. Türler, Ch. Düllmann, R. Eichler, H.W. Gäggeler, M. Gärtner, M. Schädel, S. Taut, A.B. Yakushev
Production of 262Db (Z=105) in the reaction 248Cm( 19F, 5n)
Phys. Rev. C 59, 3433 (1999)

W. Paulus, J.V. Kratz, E. Strub, S. Zauner, W. Brüchle, V. Pershina, M. Schädel, B. Schausten, J.L. Adams, K.E. Gregorich, D.C. Hoffman, M.R. Lane, C. Laue, D.M. Lee, C.A. McGrath, D.K. Shaughnessy, D.A. Strellis, E.R. Sylwester
Chemical Properties of Element 105 in Aqueous Solution: Extraction of the Fluoride­, Chloride­ and Bromide Complexes of the Group­5 Elements into Aliphatic Amines
Radiochim. Acta 84, 69 (1999)

W. Paulus, J.V. Kratz, E. Strub, S. Zauner, W. Brüchle, V. Pershina, M. Schädel, B. Schausten, J.L. Adams, K.E. Gregorich, D.C. Hoffman, C. Laue, D.M. Lee, C.A. McGrath, D.K. Shaughnessy, D.A. Strellis, E.R. Sylwester
Extraction of the fluoride­, chloride­ and bromide complexes of the elements Nb, Ta, Pa, and 105 into aliphatic amines
Czech. J. Phys. 49/S1, 573 (1999)

A. Türler, W. Brüchle, R. Dressler, B. Eichler, R. Eichler, H.W. Gäggeler, M. Gärtner, J.­P. Glatz, K.E. Gregorich, S. Hübener, D. T. Jost, V.Y. Lebedev, V.G. Pershina, M. Schädel, S. Taut, S. N. Timokhin, N. Trautmann, A. Vahle, A.B. Yakushev
First Measurement of a Thermochemical Property of a Seaborgium Compound
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 38, 2212 (1999)

A. Türler, W. Brüchle, R. Dressler, B. Eichler, R. Eichler, H.W. Gäggeler, M. Gärtner, J.­P. Glatz, K.E. Gregorich, S. Hübener, D. T. Jost, V.Y. Lebedev, V.G. Pershina, M. Schädel, S. Taut, S. N. Timokhin, N. Trautmann, A. Vahle, A. B. Yakushev
Erste experimentelle Bestimmung einer thermochemischen Grösse einer Seaborgiumverbindung
Angew. Chem. 111, 2349 (1999)

A. Vahle, S. Hübener, H. Funke, B. Eichler, D.T. Jost, A. Türler, W. Brüchle, E. Jäger
Gas Chromatograpic Studies of Oxide and Hydroxide Species of Tungsten - Model Experiments with Respect to the Physico-Chemical Characterization of Seaborgium (Element 106)
Radiochim. Acta 84, 43 (1999)

B. Grabež and G. Wirth
Target fragmentation in 1 a GEV Au + Pb reaction
Radiation Measurements 31, 545 (1999)

Li Q, Tsay, Y.N., Suenaga, M., Wirth, G, Gu, G.D., Koshizuka, N.
Comparative studies of irreversibility lines and critical current in heavy ion irradiated Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ bicrystals with [001] twist grain boundaries
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 9, 2026-2029 Part 2, (1999)

Qiang Li, Y.N. Tsay, M. Suenaga, G. Wirth, G.D. Gu, N. Koshizuka
Superconducting transport properties of 2.2-GeV Au-ion irradiated c-axis twist Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+ bicrystals
Appl. Phys. Lett. 74, 1323 (1999)

Baumann, M., Wirth , G., Kotzler, J.
Vortex dynamics in columnar-defected YBCO-films
Physica A 266, 255 (1999)

Hillmer, F., Jakob, G., Haibach, P., Frey, U., Kluge, T., Adrian, H., Wirth, G., Jäger, E., Schimpf, E.
Absence of correlated flux pinning by columnar defects in irradiated epitaxial Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 thin films
Physica C 311, 11 (1999)

Pershina, V. and Bastug, T.
Solution Chemistry of Element 105
Part III: Hydrolysis and Complex Formation of Nb, Ta, Db and Pa in HF and HBr Solutions

Radiochim. Acta 84, 79 (1999)

Pershina, V., Johnson, E., Fricke, B.
Theoretical Estimates of Redox Potentials for Group 6 Elements, including Element 106, Seaborgium, in Acid Solutions
J. Phys. Chem. A 103, 8463 (1999)

Johnson, E., Pershina, V., Fricke, B.
Ionization Potentials of Seaborgium
J. Phys. Chem. A 103, 8458 (1999)

Pershina, V. and Fricke, B.
Electronic Structure and Chemistry of the Heaviest Elements
In: Heavy Elements and Related New Phenomena
Ed. W. Greiner and R. K. Gupta, World Scientific, Singapore, 1999

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W. Brüchle, E. Jäger, V. Pershina, M. Schädel, B. Schausten, R. Günther, J.V. Kratz, W. Paulus, A. Seibert, P. Thörle, S. Zauner, D. Schumann, B. Eichler, H. Gäggeler, D. Jost, A. Türler
Chromatographic studies of Rf (element 104) with tributylphosphate (TBP)
J. Alloys Comp. 271­273, 300 (1998)

R. Günther, W. Paulus, J.V. Kratz, A. Seibert, P. Thörle, S. Zauner, W. Brüchle, E. Jäger, V. Pershina, M. Schädel, B. Schausten, D. Schumann, B. Eichler, H.W. Gäggeler, D.T. Jost, A. Türler
Chromatographic Study of Rutherfordium (Element 104) in the System HCl/Tributylphosphate (TBP)
Radiochim. Acta 80, 121 (1998)

W. Paulus, J.V. Kratz, E. Strub, S. Zauner, W. Brüchle, V. Pershina, M. Schädel, B. Schausten, J.L. Adams, K.E. Gregorich, D.C. Hoffman, M.R. Lane, C. Laue, D.M. Lee, C.A. McGrath, D.K. Shaughnessy, D.A. Strellis, E.R. Sylwester
Extraction of the fluoride­, chloride­ and bromide complexes of the elements Nb, Ta, Pa, and 105 into aliphatic amines
J. Alloys Comp. 271­273, 292 (1998)

M. Schädel, W. Brüchle, E. Jäger, B. Schausten, G. Wirth, W. Paulus, R. Günther, K. Eberhardt, J.V. Kratz, A. Seibert, E. Strub, P. Thörle, N. Trautmann, A. Waldeck, S. Zauner, D. Schumann, U. Kirbach, B. Kubica, R. Misiak, Y. Nagame. K.E. Gregorich
Aqueous Chemistry with Seaborgium (Element 106)
Radiochim. Acta 83, 163 (1998)

M. Schädel
First aqueous chemistry with seaborgium (element 106)
J. Alloys Comp. 271­273, 312 (1998)

D. Schumann, M. Andrassy, H. Nitsche, A.F. Novgorodov, R. Misiak, M. Schädel, W. Brüchle, B. Schausten, J.V. Kratz, H. Bruchertseifer
Sorption Behaviour of W, Hf, Lu, U, and Th on Ion Exchangers from HCl/H2O2 Solutions.
Model Experiments for Chemical Studies of Seaborgium (Sg)
Radiochim. Acta 80, 1 (1998)

A. Türler, R. Dressler, B. Eichler, H.W. Gäggeler, D.T. Jost, M. Schädel, W. Brüchle, K.E. Gregorich, N. Trautmann, S. Taut
Decay properties of 265Sg(Z=106) and 266Sg(Z=106)
Phys. Rev. C 57, 1648 (1998)

A.A. Zhukov, G.K. Perkins, L.F. Cohen, A.D. Caplin, H. Küpfer, T. Wolf, and G. Wirth
Narrow dip in the angular dependence of the irreversible magnetic moment in columnar-defected YBa2Cu3Oy single crystals
Phys. Rev. B 58, 8820 (1998)

Wirth, G., Hillmer, F., Jakob, G., Jäger, E., Schimpf, E., Adrian, H.
Heavy ion induced columnar defects: a sensitive probe for the 2D/3D behaviour of vortex matter in high-temperature superconductors
Nucl. Inst. & Meth. in Phys. Res. B 146, 581 (1998)

S.L. Lee, C.M. Aegerter, S.H. Lloyd, E.M. Forgan, C. Ager, M.B. Hunt, H. Keller, I. M. Savic, R. Cubitt, G. Wirth, K. Kadowaki, and N. Koshizuka
Observations of Suppression of Static and Dynamic Disorder in Bi2.15Sr1.85CaCu2O8+δ Crystals by Columnar Defects
Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 5209 (1998)

Pershina, V.
Solution Chemistry of Element 105
Part I: Hydrolysis of Group 5 Cations: Nb, Ta, Ha and Pa

Radiochim. Acta 80, 75 (1998)

Pershina, V.
Solution Chemistry of Element 105
Part II: Hydrolysis and Complex Formation of Nb, Ta, Ha and Pa in HCl Solutions
Radiochim. Acta 80, 65 (1998)

Pershina, V., Bastug, T., Fricke, B.
Recent Progress in Theoretical Investigations of the Electronic Structure of the Transactinides
J. Alloy Compd. 271, 283 (1998)

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S. Taut, S. Hübener, B. Eichler, H.W. Gäggeler, M. Schädel, I. Zvara
Thermochromatography of Heavy Actinides -- Determination of the Sublimation Enthalpy of Es
Radiochim. Acta 78, 33 (1997)

M. Schädel, W. Brüchle, B. Schausten, E. Schimpf, E. Jäger, G. Wirth, R. Günther, J.V. Kratz, W. Paulus, A. Seibert, P. Thörle, N. Trautmann, S. Zauner, D. Schumann, M. Andrassy, R. Misiak, K.E. Gregorich, D.C. Hoffman, D.M. Lee, E.R. Sylwester, Y. Nagame, Y. Oura
First Aqueous Chemistry with Seaborgium (Element 106)
Radiochim. Acta 77, 149 (1997)

M. Schädel, J.V. Kratz
Chemie des Seaborgium - Chromatografie mit einzelnen Atomen
Phys. Bl., 53 865 (1997)

M. Schädel, W. Brüchle, R. Dressler, B. Eichler, H. Gäggeler, R. Günther, K.E. Gregorich, D.C. Hoffman, S. Hübener, D.T. Jost, J.V. Kratz, W. Paulus, D. Schumann, S. Timokhin, N. Trautmann, A. Türler, G. Wirth, A. Yakuschev
Chemical properties of element 106 (seaborgium)
Nature 388, 55 (1997)

F. Funke, G. Wirth, J.V. Kratz, W. Brüchle, Fan Wo and K. Sümmerer
Quasielastic transfer reactions in 238U + 197Au and 197Au+197Au collisions near the Coulomb barrier
Z. Phys. A - Hadrons and Nuclei 357, 303 (1997)

P. Klein, J.V. Kratz, M.K. Gober, H.P. Zimmermann, W. Brüchle, W. Reisdorf, M. Schädel
Excitation energy division in 51V + 197Au collisions at and near the barrier
Z. Phys. A 357, 193 (1997)

K. Schwartz, G. Wirth, C. Trautmann
Ion-induced formation of colloids in LiF at 15 K
Phys. Rev. B 56, 10711 (1997)

A.A. Zhukov, G.K. Perkins, Yu. Bugoslavsky, J. Totty, L.F. Cohen, A.D. Caplin, H. Küpfer, T. Wolf and G. Wirth
Vortex lock-in by columnar defects in YBa2Cu3Oy single crystals
Physica C 282-287, 2155 (1997)

J.T. Totty, L.F. Cohen, G.K. Perkins, K. Kadowaki, G. Wirth, D. McK. Paul and G. Balakrishnan
Effect of columnar defects on the vortex dynamics in BSCCO 2212 single crystals
Physica C 282-287, 2187 (1997)

L.F. Cohen, A.A. Zhukov, G.K. Perkins, J. Totty, A.D. Caplin, H. Kupfer, T.H. Wolf and G. Wirth
Effect of columnar defects on the vortex dynamics in a twinned YBCO 123 crystal
Physica C 282-287, 2227 (1997)

G. Nakielski, M. Kaufmann, A. Rickertsen, M. Baumann, M. Schilling, G. Wirth, T. Amrein and J. Kötzler
Effects of columnar defects and intrinsic pinning on the Bose-glass transitions of YBa2Cu3O7 and Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 thin films
J. Alloys & Compounds 251, 138 (1997)

M. Schädel
Fission Fragment Beams in Heavy Element Research -- a Critical Perspective
In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Research with Fission Fragments, Benediktbeuern, October 2930, 1996, (Edts. T. von Egidy, F.J. Hartmann, D. Habs, K.E.G. Löbner, H. Nifenecker) World Scientfic, Singapore 1997, p.104 - 109

Pershina, V.
Electronic Structure and Chemistry of Transactinides
In: Proceedings of The Robert A. Welch Foundation 41st Conference on Chemical Research “The Transactinide Elements”
Houston, Texas, October 27-28, 1997, pp. 167-194

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M. Schädel, S. Hofmann
Prospects for the Discovery of New Elements
J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 203, 283 (1996)

Lubkiewicz, E., Wollersheim, H.J., Kulessa, R., Briançon, Ch., Brüchle, W., Constantinescu, O., Dȩbowski, M., Ditzel, E., Folger, H., Gerl, J., Hannachi, F., Happ, T., Hussonnois, M., Jäger, E., Karamian, S., Kaspar, M., Kröll, Th., Oganessian, Yu.Ts., Peter, I., Schaffner, H., Schremmer, S., Schubert, R., Trautmann, N., Vetter, K., Zauner, G.
Coulomb excitation of the Kπ=16+ rotational band in 178Hf
Zeitschrift für Physik A 355, 377-381 (1996)

D. Schumann, S. Fischer, R. Dressler, St. Taut, H. Nitsche, N. Trautmann, M. Schädel, W. Brüchle, B. Schausten, A.F. Novgorodov, R. Misiak, B. Eichler, H. Gäggeler, D. Jost, A. Türler, H. Bruchertseifer
Sorption of Subgroup IV, V and VI Elements on Ion Exchangers from HCl/HF Solutions. Model Experiments for Chemical Studies of the Element 105 and 106 in Aqueous Solution
Radiochim. Acta 72, 137 (1996)   and

Th. Blaich, J. V. Kratz, R. Schmoll, K. Sümmerer and G. Wirth
Dynamical intermediate-mass fragment production in 197Au + 197Au collisions at energies ≤15 MeV/u
Z. Phys. A - Hadrons and Nuclei 356, 49 (1996)

J. Wiesner, C. Træholt, J.-G. Wen, H.-W. Zandbergen, G. Wirth and H. Fuess
High resolution electron microscopy of heavy-ion induced defects in superconducting Bi-2212 thin films in relation to their effect on Jc
Physica C 268, 161 (1996)

H. Frank, J. Lethen, L. Buschmann, B. Decker, J. Wiesner, G. Wirth, P. Wagner, H. Adrian, P. Lemmens and G. Güntherodt
Dimensional crossover in the pinning of heavy-ion irradiated Bi-2212 films
Physica C 259, 142 (1996)

W.S. Seow, R.A. Doyle, A.M. Campbell, G. Balakrishnan, D. McK. Paul, K. Kadowaki, and G. Wirth
Influence of columnar defects on vortex dynamics in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 from out-of-plane and flux transformer transport measurements
Phys. Rev. B 53, 14611 (1996)

T. Steinborn, H. Adrian, E. Brecht, H. Fuess, M. Maul, G. Miehe, K. Petersen, M. Rodewald, M. Rao, W. W. Schmahl, C. Traeholt, J. Wiesner, G. Wirth, H. Zandbergen and J. Zegenhagen
Orientational Changes in the ab plane of YBa2Cu3O7- Films on Different Substrates
J. Appl. Cryst. 29, 125 (1996)

R.A. Doyle, W.S. Seow, Y. Yan, A.M. Campbell, T. Mochiku, K. Kadowaki, G. Wirth
Local Electrodynamics in Heavy Ion Irradiated Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ
Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 1155 (1996)

G. Nakielski, A. Rickertsen, T. Steinborn, J. Wiesner, G. Wirth, A. G.M. Jansen, J. Kötzler
Enhancement of Bose-Glass Superconductivity in YBa2Cu3O7- Thin Films
Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 2567 (1996)

H. Frank, J. Lethen, L. Buschmann, B. Decker, J. Wiesner, G. Wirth, P. Wagner, H. Adrian, P. Lemmens G. Güntherodt
Dimensional crossover in the pinning of heavy-ion irradiated Bi-2212 films
Physica C 259, 142 (1996)

Fricke, B., Sepp W.-D., Bastug, T., Varga, S., Schulze, K., Anton, J., Pershina, V.
Use of the DV-X alpha-Method in the Field of Superheavy Atoms
Adv. Quant. Chem. 28 (1997)

Fricke, B., Fritsche, S., Pershina, V.
Electronic Structure of Transactinides
In: Research with Fragments
World Scientific, Singapore, 1997, p. 267

Pershina, V. and Fricke, B.
Group 6 Dioxydichlorides MO2Cl2 (M = Cr, Mo, W, and Element 106, Sg): The Electronic Structure and Thermochemical Stability
J. Phys. Chem., 100, 8748, (1996)

Pershina, V.
Electronic Structure and Properties of the Transactinides and Their Compounds
Chem. Rev., 96, 1977-2010, (1996)

Ionova, G. V., Pershina, V., Zuraeva, I. T., Suraeva, N. I.
A new Model to Determine Sublimation Enthalpy of the 5d Elements
Russ. J. Inorg. Chem. 41, 167 (1996)

M. Schädel
Chemistry of the Transactinide Elements
In: Proceedings of the International Conference Hundred Years of Xrays and Radioactivity, RONBEC 100, (Edts. D.D. Sood, H.C. Jain, A.V.R. Reddy, K.L. Ramakumar, S.G. Kulkarni) Bhahba Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, 1996, p. 115.

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M. Schädel
Chemistry of the Transactinide Elements
Radiochimica Acta 70/71, 207 (1995)

M. Schädel, E. Jäger, W. Brüchle, K. Sümmerer, E. K. Hulet, J. F. Wild, R. W. Lougheed, R. J. Dougan, K. J. Moody
Radiochemical Search for Neutron­rich Isotopes of Nielsbohrium in the 16O + 254Es Reaction
Radiochim. Acta 68, 7 (1995)

M. Schädel, E. Jäger, E. Schimpf, W. Brüchle
Modeling a Nielsbohrium (Element 107) On­Line Gas Phase Separation Procedure with Rhenium
Radiochim. Acta 68, 1 (1995)   and

R.A. Doyle, W.S. Seow, J.D. Johnson, A.M. Campbell, P. Berghuis, R.E. Somekh, J. E. Evetts, G. Wirth, and J. Wiesner
Effect of columnar defects on the elastic behavior of vortices in YBa2Cu3O7- thin films
Phys. Rev. B 51, 12763 (1995)

L. Miu, P. Wagner, A. Hadish, F. Hillmer, H. Adrian, J. Wiesner, and G. Wirth
Bose-glass behavior of the vortex system in epitaxial Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ films with columnar defects
Phys. Rev. B 51, 3953 (1995)

Ionova, G. V., Pershina, V., Zuraeva, I. T., Suraeva, N. I.
Estimation of Trends in thermodynamic properties along the Transactinide Series: Enthalpy of Sublimation
Radiochem. 37, 282 (1995)

Ionova, G. V., Pershina, V., Zuraeva, I. T., Suraeva, N. I.
A new Model to Determine Sublimation Enthalpy of the 4d Elements
Russ. J. Inorg. Chem. 40, 1023 (1995)

Pershina, V. and Fricke, B.
Group 6 Oxychlorides MOCl4, Where M = Mo, W, and Element 106 (Sg): Electronic Structure and Thermochemical Stability
J. Phys. Chem., 99, 144, (1995)

Ionova, G. V., Pershina, V., Zuraeva, I. T., Suraeva, N. I.
A new Model to Determine Sublimation Enthalpy of the 3d Elemenets
Russ. J. Inorg. Chem. 40, 1019 (1995)

M. Schädel
Chemistry and the Single Atom
Science Spectra 1, 26-31 (1995)

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S. Hübener, B. Eichler, M. Schädel, K.E. Gregorich, D.C. Hoffman
Thermochromatographic studies of heavy actinides in metal columns Targets
J. Alloys and Compounds 213/214, 429 (1994)

W. Brüchle
A proposed separation scheme for the separation of lead from lorandite
N. Jb. Miner. Abh. 167, 421 (1994)

T. Aumann, W. Brüchle, M. Fauerbach, J. C. Hill, J. V. Kratz, M. Schädel, E. Stiel, K. Sümmerer and G. Wirth
Evidence for two-phonon giant-dipole excitation from inclusive measurements of 197Au target dissociation
Nuc. Phys. A, 569, 157 (1994)

S. Polikanov, W. Brüchle, H. Folger, E. Jäger, T. Krogulski, M. Schädel, E. Schimpf, G. Wirth, T. Aumann, J.V. Kratz, E. Stiel, N. Trautmannn
Electromagnetic and nuclear fission of 238U in the reaction of 100, 500, and 1000 A MeV 208Pb with 238U
Z. Phys. A 350, 221 (1994)

T. Aumann, W. Brüchle, M. Fauerbach, J. C. Hill, J. V. Kratz, M. Schädel, E. Stiel, K. Sümmerer, G. Wirth
Evidence for two­phonon giant­dipole excitation from inclusive measurements of 197Au target dissociation Targets
Nucl. Phys. A 569, 157c (1994)

T. Steinborn, H. Adrian, E. Brecht, H. Fuess, M. Maul, G. Miehe, K. Petersen, B. Schulte, M. Schmitt, J. Wiesner, G. Wirth et al.
External modification of twinning in YBCO thin films on different substrates
Physica C 235-240 Part 1, 673 (1994)

Frank, H., Lemmens, P., Lethen, J., Wiesner, J., Wirth, G., Wagner, P., Adrian, H., Güntherodt, G.
Pinning and irreversibility behavior in Au-irradiated Bi-2212 films
Physica C 235-240 Part 4, 2739 (1994)

J. Wiesner, H. Fueβ, G. Wirth, E. Jäger, E. Schimpf, P. Wagner, F. Hillmer and H. Adrian
Heavy-ion-induced effects on the transport critical current density in epitaxial 2212-BSCCO thin films
Physica C 235-240 Part 5, 2971 (1994)

T. Steinborn, G. Miehe, J. Wiesner, E. Brecht, H. Fuess, G. Wirth, B. Schulte, M. Speckmann, H. Adrian, M. Maul et al.
Twinning of YBa2Cu3O7 thin films on different substrates and modification by irradiation
Physica C 220, 219 (1994)

S. Behler, S.H. Pan, P. Jess, A. Baratoff, H. -J. Güntherodt, F. Lévy, G. Wirth, and J. Wiesner
Vortex Pinning in Ion-Irradiated NbSe2 Studied by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
Phys. Rev. Lett. 72, 1750 (1994)

Pershina, V., Fricke, B., Ionova, G. V.
Theoretical Study of the Physicochemical Properties of the Light Transactinides
J. Alloys & Compd. 213/214, 33 (1994)

Pershina, V., Fricke, B., Kratz, J. V., Ionova, G. V.
The electronic structure of anionic halide complexes of element 105 in aqueous solutions and anion exchange with aliphatic amines
Radiochim. Acta 64, 37 (1994)

Pershina, V. G., Fricke, B., Ionova, G. V., Johnson, E.
Thermodynamic functions of element 105 in neutral and ionized states
J. Phys. Chem. 98, 1482 (1994)

Pershina, V. and Fricke, B.
The Electronic Structure of the Group 6 Oxyanions MO42-, where M = Cr, Mo, W and Element 106
Radiochim. Acta 65, 13, (1994)

Pershina, V. and Fricke, B.
Electronic Structure and Properties of the Group 4, 5, and 6 Highest Chlorides Including Elements 104, 105, and 106
J. Phys. Chem. 98, 6468, (1994)

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A. Türler, H.W. Gäggeler, B. Eichler, D.T. Jost, J.A. Kovacs, U.W. Scherrer, B. Kadkhodayan, K.E. Gregorich, D.C. Hoffman, S.A. Kreek, D.M. Lee, M. Schädel, W. Brüchle, E. Schimpf, J.V. Kratz
On-line Gas Chemistry Experiments with Transactinide Elements
PSI-PR-93-12 (1993)

H.P. Zimmermann, M. K. Gober, J. V. Kratz, M. Schädel, W. Brüchle, E. Schimpf, K. E. Gregorich, A. Türler, K. R. Czerwinski, N.J. Hannink, B. Kadkhodayan, D.M. Lee, M. Nurmia, D.C. Hoffman, H. Gäggeler, D. Jost, J. Kovacs, U. W. Scherer, A. Weber
Chemical Properties of Element 105 in Aqueous Solution: Back Extraction from Triisooctyl Amine into
0.5 M HCl
Radiochim. Acta 60, 11 (1993)

T. Aumann, J. V. Kratz, E. Stiel, K. Sümmerer, W. Brüchle, M. Schädel, G. Wirth, M. Fauerbach, J. C. Hill
Inclusive Measurements of Electromagnetic Dissociation of 197Au Targets
Phys. Rev. C 47, 1728 (1993)

Pershina, V. and Fricke, B.
Relativistic Effects in Physics and Chemistry of Element 105
IV. Their Influence on the Electronic Structure and Related Properties

J. Chem. Phys. 99, 9720, (1993)

M. Schädel
Chemistry of the Heaviest Elements
Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Nuclei far from Stability + 9th Int. Conf. on Atomic
Masses and Fundamental Constants, BernkastelKues, 1924 July 1992, in: Inst.
Phys. Conf. Ser. No 132: Section 4, p. 413 (1993)

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W. Reisdorf, M. Schädel
How well do we understand the synthesis of heavy elements by heavy­ion induced fusion?
Z. Phys. A ­ Hadrons and Nuclei 343, 47 (1992)

A. Türler, H. W. Gäggeler, K. E. Gregorich, H. Barth, W. Brüchle, K. R. Czerwinski, M. K. Gober, N. J Hannink, R. A. Henderson, D.C. Hoffman, D.T. Jost, C. D. Kacher, B. Kadkhodayan, J. Kovacs, J. V. Kratz, S. A. Kreek, D. M. Lee, J.D. Leyba, M. J. Nurmia, M. Schädel, U. W. Scherer, E. Schimpf, D. Vermeulen, H. P. Zimmermann, I. Zvara
Gas Phase Chromatography of Halides of Elements 104 and 105
J. of Radioanal. and Nucl. Chem. 160, 327 (1992)

M. Schädel, W. Brüchle, E. Schimpf H. P. Zimmermann, M. K. Gober, J. V. Kratz, N. Trautmann H. Gäggeler, D. Jost, J. Kovacs, U. W. Scherer, A. Weber, K. E. Gregorich, A. Türler, N. J. Hannink, K. R. Czerwinski, B. Kadkhodayan, D.M. Lee, M. Nurmia, D.C. Hoffman
Chemical Properties of Element 105 in Aqueous Solution: Cation Exchange Separation with
α­Hydroxyisobutyric Acid
Radiochim. Acta 57, 85 (1992)

M. K. Gober, J. V. Kratz, H.P. Zimmermann, M. Schädel, W. Brüchle, E. Schimpf, K. E. Gregorich, A. Türler, N. J. Hannink, K. R. Czerwinski, B. Kadkhodayan, D.M. Lee, M. Nurmia, D.C. Hoffman, H. Gäggeler, D. Jost, J. Kovacs, U. W. Scherer, A. Weber
Chemical Properties of Element 105 in Aqueous Solution: Extractions into Diisobutylcarbinol
Radiochim. Acta 57, 77 (1992)

H. Gäggeler, D. Jost, J. Kovacs, U. W. Scherer, A. Weber, D. Vermeulen, Türler, K. E. Gregorich, R. A. Henderson, K. R. Czerwinski, B. Kadkhodayan, D.M. Lee, M. Nurmia, D.C. Hoffman, J. V. Kratz, M. K. Gober, H.P. Zimmermann, M. Schädel, W. Brüchle, E. Schimpf, I. Zvara
Gas Phase Chromatography Experiments with Bromides of Tantalum and Element 105
Radiochim. Acta 57, 93 (1992)

A. Türler, H. W. Gäggeler, K. E. Gregorich, H. Barth, W. Brüchle, K. R. Czerwinski, M. K. Gober, N. J Hannink, R. A. Henderson, D.C. Hoffman, D.T. Jost, C. D. Kacher, B. Kadkhodayan, J. Kovacs, J. V. Kratz, S. A. Kreek, D. M. Lee, J.D. Leyba, M. J. Nurmia, M. Schädel, U. W. Scherer, E. Schimpf, D. Vermeulen, H. P. Zimmermann, I. Zvara
Gas Phase Chromatography of Halides of Elements 104 and 105
J. of Radioanal. and Nucl. Chem. 160, 327 (1992)

W. Reisdorf, J. V. Kratz, R. Bellwied, W. Brüchle, H. Keller, K. Lützenkirchen, M. Schädel, K. Sümmerer, G. Wirth
Competition between Binary Reactions and Fusion in Heavy­Ion Collisions at the Coulomb Barrier
Z. Phys. A ­ Hadrons and Nuclei 342, 411 (1992)

J. V. Kratz, M. K. Gober, H.P. Zimmermann, M. Schädel, W. Brüchle, E. Schimpf, K. E. Gregorich, A. Türler, N. J. Hannink, K. R. Czerwinski, B. Kadkhodayan, D.M. Lee, M. Nurmia, D.C. Hoffman, H. Gäggeler, D. Jost, U. W. Scherer, A. Weber
The New Nuclide 263Ha
Phys. Rev. C 45, 1064 (1992)

G. V. Ionova, V. Pershina, E Johnson, B. Fricke, M. Schädel
Redox Reactions for Group 5 Elements, Including Element 105, in Aqueous Solution
J. Phys. Chem. 96, 11096 (1992)

Pershina, V., Sepp, W.-D., Bastug, T., Fricke, B., Ionova, G. V.
Relativistic Effects in Physics and Chemistry of Element 105
III. Electronic Structure of Hahnium Oxyhalides as Analogs of Group 5 Elements Oxyhalides
J. Chem. Phys. 97, 1123, (1992)

V. Pershina, W.­D. Sepp, B. Fricke, D. Kolb, M. Schädel, G.V. Ionova
Relativistic Effects in Physics and Chemistry of Element 105
II. Electronic Structure and Properties of Group 5 Elements Bromides

J. Chem. Phys. 97, 1116 (1992)

Pershina, V., Sepp, W.-D., Fricke, B., Rosen, A.
Relativistic Effects in Physics and Chemistry of Element 105
I. Periodicities in Properties of Group 5 Elements. Electronic Structure of the Pentachlorides

J. Chem. Phys. 96, 8367 (1992)

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G. Wirth, F. Funke, W. Brüchle, Wo. Fan, J. V. Kratz, K. Sümmerer, N. Trautmann
One-neutron transfer in 238U + 197Au collisions
Phys. Letters B, 253, 28 (1991)

F. Funke, J. V. Kratz, N. Trautmann, N. Wiehl, G. Wirth, W. Brüchle, Fan Wo and K. Sümmerer
Cross sections for nuclear reactions in collisions of 238U + 238U and 238U + 197Au near and below the coulomb barrier
Z. Phys. A - Hadrons and Nuclei 340, 303 (1991)

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G. Herrmann
Five Decades Ago: From the "Transuranics" to Nuclear Fission
Ang. Chem. Int. Ed. 29, 481 (1990)

S. Polikanov, C.S. Sastri, G. Herrmann, K. Lützenkirchen, M. Overbeck, N. Trautmann, A. Breskin, R. Chechik and Z. Fraenkel
Search for supermassive nuclei in nature
Z. Phys. A 338, 357 (1991)      and
GSI-Preprint 90-68, Nov. 1990

U.W. Scherer, W. Brüchle, M. Brügger, C. Frink, H. Gäggeler, G. Herrmann, J. V. Kratz, K. J. Moody, M. Schädel, K. Sümmerer, N. Trautmann, G. Wirth
Reactions of 40Ar with 233U, 235U, and 238U at the Barrier
Z. Phys. A 335, 421 (1990)

K. Sümmerer, W. Brüchle, D.J. Morrisey, M. Schädel, B.Szweryn, W. Yang
Target Fragmentation of Au and Th by 2.6 GeV Protons
Phys. Rev. C 42, 2546 (1990)

M. Overbeck, A. Breskin, M. Brügger, R. Chechik, Z. Fraenkel, G. Herrmann, K. Lützenkirchen, S. Polikanov, N. Trautmann, Th. Wilpert
A heavy-ion identification system for the detection of rare events
Nucl. Inst. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A 288, 413 (1990)
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G. Herrmann
Transuranium Elements in Nature
Proceedings of "The Robert A. Welch Foundation Conference on Chemical Research";
XXXIV Fifty Years with Transuranium Elements, Oct. 22-23, 1990, Houston, Texas

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F.P. Hessberger, H. W. Gäggeler, P. Armbruster, W. Brüchle, H. Folger, S. Hofmann, D.T. Jost, J.V. Kratz, M.E. Leino, G. Münzenberg, V. Ninov, M. Schädel, U.W.Scherer, K. Sümmerer, A. Türler, D. Ackermann
The New Nuclide 225U
Z. Phys. A ­ Atomic Nuclei 333, 111 (1989)

J. V. Kratz, H.P. Zimmermann, U.W. Scherer, M. Schädel, W. Brüchle, K. E. Gregorich, C.M. Gannett, H. Hall, R.A. Henderson, D.M. Lee, J.D. Leyba, M. Nurmia, D.C. Hoffman, H. Gäggeler, D. Jost, U. Baltensperger, Ya Nai­Qi, A. Türler, Ch. Lienert
Chemical Properties of Element 105 in Aqueous Solutions: Halide Complex Formation and Ion Exchange into Triisooctyl Amine
Radiochim. Acta 48, 121 (1989)

H.W. Gäggeler, D.T. Jost, U. Baltensperger, Ya Nai-Qi, K.E. Gregorich, C.M. Gannett, H.L. Hall, R.A. Henderson, D.M. Lee, J.D. Li, M.J. Nurmia, D.C. Hoffman, A. Türler, Ch. Lienert, M. Schädel, W. Brüchle, J.V. Kratz, H.P. Zimmermann, U.W. Scherer
First Results from Gaschemistry Experiments with Hahnium
Report Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, PSI-49 (1989)

M. Schädel, W. Brüchle, E. Jäger, E. Schimpf, J.V. Kratz, U.W. Scherer, H.P. Zimmermann
ARCA II ­ A New Apparatus for Fast, Repetitive HPLC Separations
Radiochim. Acta 48, 171 (1989)

B.Szweryn, W. Brüchle, B. Schausten, M. Schädel
Radiochemical Separations of Target­like Reaction Products from Au­, Pt­, and Th­Targets after Irradiation with GeV Protons
Radiochim. Acta 47, 33 (1989)  and
GSI-Preprint 88-48

M. Brügger et al.
Search for strange matter by Rutherford backscattering
Nature 337, 434 (1989)

H. Gäggeler, D. Jost, A. Türler, P. Armbruster, W. Brüchle, H. Folger, F.P. Hessberger, S. Hofmann, G. Münzenberg, V. Ninov, W. Reisdorf, M. Schädel, K. Sümmerer, J. V. Kratz, U.W. Scherer, M.E. Leino
Cold Fusion Reactions with 48Ca
Nucl. Phys. A 502, 561c (1989)

E. K. Hulet, J. F. Wild, R. J. Dougan, R. W. Lougheed, J. H. Landrum, A. D. Dougan, P. A. Baisden, C. M. Henderson, R. J. Dupzyk, R. L. Hahn, M. Schädel, K. Sümmerer, G. Bethune
Spontaneous Fission Properties of 258Fm, 259Md, 260Md, 260(104): Bimodal Fission
Phys. Rev. C 40, 770 (1989)

M. Schädel
Radiochemical Studies of the Transactinide Elements
Proceedings of the International SchoolSeminar on Heavy Ion Physics, Dubna,
3.12. October 1989, and Preprint GSI8972 (1989)

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G. Herrmann
Synthesis of the Heaviest Chemical Elements - Results and Perspectives
Ang. Chem. Int. Ed. 27, 1417 (1988)

A. Türler, H. W. Gäggeler, D. T. Jost, P. Armbruster, W. Brüchle, H. Folger, F. P. Hessberger, S. Hofmann, G. Münzenberg, V. Ninov, M. Schädel, K. Sümmerer, J. V. Kratz, U. W. Scherer
Determination of the Partial Electron Capture­ and Spontaneous­Fission Half­Lives of 254No
Z. Phys. A ­ Atomic Nuclei 331, 363 (1988)

U. W. Scherer, J. V. Kratz, M. Schädel, W. Brüchle, K. E. Gregorich, R. Henderson, D. Lee, M. Nurmia, D. C. Hoffman
Lawrencium Chemistry: No Evidence for Oxidation States Lower than 3+ in Aqueous Solution
Inorg. Chim. Acta 146, 249 (1988)

W. Brüchle, M. Schädel, U. W. Scherer, J. V. Kratz, K. E. Gregorich, D. Lee, M. Nurmia, K. E. Gregorich, R. Henderson, R. Chasteler, H. Hall, D. C. Hoffman
The Hydration Enthalpies of Md(3+) and Lr(3+)
Anorg. Chim. Acta 146, 267 (1988)

D. T. Jost, H. W. Gäggeler, Ch. Vogel, M. Schädel, E. Jäger, B. Eichler, K. E. Gregorich, D. C. Hoffman
Search for Lawrencium as a p­Element Using Gaschromatography Techniques
Inorg. Chim. Acta 146, 255 (1988)

M. Schädel, W. Brüchle, B. Haefner
Fast Radiochemical Separations with an Automated Rapid Chemistry Apparatus
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A 264, 308 (1988)

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N. Hildebrand, C. Frink, N. Greulich, U. Hickmann, J.V. Kratz, N. Trautmann, G. Herrmann, M. Brügger, H. Gäggeler, K. Sümmerer, G. Wirth
A cryosystem for the detection of alpha and spontaneous-fission activities in volatile species
Nucl. Inst. & Meth. in Phys. Res. A 260, 407 (1987)

H. Keller, R. Bellwied, K. Lützenkirchen, J. V. Kratz, W. Brüchle, H. Gäggeler, K. J. Moody, M. Schädel, G. Wirth
Unusual Excitation­Energy Division in Quasi­Fission Reactions between 50Ti, 54Cr and 58Fe with 207,208Pb at the Barrier
Z. Phys. A ­ Atomic Nuclei 328, 255 (1987)

H. Keller, K. Lützenkirchen, J. V. Kratz, G. Wirth, W. Brüchle and K. Sümmerer
Evidence for quasi-fission in 40Ar + 208Pb collisions near the coulomb-barrier 
Z. Phys. A, 326, 313 (1987)

G. Wirth, W. Brüchle, Fan Wo, K. Sümmerer, F. Funke, J. V. Kratz, N. Trautmann and V. E. Oberacker
Fission in 238U + 238U collisions below the Coulomb barrier
Z. Phys. A, 330, 87 (1987)

K. J. Moody, W. Brüchle, M. Brügger, H. Gäggeler, B. Haefner, M. Schädel, K. Sümmerer, H. Tetzlaff, G. Herrmann, N. Kafferell, J. V. Kratz, J. Rogowski, N. Trautmann, M. Skalberg, G. Skarnemark, J. Alstad, M. M. Fowler
New Nuclides: Neptunium­243 and Neptunium­244
Z. Phys. A ­ Atomic Nuclei 328, 417 (1987)

A. Türler, H. W. Gäggeler, D. T. Jost, P. Armbruster, W. Brüchle, H. Folger, F. P. Heßberger, S. Hofmann, G. Münzenberg, V. Ninov, M. Schädel, K. Sümmerer, J. V. Kratz and U. Scherer
Determination of the partial electron capture- and spontaneous-fission half-lives of 254No
Z. Phys. A, 331, 363 (1987)

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H. Tetzlaff, G. Herrmann, N. Kaffrell, J. V. Kratz, J. Rogowski, N. Trautmann, M. Skalberg, G. Skarnemark, J. Alstad, M. M. Fowler, K. J. Moody, W. Brüchle, H. Gäggeler, M. Schädel, K. Sümmerer
Continuous Separation and Identification of Neutron­Rich Neptunium Isotopes from Heavy­Ion Reactions by Means of the Centrifuge 'SISAK'
Journal of the Less­Common Metals 122, 441 (1986)

J.V. Kratz, W. Brüchle, H. Folger, H. Gäggeler, M. Schädel, K. Sümmerer, G. Wirth, N. Greulich, G. Herrmann, U. Hickmann, P. Peuser, N. Trautmann, E. K. Hulet, R. W. Lougheed, J. M. Nitschke, R. L. Ferguson, R. L. Hahn
Search for Superheavy Elements in Damped Collisions between 238U and 248Cm
Phys. Rev. C 33, 504 (1986)

W. Brüchle, Y. K. Agarwal, P. Armbruster, M. Brügger, J. P. Dufour, H. Gäggeler, F. P. Hessberger, S. Hofmann, P. Lemmertz, G. Münzenberg, K. Poppensieker, W. Reisdorf, M. Schädel, K.­H. Schmidt, J. H. R. Schneider, W. F. W. Schneider, K. Sümmerer, D. Vermeulen, G. Wirth, A. Ghiorso, K. E. Gregorich, D. Lee, M. Leino, K. J. Moody, G. T. Seaborg, R. B. Welch, P. Wilmarth, S. Yashita, C. Frink, N. Greulich, G. Herrmann, U. Hickmann, N. Hildebrand, J. V. Kratz, N. Trautmann, M. M. Fowler, D. C. Hoffman, W. R. Daniels, H. R. von Gunten, H. Dornhöfer
Attempts to Produce Superheavy Elements by Fusion of 48Ca with 248Cm in the Bombarding Energy Range of 4.5­5.2 MeV/u
Journal of the Less­Common Metals 122, 425 (1986)

K. Lützenkirchen, J. V. Kratz, G. Wirth, W. Brüchle and, K. Sümmerer, R. Lucas, J. Poitou and, C. Grégoire
Angular distributions in quasi-fission reactions
Nuclear Physics A 452, 351 (1986) and
GSI-Preprint 85-52, Oct. 1985

G. Wirth, W. Brüchle, M. Brügger, Fan Wo, K. Sümmerer, F. Funke, J. V. Kratz, M. Lerch and, N. Trautmann
Sub-Coulomb transfer in 238U + 238U collisions
Phys. Lett. B 177, 282 (1986) and
GSI-Preprint 85-64, Dec. 1985

H. Gäggeler, Th. Blaich, W. Brüchle, M. Brügger, W. R. Daniels, M. M. Fowler, K. E. Gregorich, H. R. von Gunten, G. Herrmann, N. Hildebrand, D. C. Hoffman, J. V. Kratz, D. Lee, M. Lerch, K. J. Moody, M. Schädel, G. T. Seaborg, K. Sümmerer, N. Trautmann, R. Welch, G. Wirth
Actinide Yields from the Reactions 40Ca and 48Ca on 248Cm
Journal of the Less­Common Metals 122, 433 (1986)

M. Schädel, W. Brüchle, M. Brügger, H. Gäggeler, K. J. Moody, D. Schardt, K. Sümmerer, E. K. Hulet, A. D. Dougan, R.J. Dougan, J.H. Landrum, R. W. Lougheed, J. F. Wild, G. D. O'Kelley, R.L. Hahn
Heavy Isotope Production by Multinucleon Transfer Reactions with 254Es
Journal of the Less­Common Metals 122, 411 (1986)

H. Gäggeler, W. Brüchle, M. Brügger, M. Schädel, K. Sümmerer, G. Wirth, J. V. Kratz, M. Lerch, Th. Blaich, G. Herrmann, N. Hildebrand, N. Trautmann, D. Lee, K. J. Moody, K. E. Gregorich, R. B. Welch, G. T. Seaborg, D. C. Hoffman, W. R. Daniels, M. M. Fowler, H. R. von Gunten
Production of Cold Target­Like Fragments in the Reaction of 48Ca + 248Cm
Phys. Rev. C 33, 1983 (1986)

M. Schädel, W. Brüchle, M. Brügger, H. Gäggeler, K. J. Moody, D. Schardt, K. Sümmerer, E. K. Hulet, A. D. Dougan, R.J. Dougan, J. H. Landrum, R. W. Lougheed, J. F. Wild, G. D. O'Kelley
Transfer Cross Sections from Reactions with 254Es as a Target
Phys. Rev. C 33, 1547 (1986)

E. K. Hulet, J. F. Wild, R. J. Dougan, R. W. Lougheed, J. H. Landrum, A. D. Dougan, M. Schädel, R. L. Hahn, P. A. Baisden, C. M. Henderson, R. J. Dupzyk, K. Sümmerer, G. Bethune
Bimodal Symmetric Fission Observed in the Heaviest Elements
Journal of the Less­Common Metals 122, 469 (1986)

E. K. Hulet, J. F. Wild, R. J. Dougan, R. W. Lougheed, J. H. Landrum, A. D. Dougan, M. Schädel, R. L. Hahn, P. A. Baisden, C. M. Henderson, R. J. Dupzyk, K. Sümmerer, G. Bethune
Bimodal Symmetric Fission Observed in the Heaviest Elements
Phys. Rev. Letters 56, 313 (1986)

G. Herrmann
Recent Developments in Rapid Radiochemical Separations
International School Seminar on Heavy Ion Physics, Dubna, Sept. 23-30, 1986
GSI-Preprint 86-53, Dec. 1986

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G. Herrmann
Superheavy Elements
GSI-Preprint 85-10, Feb. 1985

H. Gäggeler, H. Dornhöfer, W.D. Schmidt-Ott, N. Greulich, B. Eichler
Determination of Adsorption Enthalpies for Polonium on Surfaces of Copper, Silver, Gold, Palladium and Platinum
Radiochimica Acta 38, 103 (1985)

P. Peuser, U. Tharun, H.J. Keim, N. Trautmann, G. Herrmann, G. Wirth
A low background detection system for fragments and neutrons from spontaneous fission sources
Nucl. Inst. & Meth. in Phys. Res. A 239, 529 (1985)

R.W. Lougheed, J.H. Landrum, E.K. Hulet, J.F. Wild, R.J. Dougan, A.D. Dougan, H. Gäggeler, M. Schädel, K.J. Moody, K.E. Gregorich, G.T. Seaborg
A Search for Superheavy Elements Using the 48Ca + 254Es Reaction
Phys. Rev. C 32, 1760 (1985)

P. Armbruster, Y.K. Agarwal, W. Brüchle, M. Brügger, J.P. Dufour, H. Gäggeler, F.P. Hessberger, S. Hofmann, P. Lemmertz, G. Münzenberg, K. Poppensieker, W. Reisdorf, M. Schädel, K.­H. Schmidt, J.H.R. Schneider, W.F.W. Schneider, K. Sümmerer, D. Vermeulen, G. Wirth, A. Ghiorso, K.E. Gregorich, D. Lee, M. Leino, K.J. Moody, G.T. Seaborg, R.B. Welch, P. Wilmarth, S. Yashita, C. Frink, N. Greulich, G. Herrmann, U. Hickmann, N. Hildebrand, J.V. Kratz, N. Trautmann, M.M. Fowler, D.C. Hoffman, W.R. Daniels, H.R. von Gunten, H. Dornhöfer
Attempts to Produce Superheavy Elements by Fusion of 48Ca with 248Cm in the Bombarding Energy Range of 4.5­5.2 MeV/u
Phys. Rev. Letters 54, 406 (1985)

D. C. Hoffmann, M. M. Fowler, W. R. Daniels, H. R. von Gunten, Diana Lee, K. J. Moody, K. Gregorich, R. Welch, G. T. Seaborg, W. Brüchle, M. Brügger, H. Gäggeler, M. Schädel, K. Sümmerer, G. Wirth, Th. Blaich, G. Herrmann, N. Hildebrand, J. V. Kratz, M. Lerch, N. Trautmann
Excitation Functions for the Production of Heavy Actinides from Interactions of 40Ca and 48Ca Ions with 248Cm
Phys. Rev. C 31, 1763 (1985)

W. Reisdorf, F.P. Hessberger, K.D. Hildenbrand, S. Hofmann, G. Münzenberg, K.-H. Schmidt, J.H.R. Schneider, W.F.W. Schneider, K. Sümmerer, G. Wirth
Fusion near the threshold: A comparative study of the systems 40Ar + 112,116,122Sn and
Ar + 144,148,154Sm
Nucl. Phys. A 438, 212 (1985)

M. Schädel, W. Brüchle, M. Brügger, H. Gäggeler, K.J. Moody, D. Schardt, K. Sümmerer, E.K. Hulet, A.D. Dougan, R.J. Dougan, J.H. Landrum. R.W. Lougheed, j.F. Wild, G.D. O'Kelley
High Transfer Cross Sections from Reactions with 254Es
GSI-Preprint 85-30, Aug. 1985

Hulet, E.K., Wild, J.F., Dougan, R.J., Lougheed, R.W., Landrum, J.H., Dougan, A.D., Schädel, M., Hahn, R.L., Baisden, P.A., Henderson, C.M., Dupzyk, R.J., Summerer, K., Bethune, G.
Journal of the less-common metals, 122, 469-474 (1985)

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K. Lützenkirchen, J. V. Kratz, W. Brüchle, H. Gäggeler, K. Sümmerer, G. Wirth
Fusion-Fission in the Reaction 76Ge + 170Er
Z. Phys. A, 317, 55 (1984)

H. Gäggeler, T. Sikkeland, G. Wirth, W. Brüchle, W. Bögl, G. Franz, G. Herrmann, J. V. Kratz, M. Schädel, K. Sümmerer, W. Weber
Probing Sub­-Barrier Fusion and Extra­Push by Measuring Fermium Evaporation Residues in Different Heavy Ion Reactions
Z. Phys. A 316, 291 (1984)

K. Sümmerer, W. Brüchle, M. Brügger, H. Gäggeler, M. Schädel, D. Schardt, G. Wirth, C. Frink, N. Greulich, G. Herrmann, N. Hildebrand, U. Hickmann, J.V. Kratz, P. Peuser, N. Trautmann, A. Ghiorso, K.E. Gregorich, D. Lee, K.J. Moody, G.T. Seaborg, R.B. Welch, P. Wilmarth, E.K. Hulet, A.D. Dougan, J.H. Landrum, R.W. Lougheed, J.F. Wild, W.R. Daniels, M. Fowler, D.C. Hoffman, R.L. Hahn, R.c. Ferguson, D. O'Kelley, H.R. von Gunten, H. Dornhöfer
New Developments in the Application of Gas-Jet and On-Line Chemistry to Heavy Ion Reactions with Exotic Targets
Contribution to the XXI Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, 23-28 Jan. 1983, Bormio, Italy
GSI-Preprint 84-17, March 1984

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H. Gäggeler, H.R. von Gunten, E. Rössler, H. Oeschger, U. Schotterer
210Pb-Dating of Cold Alpine Firn/Ice Cores from Colle Gnifetti, Switzerland
J. of Glaciology, 29, 165 (1983)

J.V. Kratz
The Search for Superheavy Elements
Radiochimica Acta 32, 25 (1983)

H. Gäggeler, W. Brüchle, M. Brügger, M. Schädel, K. Sümmerer, G. Wirth, A. Ghiorso, K.E. Gregorich, D. Lee, K.J. Moody, G.T. Seaborg, R.B. Welch, P. Wilmarth, G. Herrmann, J.V. Kratz, N. Trautmann, N. Hildebrand, U. Hickmann, C. Frink, N. Greulich, D.C. Hoffman, M. Fowler, H.R. von Gunten
Recent Attempts to produce Superheavy Elements by the 48Ca + 248Cm Reaction
Contribution to the XXI. Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, 24-28 Jan. 1983, Bormio, Italy
GSI-Preprint 83-9, March 1983

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G. Herrmann and N. Trautmann
Rapid Chemical Methods for Identification and Study of Short-Lived Nuclides
Ann. Rev, Nucl. Part. Sci. 32, 117 (1982)

W. Fan and H. Gäggeler
Thermochromatography of Carrier-free Lead in Quartz Columns with Hydrogen and Argon as Carrier Gases
Radiochimica Acta 31, 95 (1982)

Y. Laichter, H. Geissel, M. Schädel, P. Armbruster
Range Profiles for (0.15­10)­MeV/u Uranium Ions in Solids
Phys. Rev. A 26, 1915 (1982)

R.W. Lougheed, E.K. Hulet, R.L. Landingham, J.M. Nitschke, H. Folger, J.V. Kratz, W. Brüchle, H. Gäggeler
The Preparation of Curium Metal Targets for the Synthesis of Superheavy Elements
Nucl. Instr. and Methods 200, (1982)

W. Reisdorf, F.P. Hessberger, K.D. Hildenbrand, S. Hofmann, G. Münzenberg, K.-H. Schmidt, J.H.R. Schneider, W.F.W. Schneider, K. Sümmerer, G. Wirth, J.V. Kratz, K. Schlitt
Influence of Collective Surface Motion on the Threshold Behavior of Nuclear Fusion
Phys. Rev. Letters 49, 1811 (1982)

M. Schädel, W. Brüchle, H. Gäggeler, J. V. Kratz, K. Sümmerer, G. Wirth, G. Herrmann, R. Stakemann, G. Tittel, N. Trautmann, J. M. Nitschke, E. K. Hulet, R. W. Lougheed, R. L. Hahn, R. L. Ferguson
Actinide Production in Collisions of 238U with 248Cm
Phys. Rev. Letters 48, 852 (1982)

W. Brüchle and G. Herrmann
Decay Properties of Neutron-Rich Silver Isotopes
Radiochimica Acta 30, 1 (1982)

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H. Gäggeler, W. Brüchle, J. V. Kratz, M. Schädel, K. Sümmerer, W. Weber, G. Wirth, G. Herrmannn
A Rotating Wheel System For the Detection of Spontaneously Fissioning Nuclides from Heavy Ion Reactions
Nucl. Instr. and Methods 188, 367 (1981)

E. K. Hulet, R. W. Lougheed, J. M. Nitschke, R. L. Hahn, R. L. Ferguson, W. Brüchle, J. V. Kratz, M. Schädel, G. Wirth, G. Herrmann, G. Tittel, N. Trautmann
Recent Searches for Superheavy Elements in Deep­Inelastic Reactions
Pure Appl. Chem. 53, 965 (1981)

T. Lund, D. Hirdes, H. Jungclas, D. Molzahn, P. Vater, R. Brandt, P. Lemmertz, R. Faß, H. Wollnik and H. Gäggeler
Search for production of superheavy elements via “fusion after instantaneous fission” in the reaction 238U + 208Pb
Z. Phys. A, 303, 115 (1981)

H. Gäggeler, M. Schädel, W. Brüchle, J.V. Kratz, K. Sümmerer, G. Wirth, N. Trautmann, P. Peuser, G. Tittel, R. Stakemann, G. Herrmann, E.K. Hulet, R.W. Lougheed, J.M. Nitschke, R.L. Hahn, R.L. Ferguson
Heavy Actinide Production in the Reactions of 238U + 238U and 238U + 248Cm
44th International Conference on Nuclei far from Stability, CERN, Geneve, Switzerland, 1981

J. Poitou, J.V. Kratz, G. Wirth, R. Lucas
On the reconstruction of primary mass and charge distributions from measured secondary quantities in damped heavy-ion collisions
Nuclear Instruments and Methods 180, 221 (1981) and
GSI-Preprint 80-21 Sept. 1980

J.V. Kratz, J. Poitou, W. Brüchle, H. Gäggeler, M. Schädel, G. Wirth, R. Lucas
Primary Mass- and Charge-Distributions in the Reaction of 900 MeV 132Xe-Ions with 197Au
Nucl. Phys. A 357, 437 (1981) and
GSI-Preprint 80-22, Sept. 1980

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U. Hickmann, N. Greulich, N. Trautmann, H. Gäggeler, H. Gäggeler-Koch, B. Eichler, G. Herrmann
Rapid continous radiochemical separations by thermochromatography in connection with a gas-jet recoil-transport system
Nucl. Instr. and Methods 174, 507 (1980)

R.G. Stokstad, W. Reisdorf, K.H. Hildenbrand, J.V. Kratz, G. Wirth, R. Lucas, J. Poitou
The Sub-Barrier fusion of 40Ar with 144,148,154Sm
Z. Phys. A 295, 269 (1980)  and
GSI-Preprint 80-3, Feb. 1980

J. V. Kratz, W. Brüchle, H. Gäggeler, M. Schädel, K. Sümmerer, G. Wirth
Fast A/Z Equilibration and Correlated Nucleon Exchange in Damped Collisions of 56Fe Ions with 209Bi
Z. Physik A 296, 141 (1980)

J.V. Kratz
Search for Surviving Actinides and Superheavy Nuclei in Damped Collisions of 288U with 238U and 248Cm
GSI-Report 80-1, March 1980

H. Gäggeler, N. Trautmann, W. Brüchle, G. Herrmann, J. V. Kratz, P. Peuser, M. Schädel, G. Tittel, G. Wirth, H. Ahrens, H. Folger, G. Franz, K. Sümmerer, M. Zendel
Search for Superheavy Elements in the 238U + 238U Reaction
Phys. Rev. Letters 45, 1824 (1980)

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1979 -

B. Eichler, H. Gäggeler-Koch, H. Gäggeler
Thermochromatography of Carrier-free Elements: Polonium in Copper Colums
Radiochimica Acta 26, 193 (1979)

H. Gäggeler, A.S. Iljinov, G.S. Popeko, W. Seidel, G.M. Ter-Akopian, and S.P. Tretyakova
A Study of Fusion Reactions Between 206,207Pb Nuclei and 40Ar Ions Near the Coulomb Barrier
Z. Physik A 289, 415 (1979)

J. V. Kratz, W. Brüchle, G. Franz, M. Schädel, I. Warnecke, G. Wirth, M. Weis
Study of the N/Z Ratios of the Light and Heavy Fragments from Collisions of 129Xe, 132Xe and 136Xe with 197Au near the Interaction Barrier
Nucl. Phys. A 332, 477 (1979)

J. Poitou, R. Lucas, J. V. Kratz, W. Brüchle, H. Gäggeler, M. Schädel, G. Wirth
Second Moments of the N/Z­Distributions in Damped Collisions of 132Xe with 197Au
Phys. Letters B 88, 69 (1979)

R. Lucas, J. Poitou, J. V. Kratz and G. Wirth
Study of the heavy products from 84Kr+238U collisions at 522 MeV
Z. Physik A 290, 327 (1979)

G. Franz, J. V. Kratz, W. Brüchle, H. Folger and B. Haefner
Sub-Coulomb transfer and fission in collisions of 129Xe, 132Xe and 136Xe with 238U
Z. Phys. A 291, 167 (1979)

G. Wirth, W. Brüchle, H. Gäggeler, J. V. Kratz, M. Schädel, I. Warnecke, G. Herrmann, M. Weis, R. Lucas, J. Poitou
Correlations between Masses and Charges in Damped Collisions of Xe + Au
Contribution to the International Workshop VII on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations, Hirschegg, Austria, 15-27 Jan. 1979

Schädel, M., Brüchle, W., Trautmann, N., et al.
Separation of actinides by high-pressure liquid-chromatography and determination of their production cross-sections in reactions of Xe-136 + U-238 and U-238 + U-238
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 176, 71-71, 1978

J. V. Kratz, H. Ahrens, W. Brüchle, H. Gäggeler, M. Schädel, I. Warnecke, G. Wirth, G. Herrmann, N. Trautmann, M. Weis
Evidence for Strong Correlations between Proton- and Neutron-Exchanges in Damped Collisions of 129,132,136Xe + Au and 238U + 238U
Proceedings of the International Conference on Dynamical Properties of Heavy-Ion Reactions, Johannesburg, 1978, p. 17

M. Schädel, W. Brüchle, B. Haefner, J. V. Kratz, W. Schorstein, N. Trautmann, G. Herrmann
Chemical Separations of Actinide Elements from Heavy­Ion Irradiated Targets
Radiochim. Acta 25, 111 (1978)

J. V. Kratz
Gibt es superschwere Elemente?
Physik und Didaktik, 2, 137 (1978)

M. Schädel, J. V. Kratz, H. Ahrens, W. Brüchle, G. Franz, H. Gäggeler, I. Warnecke, G. Wirth, G. Herrmann, N. Trautmann, M. Weis
Isotope Distributions in the Reaction of 238U with 238U

Phys. Rev. Letters 41, 469 (1978)

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Fast Separation of Lanthanides by High Pressure Liquid Chromatography
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